Hello, Friends

Hello, Friends.
For the ones who don't know, there is a Sup Forums Whatsapp chat. We're currently looking for new members. Anyone who wants to join, just join through chat.whatsapp.com/Ed4ykncfSf3HPQnZoiXOWC

Whatsapp has been made secure for quite a long time now, given there's p2p encryption


They probably already have all your data
the group is made of people from all around the world.


I don't think telegram is appropriate for Sup Forumschat

If you don't know what a whatsapp is, it's just a message app for phones. Just get it on your phone, and click on the link to be added to the chat
Oh and fuck you m*ds you worthless sacks of soggy white dogshit

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Oh I forgot to add
No India's
Fuck you street shitting fucks

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Don't be a fag,join our ranks

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We have good poo memes though

Poo memes are alright
It's the poos themselves who are the shit

Atomwaffen fuck off

Oh come on bootlicking fag,
You afraid you might like it?

Futile bump

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