Nothing to do with genetics though. We need to descriminate against whites more.
Nothing to do with genetics though. We need to descriminate against whites more
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Blacks are celebrating this all over twitter as the final key to the justification of racism against whites.
>hi I am a statistical retard that will only look at the fake SES stat without taking IQ into account
w e w
>I was born rich and privileged but some other white guy with the same background makes slightly more money! see, white privilege!
This is such retarded shit. I was born to 2 drug addicted, poor, and abusive parents. And these niggers on twitter are gonna tell me I have "White privilege" over any other race, When there's black kids born to doctors and lawyers.
Never ever? What about LeBron James, he's pretty rich.
More government power will fix this injustice fo sho... please take my guns now.
This is why refusing to recognize race realism, for the fear of being called racist, only means surrendering to the arguments and demands of sjw on racial inequalities, ultimately causing real racial discriminations against whites.
And yet the liberalists sided so much with the sjw on that, to the point they used doxing, intimidations and deplatforming.
To be honest, the fact that statistics like this can be widely published as major news and not one academic speaks up about the denetic argument just shows it’s too late. Academia has become a vassal of judeo-globalist politics. The only time I’ve seen the race denialist academic establishment flip on the issue was when they all weighed in to praise Nathan Cofnas’ refutation of culture of critique, which basically amounts to “Jews are just smarter goy, bad luck”. After 50 years of race denial the moment jews need race realism the very same names suddenly change their entire position, it will be forgotten and back to normal after though when anyone brings up blacks.
Didn't you guys just have a black President? Like, just a few years ago? For two terms?
The oppression has been going on since before America started. I'll bet if you look real hard you can find white dinosaurs keeping the dark brothers down.
Is the saqme true for black girls and white women or even black boys and white women ?? Ask these questions immediatly when you hear theses (((studies))) to divide and conquer.
Just dont be a nigger.
Same background how is that even possible?
Most white kids grow up with involved fathers.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc. These studies didn’t investigate why this was happening.
Liberals need to be gassed.
Well it’s OBVIOUSLY systematic oppression. You know there’s no other data to explain this and if you point to the data your life is over. Peer review is a great system for empirical study, particularly in societies where science which goes against the ‘social good’ results in shunning and violence.
>what is confirmation bias
And the big problem is, it's only the boys, not the girls. Ergo, not racial.
Anyone know if they weighed their findings against population percentages?
fiscal impact of whites, blacks, and hispanics on US budget
Whites $553.52 billion
White Per Capita $2,795
Blacks -$389.71 billion
Black Per Capita -$10,016
Hispanics -$411.95 billion
Hispanic Per Capita -$7,298
Spread this
Genetic traits expression trend differently between sexes. It can still be racial/genetic it just happens that black genes in males have more of a negative effect on success in our society than in the females. More likely they just did the study in males because black high time preference and aggression in males is the elephant in the room that the establishment is always trying to find an excuse for.
Now do a regression analysis and control for average IQ and so on... You will probably see that black boys earn more then (because of affirmative action).
It shows theres almost no difference between girls.
im a brainlet can someone explain this one
When did niggers get so.... soft?
Niggers used to rap about hard life now they are acting uppity.
Let me guess, the study doesn’t take a look at things like drive or having both parents in the household?
Literally not true and a blatant lie. I have worked with black colleges who have made more than I have with similar back grounds and job experience.
In what fields? , knowing the IQ discrepancy it's reality, for example, blacks rarely do well in university/college in this country compared to Whites or Asians.
>in this country
So any country that doesn't endorse outright white genocide?
Would've expected a Britbong to be a tad more opened-eyed than this.
I have a feeling they're not taking population % into account for maximum outrage. There are more poor whites than blacks in their entirety, and even a moderately-high income earning black would outperform the lot of them in that respect.
And of course that black that earns more than the huge swath of poor whites is himself a minority compared to rich whites, who are again a minority among themselves.
Idk seems to me that welfare killed the black middle class, and they expect promotions after abandoning their posts.
Poor black people, they just suffer endlessly under whites, surely they must really want nothing more than to get away from them, right?
Oh wait
Ever heard of averages retard? Your one anecdote proves nothing when we’ve got the data.
It’s pretty simple guys, but I know you’re mouthbreathers so I’ll lay it out for you:
Take two kids, one black,one white, give them the same socioeconomic starts, the same education quality, the same parental quality, and the white one earns more. Why? If EVERYTHING else is the same except that one is black and one is white, why is data showing that the black child will earn less? Because there is a SYSTEMIC bias against black people in this country, the systemic bias is what causes blacks to do worse than whites when ALL FACTORS ARE CONTROLLED FOR. The data is out, the jury is in, and this latest data puts to numbers what People Of Color have been telling us for decades, that there is bias against them. Hopefully now that white people have the data to back up what people of color have been telling us for decades, they’ll act on it and work to dismantle that bias so we’re all on an even footing. I seriously doubt it though, because most white people are conservatives, and conservatism by definition is about conserving the current order, so conservatives want to conserve the current order (which is systemic bias against blacks).
Do you see now why we say that ALL black people are disadvantaged by our current system? Do you finally understand?
Holy fuck right wingers BTFO
>So any country that doesn't endorse outright white genocide?
I'm not sure what you're getting at here
Are you saying i was replying to a bait post or what?
I was genuinely just interested in what field he was working.
So much bias, that there's programs galore there to stop that
For example - Democrats are brain damaged.
because iq nigger
>”all factors controlled for”
>completely different genetics
Pick one
the system that's biased against black people is genetics
Lol, right wingers are so fucking blinded by their unearned power and authority and privilege within society, that rather than admitting that all the data unquestionably proves systemic bias against black and brown people, they’d rather dig up hundred year old, conspiratorial, pseudoscientific, completely debunked racial science that’s straight out of a Nazi pamphlet. You people are so fucking evil I can barely wrap my head around it.
Yeah, um...same everyth8ng?
Except work ethic and intelligence levels
I was born in a big fuck off house that's been in the family for generations...
They were brought out of the bushes by my ancestors and it was a mistake. We should have left them alone. They can go back any time if they don't like it. Bye...
>Because there is a SYSTEMIC bias against black people in this country
>systemic bias against blacks
How does this bias work? If whites and blacks are inherently equal and are exactly identical then it seems there's some kind of sinister informal law that says 'pay less to people of darker complexion'. It doesn't make sense.
Maybe genetic differences go beyond just the skin tone? Nah that's too crazy, it's proven by science that one race can't be inherently superior to the other, or is it?
Nah whitey just keeps the brotha down.
>Be black
>Get massive inheritance that makes you richer than 99% of white people
>Impulsively spend it all
"This whiteys fault yo. Why they gotta keep a brotha down like dat?"
I'm not blinded by my power and privilege I can see because I am more intelligent than you. You are stupid, and incapable
I was giggling to hard to read it back
Is Trump making more then Obama did?
>Straight out of the good guy handbook
Why don't black people go back to Africa if they don't like it in the US?
top kek!
under what circumstances could a white and black have identical backgrounds?
it's literally impossible
presumably because they are too stupid to ever earn $700 for a plane ticket to africa
it'd be better to compare white kids with down syndrome and blacks
Mammals were white.
Dinosaurs were black.
Think about it.
not to mention
>Hours worked
>Critical Thinking skills
Black people inherit a lot? What are you smoking you crazy loon? LOL. Taking even a cursory glance at the data will show you how wrong you are.
Nice sentence fragment Mr. Genius. Incapable of what? By the way, the late great Stephen Hawking had a comment about people that boast about their intelligence quotient, you ought to check it ought.
>all the data is the same except race
user, your retarted
Never is a long time. I know one thing for sure it's easier to get accepted to college get college loans and get a job for anybody thats not a white male. If everybody cant keep up now maybe its on them.
I'm not black so I don't care. Black people don't care about me.
>user, your retarted
Oh, that’s just rich isn’t it?
If you can't make your point without insults then it isn't a good point
As you become older (bottom or x axis), the more genetics account for variation in IQ between people and the less important environment or, in particular, shared environment becomes.
>late Stephen Hawking
You mean the idiot black hole savant? So he said it's not cool to boast about your IQ huh? Wow what a thinker.
>blacks are dumber than whites
>blacks are dumber than whites despite the same exact background
Whites make more than blacks.
Liberal solution: Make Whites earn less
Conservative solution: Make Blacks earn more
Republicans: The party of Tax payers
Democrats: The party of Welfare recipients
Didn't realize anyone debunked AltHype yet, would you care to point me in the direction of the people who """"debunked"""" race realism or could it be you're talking out your ass like most retarded liberals.
>proof niggers are retarded is regularly miscontrued as racism
We're so fucked
Francis Crick had a comment about black people, you ought to check it out.
wew didnt realize a white dentist made more than a negroe who plays basketball
so we have:
>background is the same
>affirmative action and majority leftist PC culture
yet, black Americans still perform worse? that actually implies the opposite conclusion that they want to see: a racial bias
then they should work more hours
That's where I'm at with all this. At some point the answer for systemic bias or whatever is that, somewhere in the United States, a White High School teacher and a white Cop and a white politician meet up in a room, wring their hands and holler "OPPRESS THE DARKIES! Okay good meeting." It becomes a question of immorality.
Scratch that, it was Watson.
Bump of rage
>Take two kids, one black,one white, give them the same socioeconomic starts, the same education quality, the same parental quality
You see that's the problem with this research. Even white kids from comparable backgrounds have higher parental quality, and it's very difficult to correct for this since so many blacks and so few whites are from dysfunctional families.
tl;dr this study cannot have had proper controls.
Wow so you can be given the same opportunity in life and the person is still free to make good and bad choices that effect their financial futures. Incredible please tell me more obvious truths that are vaguely phrased to illicit outrage.
Debunked who? Some random guy that peddles Nazi racial science on the internet with all his time? Yeah, sounds worthwhile huh. Did anyone debunk that guy who was saying there’s a giant elephant at the center of the earth? No? Well I guess he’s right!
All your racial pseudoscience was put down decades ago, that you still peddle it today isn’t my problem, so why should I have to debunk it? No educated people believe that, no biologist believes in that stuff, just like no chemist believes in alchemy.
Are you saying that you cant debunk it? That's what it sounds like you're trying to say but idk, there's a lot of adhoms and deflecting in there making your point hard to follow.
what a retarded title. What the paper actually shows is that even when controlling for background, white men earn more. It says nothing about any particular black boy or any particular white boy though.
Another interesting fact: white men, when controlling for background, tend to work more hours than black men.
What if we just pay white men less? Then blacks and women will be equal and the rich will be even richer!
hmmm weird
>Take two kids, one black,one white, give them the same socioeconomic starts, the same education quality, the same parental quality, and the white one earns more. Why?
Because the White is signfigantly more intelligent at all levels of parental income and academic achievement.
This isn't hard.
>No educated people believe that, no biologist believes in that stuff, just like no chemist believes in alchemy.
How can you stack so many logical fallacies in a single argument. Jesus fucking wept you really are a real unironic leftie.
No, they did both, and found almost no difference based on race between white girls and black girls. That's my can't be only muh racism if it doesn't affect black girls the same. They're willfully ignoring the real issues.
except for intelligence and psychology
Horizontal bar = Age
Vertical bar = Component of IQ
When you are an adult, genetic relevance in overall IQ is almost 85% of the value, while shared environment is 0 and non-shared environment is about 15%.
why is the rap industry so racist then?
Explain Africa... why are Black Africans considered the lowest intellectual humans in existence. Even the Ancient Muslims considered Black Africans as the lowest dumbest form of human.
Name ONE large African nation run by Black Africans that any SANE human would choose to live in.
Why is is so hard for liberals to admit that Black Africans AND their decedents have on AVERAGE lower IQ then the rest of humanity?