>death penalty if you deal marijuana
>we have to get tough folks
thoughts on this move?
FYI sweden doesn't have a drug problem either and we don't kill you if you sell meth
>death penalty if you deal marijuana
>we have to get tough folks
thoughts on this move?
FYI sweden doesn't have a drug problem either and we don't kill you if you sell meth
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't view drug dealers or users as human.
>problem either and we don't kill you if you sell meth
No, you guys just commit cultural suicide and allow your children to be treated as fuck toys by Muslims. Enjoy that.
stop doing drugs.
looks like you're doing quite fine with your shitskin population, best not be telling others what to do
are they at least 44% human?
No. They're 100% el goblino
Yeah but at least we can sell meth without dying, dumbo
t.landwhale who eats and drinks junk food all day himself
>when your country is so fucked that the only positive thing you can come up with is dealing meth and not dying
sweden 2018 everybody
after the uk sweden is the biggest joke of europe.
He doesn't mean marijuana he means hard drugs.
Biggest problem here is that cops could very easily plant evidence on someone. Wouldn't be the first time either.
I don't give a fuck nigger...
It is pretty fucked to execute people for drug dealing
Hence why 99% of dealers will stop. Its called prevention
>not offing the dregs of your society
You'd probably say it is wrong to hang people by the color of their skin, wouldn't you Petar?
I don't want people to be executed in the streets, but I do want death for drug dealers after a fair trial.
I see literally no downside. Appeals shouldn't take as long as with murder cases as dealing usually produces a mountain of evidence and are open and shut.
I know English isn’t your first language, but every news story I’ve read says he’s pushing for the death penalty FOR OPOIDS. Possibly it’s really hard for you to understand but marijuana isn’t an opioid.
Basically you’re spreading fake and gay news.
>FYI sweden doesn't have a drug problem either and we don't kill you if you sell meth
We don't admire you and we certainly don't want to emulate you.
Trump is going after cartels, yakuza and jewish mafioso importing drugs because these people often employ assassins. besides, hardcore drug addiction destroys lives and familys. hopefully it will start a chain reaction that could only lead to improvement.
>I don't want people to be executed in the streets,
I didn't realize marijuana is classified as an opiate now
shouldnt you be worried about your rapefugee epidemic?
>sweden doesn't have a drug problem
nope, just a grenade problem
I'm pretty sure he was talking about the opioid epidemic, not weed
You can still be mildly productive and pay taxes when you're addicted to pot. Opiate addicts don't produce anything; the gov cant have that
>sweden doesn't have a drug problem
Yes you do it's just not all "skeet skeet nigga" like it is here in America.
They're literally lacing weed with fetenal now. I'm all for Singapore style drug laws. Death to all low life degenerates. Life isn't as precious as you fags think, we need to call the heard.
>implying the rapefugee gangs are not running the majority of drugs nowdays and the Swedish government is too dickles to do anything because they would be racist if they did anything
Not an argument faggot
hey stupids it doesnt matter what trump wants the nazis under him are going to genocide the jews aka US the people who only smoke weed. They are just going to go around shooting dead weed smokers and no one else if you honestly think these niggers are going to stop the heroin or medical industry you're a bigger cuck than my own dad
so basically the "God emperor" turned into a quasi Duterte.
marijuana is not a heavy drug btw. not by my standards. its a much healthier stimulant than alcohol by all means. why arent ppl who sell alcohol given death penalty too ? dumb burgers
This makes Trump an absolute faggot.
poon jab does have a point.
that's why they say: "hello bitch lasagna" all the time. people loading up on carbs and not burning them off, thus turning into bitch tits.
>alcohol is a stimulant
I hate my country. Also fake news slide thread.
isn't there a different thread a nigger like you can go shit up?
>defending booze
>calling this actual criticism of Trump le slide threade
Even bible belt states are moving towards legalization you fags.
>belligerently defending killing only weed users and never actually going after the real problem
You niggers just want to see people killing eachother. disgusting. this is how you depopulate. I know what's going on and I know who I am speaking with. A bunch of nazis and stupids.
This is how you lose western state votes.
If we can get death squads to go around killing weed users, I have faith we can pivot to killing your cuck father, the kikes, the spics, the niggers, and the degenerates, the leftists, and finally the white trash.
You know that's all Texas
I don't think they'll do death penalty for weed. They're claiming it's to fight opioid epidemic even though the biggest opioid dealers in the US are doctor's and pharmacists. They might learn this after this tactic fails spectacularly for a few years. Putting high school kids peddling pills on death row while it gets flack in the media for how disproportional the punishment is to the crime.. find it doesn't even put a dent in the problem.
yes good job jews!
>They're literally lacing weed with fetenal now.
Citation needed.
> booze is a stimulant.
>t. Nigger graduated highschool illiterate
Gonna make for some good Live PD
Smokers and dealers should bot be shot.
youre either delusional or canasian
No, they won't. They'll just use more paranoid and extreme tactics to avoid being caught, including murder. IE if you witness a drug deal now, you're a dead man. Even if you swear not to narc, the drug dealer will probably kill you and dispose of your body to hinder getting caught. What does he have to lose? The penalty for dealing drugs is the same as murder, so it's not like he can get a lighter sentence for not killing any witnesses.
trumps a clown lol
Weed grows naturally and abundantly, who cares, its the crazy synthetic shit
projection based insults tell me you are actually mutt half breeds trying to justify killing white dissidents, the one group of people that actually gets under your skin as they have control over the weapons of mass destruction you fear and are defeated with most: Words.
>I don't think they'll do death penalty for weed.
Don't forget that Sessions is all about bringing back the "marijuana is as bad as heroin" mindset in the Justice Department.
He's like almost evangelical in his hatred of weed.
>who cares
The people who don't want you getting rich off a plant that's comparable to gold per pound.
the downside is that the closer you make the penalty for a crime to the penalty for murder, the more likely they are to murder when they have to decide between adding to their rap sheet/charges/severity of their crime vs reducing the risk of being caught.
I dunno what to say to that to just be honest. I like smoking a little bit from time to time, I've completely quit though in recent times.
you are correct, i dismissed your hallucinations because youre an asshole
This. Fat fucks like will make comments like he did while having in-depth discussions with his obese friends over whether the triple cheeseburger is better at In and Out or at Whataburger. This is why I typically ignore what hypocritical trash like this has to say, but this time I was compelled to respond for whatever reason.
I'd tell him to kill himself, but he's surely already doing so
alcohol is defined as a stimulant just like tobacco u dumb mutt shithead
projection based insults tell us that you need to take a shower as you smell like an unwiped ass irl.
You don't see a lot of news stories about standoffs & shootouts with police SWAT over a $10.00 parking ticket.
Turn it into a "nothing to lose" situation??
Well...., you get the idea.
>sweden doesn't have a drug problem
ta livet av dig, horunge.
He has also admitted that the DOJ simply doesn't have the resources to go after legal weed. He rescinded the Cole memo and said it's up to the district federal prosecuters to go after it or not, and those federal prosecutors said "it's lowest priority" to them. Legal weed isn't going away. and more states move to legalize every year, either for medical or recreational, and in most American's minds it's becoming more equivalent to alcohol than heroin (and frankly it's less harmful than alcohol. Not to say it's safe or cures cancer or all that bullshit but the risks are relatively managable compared to most drugs and it does have SOME medical applications)
Try actually looking it up dumbass.
It's classified as a "depressant".
No ones doing that. Weed dealers dont make no where near as much as heroine dealers and need their costumers alive to make constant profit, Especially since most sell within their own inner circles and don't like dealing outside of it.
It's not like it should surprise us that Trump is gonna enact fucktarded policies. Then again, so was Hillary, but at least with Trump we can have a good laugh while burgerland crashes and burns.
did he explicitly mention cannabis? because I am down for hunting dealers of hard drugs, potheads not so much.
So? I buy all my drugs from Europe.
Fuck the US government. They've NEVER been the good guys, so what kind of idiot would praise them anyway? Besides, anything Trump does will be reversed in 6 years or so once he's a goner from office.
what ever bullshit about not having resources or what ever you heard isn't nothing but bullshit we all know who the people are who wear those badges and who the people are who go through college and academy and who drops out upon learning the truth. None of these "responsible adults" will go after anyone with a gun shooting back at them if they can just bust open someone's home while they're just smoking weed and playing a video game and light up the place. They love murder and get paid for it.
The fear of life imprisonment isnt enough these people ,gotta move on to the next best thing death..
Introducing the death penalty for drug dealers will just increase violence. What will the drug dealers, who are deterred by the death penalty do for a living then?
Shit if they did use the death penalty for weed and I was a medical patient and they decided for death penalty for any amount of weed .. if the cops showed up at my house I'd kill them, then go and take a neighbor and her children hostage at gunpoint.. what do I have to lose they were going to kill me anyway. Right now for a fine? I'll just go turn myself in and pay the fine, no reason to get in more trouble, nobody gets hurt.
>to go after legal weed.
But what about when selling it becomes a capital crime like murder??
Then DoJ would be forced to "go after it".
Don't forget that it is still VERY illegal under Federal law.
They might actually take the intiative to get an education for themselves.If for some reason thats not enough for them, they can take the risk and end up 6 feet under.
>They might actually take the intiative to get an education for themselves
underestimating the problem and pushing delusions of grandeur onto people already beaten into the ground by "responsible adults"
Drugs should be legal
No idea why Sup Forums users are anti drug, extremely inconsistent with posting on this website
People here not making sense isn't new
Muh degenerates
Muh freedom, but let me tell you what to do with your body
Open up grocery stores and pay taxes.
Thats right, life forced them into becoming degenerates sucking the life out of our society.I grew up in a nigger neighborhood , most the problems of the druggie community is self inflicted.
even when we were legitimate conspiracy theorists, we didn't sound this slackjawed or stupid
take off the tinfoil hat nigger
LOL Fatty hypocrites btfo. Now show bobs pls
>FYI sweden doesn't have a drug problem
You do realize the drug trade is what is financing our gang problem?
weed is legal in my state, feds can fuck off. all other drug dealers should be shot so i have no problems with this. proto right wing death squads now.
>Pot = worth almost much as gold per pound
>Only degenerates would like to profit from an easily grown PLANT.
again, they don't have the resources when the state and local cops won't help them which is the case in legal states. Putting someone on death row is VERY expensive, they get all kinds of automatic appeals and it often costs the government more to kill someone than put them away for life. Weed's just not dangerous enough to warrant that kind of shakedown and the federal prosecutors know it. They just know that some parts of the country (namely the south) are not ready to decriminalize or legalize it yet and many evangelicals are against it so not enough reps and senators are willing to be known as one of the ones for legalizing a "gateway drug".. even though after it got legalized it'd stop being considered a gateway drug because the reasons why it is considered as such are both due to it's legal status.. #1 it's a gateway into breaking the law to accquire it now that you're no longer letting the law inhibit you you might break other laws for other drugs. and #2. If it's offered by the black market they offer other harder drugs. If it's legal in weed dispensaries .. they don't also peddle Heroin and Coke.. so they just sell you weed and that's it. Illegal drug dealer? Sell you weed and then offer you other things like meth, heroin, coke, shrooms, etc.
It'll be much more appealing to those federal prosecutors to go after pill and heroin dealers that have been known to spike their products with fentanyl and resulted in several deaths. At that point you're excuting someone who's killing a lot of people indirectly (of course with that threat over their head that dealer is much more likely to kill people directly too)
Says aquafresh
Only a degenerate would promote the stagnation of a community in chase of profit.
You can call em kikes too , they are one in the same to me.
unless Trump goes after the bankers that launder the drug money from the big cartels, he won't ever get rid of the drug problem. Going after just the dealers is too small scale in the war on drugs.
>Thats right, life forced them into becoming degenerates
Do you have any proof that free will exists for all human beings that everyone can benefit in society that there is no underclass perpetual?
I am stating facts that police are cowards. Post examples of police bravery and exceptional stories of police getting the bad guy without any errors without becoming a worse thing than he the criminal who committed some crime.
statistically speaking you're all full of shit band-wagoners
No reason to treat anyone but heroin dealers like this. Marijuana and psychedelics should be legal.
Who gives a fuck about you? Who are you? God? Little shit. You know what's cool about drugs? Stupid people OD on them, and either die outright, or wreck their lives and their families so bad they end up an heroing anyway. Profiting on such an awesome thing is only icing on the cake.
tl;dr humans are 99% fucks and deserve the hell they create.
We rarely even give the death penalty for murder.
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