There are over 1 trillion planets out there. Sometimes I think this planet is done.
People went to the Moon in the '60s.
We're in 2018. I think we do have the tech to colonize a planet.
There are over 1 trillion planets out there. Sometimes I think this planet is done.
People went to the Moon in the '60s.
We're in 2018. I think we do have the tech to colonize a planet.
humans never been to moon. moons is 384 000 km from earth and NASA admits we don't have technology to send humans beyond lower orbit which ends 4 000 km from earth. space stations are around 1000 km from earth
stop beliving fairytales
without jews we would be back in space right now
>fell for the cianigger psyop
In today's terms the moon landings cost about 10% of the global banks bailout. So that's your priority right there.
Colonizing venus would be our best chance.
It will take lobger than you and I have time on earth, we should work towards preparing the next generations
If we did have the technology to settle on another planet I am pretty sure it would be kept secret. They would select just a certain amount of (((people))) to go in secret and then leave this planet to burn. They would probably use us for some experiments to cure the problems in the new colony.
That goes without saying we haven't terra formed a planet already.
Humans came from Tiamet which is now the asteroid belt. They came over in the moon which is a hollow escape pod.
It's only fitting we get back to the stars
tell me what you know of venus because i'm pretty sure you're a fucking retard but I could be wrong
We have satellites in every planet of the Milk-way Galaxy (Mars, Saturn, etc).
Everything is expensive in space exploration because only a few companies and experts are working in the market.
I have the same impression.
ITT: Retards that think it's easier to terraform Venus than to terraform the Earth
>terraform the earth
I think in order to start colonizing in earnest we either have to have a massive free market space investment or unite the world in some sort of warhammer 40k government with a supreme ruler who then drives the production of all earth towards the stars. For space to become the priority we have to settle the bullshit on earth that is taking our time up. Space is the true future of humanity and the only way the human race will ever truly be free from total extinction.
As in modifying the climate to our liking.
We haven't figured that out yet, hence the whole climate change thing.
We will never colonize another planet because it makes absolutely zero sense.
We are humans, we don't colonize forests. We cut them down and build our own houses, which is exactly what will happen out there. Our bodies are not designed to live anywhere but Earth, so we will build planets to suit our needs just like we build houses, out of raw materials. Anyone dreaming on living on Mars is a fool. And anyone involved in the business who is trying to sell you that dream has ulterior motives. 100
The Universe is so big that planets will be like neighborhoods in the next centuries.
There's a reason rockets are not advanced past the primitive V2 rocket design, we have the tech but using it now would cause greater problems than good. We probably wont see that tech in our lifetimes unless someone infiltrates to steal the BP's, which is a ridiculous idea on its own.
I like the concept of space travel in Dune, fold space drag the space you want to be right in front of you and only take one step
orbital habitats are a must for space faring civilizations.
How did they put the reflectors and other stuff they left behind on the moon? Genuinely curious as someone pointed this out to me and I didn't have an explanation.
Venus is literaly hell on the surface, but about 50 km up, the pressure and temperature is pretty comfy. We would live in giant blimps, held up with oxygen wich would be possible because of the thick athmosphere. That same athmosphere would also protect us from radiation, something that is not possible on mars for example
Bonus tip: the gravity on Venus is almost the same as here on earth
I've been thinking a lot about this and I have an alternate idea.
We should colonize near-uninhabitable high arctic areas with domed settlements.
In 1973 the Amundsen Scott South Pole Dome was completed. This was an enormous uninsulated dome designed simply to keep out the wind and provide a more tolerable environment to work in. Buildings were then installed inside the dome. One could call this the first domed settlement.
If we could build that South Pole Dome in 1973, there's no reason we couldn't build something very similar but with clear panels, creating a gigantic greenhouse that would allow cultivation of grains and vegetables even in the very high arctic.
Seriously, so much of our planet is virtually uninhabitable, unless you eat nothing but seal and walrus. With domed settlements in the high arctic we could get practice at colonizing other planets while at the same time making formerly irrelevant real estate useful.
>We have satellites in every planet of the Milk-way Galaxy (Mars, Saturn, etc).
How many planets do you think there are in the galaxy?
nah, the moon is a forward scout ship and this "planet" is Tiamet.
The asteroid belt is just the remnants of our last refueling.
Soon enough we'll start to journey again, onward to the next solar system.
Here's a pic demonstrating the size of the south pole dome. This picture was taken during the dismantling in 2010 after the newest South Pole station was completed.
This thing, but built as a greenhouse, would serve the purpose of a high arctic agriculture settlement with almost no alteration.
how do the mutated DNA & RNA strands play out?
We have the technology and capability.
As a species, we don't yet realize this as a priority.
This will change after the resource wars and pollution makes the planet unlivable and we are forced to flee in order to preserve our species.
lol by the time it will come, we will all be niggers living in huts.
>every planet of the Milkyway Galaxy
So we've literally discovered every star system, and have sent probes to literally every planet in said star systems? Fucking incredible. Galactic Dictatorship when?
>travel to the moon decades ago
>send several spacecraft at the edge of the solar system
>land or several celestial bodies
>technology better and cheaper than ever before
>nowadays every plan to send anything to anywhere ever is "lmao we're preparing maybe in 2050's we'll send a observer spacecraft with a one use lander maybe a decade later"
But at least we have starbucks and enough ciggies for everyone amirite.
the moon is definitely artificial, it has a triangular crater called "ukert", how do asteroid impacts create triangular craters?