WataMote Thread

Yoshida is the best girl, I hope Tomoko will keep in touch with her even in college.

>Tfw Yoshida-centric Disney Land chapters soon

They're going to be roommates. Wacky situations ensured.


There can only be one, you heretic.

Tomoko will keep touching her that's for sure

Nah. Even Yuri thinks she looks like a Yoshiwara ho.

I hope Yoshida wins the Tomoko-bowl and emoji gets NTRd.

The endgame couples are going to be Tomoko x that glasses kid (Nemo's friend) and Tomoki x Komisomething

Sounds boring

Tomoko is not gay

I like that their relationship consists of Tomoko either getting beat up by Yoshida because of her shitty behavior or Yoshida carrying her around

Only if she wins the Tomoko bowl.

I hope Tomoko and Ucchi end up at the same college
>Ucchi thinks she's gotten over her Tomoko obsession
>Sees her a few yards away in the middle of a crowd
>Now she gets close to her and acts how Tomoko used to with Yuu at first
>Tomoko is doesn't understand what's happening

She getting a boyfriend soon.

How long till she tries to get into Tomoko's panties at college?

I'd Ucchi would wait to get her drunk, or while she's sleeping. She'd probably wait until she could wait anymore.

So, where is the manga going anyway? Tomoko has given up on being popular, or at least has stopped caring. She has friends now, so she isn't a lonely sperg. What's there left to do now?

Love stuff.

Gay stuff.

Gay love stuff.

The story will focus on the other girls and they will become more popular than Tomoko, then at some point she'll break the fourth wall and yell the manga's title at them.


If Tomoko ends up with anyone, it could indeed be Yoshinori. Considering the lack of viable options, that is. Yoshinori appears a lot in the background, and often gets some few lines compared to other male characters. It also helps that Nemoto who is on her way to become friends with Tomoko is one of Yshinori's friends. I assume that if something were to happen, it's proably because of something like Nemoto inviting Tomoko and Yoshinori over for Karaoke or something, and them getting to know each other.

The only other male character I can think of is the fat guy, but in the few instances where he interacts with Tomoko he always seems to be indifferent towards her. And in ch120 it's pretty clear he's interested in Katou (even though he has no chance in hell).

only 50% 100% gay.

It will be exciting to see her get to date her brother.

That was a joke.

>And in ch120 it's pretty clear he's interested in Katou (even though he has no chance in hell).
He just blushed when she talked to him. Could be he's simply not used to getting attention from attractive girls, though we can't say for sure of course.

What did they mean by this? I thought Tomoko wasn't supposed to have bullies.

Kids use call tomoko that.

I know, I mean I thought she wasn't supposed to have been bullied. Something about the author not being able to deal with it.

Not as a focus.

>even though he has no chance in hell
Don't be so sure of that.

I always kind of wished some character, like Slut-chan, realized just how miserable Tomoko is. As far as I recall, only her brother (who barely gives a shit), and that older girl who gave Tomoko a hug in that mascot costume got even close. I don't even know why, really, maybe just so Tomoko can let out her emotions on someone or something, I dunno.

Yoshida's going to tough love her.

I'll require more details.

>implying Tomoko is smart enough for college

>implying the manga will not end with Tomoko offing herself at the graduation ceremony

You guys think we'll get groups of 4 again? Will Mako go with Minami again?

They have colleges for stupid people in Japan, too

I want to marry Tomoko.

There's a fair deal of akward and shy girls out there. To be fair most will be below 7/10, but if you're lucky you can find a very strong 6/10 with a plain, unassuming beauty and be perfeclty content. If she's also a bit of a scatter-brain that won't harm the relationship, it could enhance it even.

Than again, I would want my wife to be a slob that stays at home and wastes time playing games. I'd expect at least a clean house and a ready dinner. You think Tomoko would handle that? She had that one fantasy about being a house wife, but is it realistic?


It's the deepest lore. Tomoko got to how she was because of all the bullying.

Probably also the origin story connecting all major characters in Watamote.

I kind of want to see Tomoko get bullied in high school.

They all have the same bully
When are we going to get a flashbacks, I want to see Tomoko cry.

>And in ch120 it's pretty clear he's interested in Katou
How? They weren't even in the same class in 2nd grade.

That would kinda make sense

I don't

Where's your sense of adventure?

That makes no sense

Bullying builds character.
Weren't people crazy about character development?

Yeah, and it just makes no sense that someone as big of a loser as Tomoko wouldn't be bullied. So there's realism thrown in there too.

all these girls are perfect

There's zero prospect of Tomoko getting a boyfriend. It's either girlfriend or nothing, but girlfriend seems like the more viable option for her this time.

She's gonna get a girlfriend whether she wants to or not.

as long as she doesn't get The Haircut

At the beginning the point of the manga was not that she was unpopular, but that she didn't have much contact with guys, the manga literally starts with her fantasizing about being popular with guys and how much experience she has from otome games, on the early chapters the term mojo was used a lot because of how conscious she was about it even though it was dropped later (probably because the authors decided to shift themes rather than it being a character development), but it has started to gain relevance again with the chapters where she talks with Nemoto's friends, the guy at the Christmas party and more importantly her class introduction, I don't think she will get a boyfriend anytime soon but the set up is definitely there.

She also found boys more boring now that she doesn't get spastic around them. She said it herself.

me too

It'll probably be an extra chapter after high school is over, set into the far future (when Tomoko's more or less a functioning member of society, with her shit somewhat put together). It definitely won't happen while she's still in high school.

Was that before or after she said she was accepting boyfriend applications?


if tomoko got bullied this manga wouldnt be nearly as popular.

And what exactly makes you think that?

Imae's graduation chapter.


>thinking that the bf application was serious
It was a joke, Nemo made her did it.


>It was a joke, Nemo made her did it.
It was subconscious, she wants a bf before high school ends.
If she wanted to prove a point, why didn't she say something else like
>I caught a dead fish.
or something.
Why was the first thing she thought to say
>I am currently accepting boyfriend applications.

She is bisexual

She'd be okay with having a bf, but that was still a joke to impress Nemo, not something she really did seriously. Like, are you autistic? Have you never done a class introduction?

She's into both girls' body and penis. She likes futa.

>"S-she was just joking!"
>proceeds to call ME autistic
No it wasn't a joke to impress Nemo, it was to prove to Nemo that she isn't a normalfag.
Which she could have easily done some other way, so why did she choose to announce boyfriend applications?


Face it, Tomoko wants the figurative D.

I want a lucid dream where I'm happily married to Yoshida, have romantic dates, and doing our best to raise a lovely family. How to, lads?

>it was to prove to Nemo that she isn't a normalfag
same thing

>Which she could have easily done some other way
Why though?

>why did she choose to announce boyfriend applications?
Because it's funny?

That's a very hairy spider on Yoshida's head

>same thing
>"It was a joke, Nemo made her did it."
>Why though?
If she wanted to, she could have proved her non-normalfagness some other way.
But her subconscious mind stated her true desires.
>Because it's funny?
Tomoko certainly didn't think it was funny.
No one else in the class thought it was funny.
Nemo somehow found it inspiring.
But, getting away from the character, I am sure this is an example of foreshadowing, a boyfriend will appear soon.

Why do they wear short skirts when it's clearly cold outside? Does every girl have a coldproof vagina or something?


>If she wanted to, she could have proved her non-normalfagness some other way.
You didn't really answer the question. There are many ways, and she chose one that came to her mind first.

>But her subconscious mind stated her true desires.
It's just because she used to yearn so much for a male interaction back in first and second year, so she joked about it.

>Tomoko certainly didn't think it was funny.
But she definitely thought it was funny, just like the other time she did it.

>a boyfriend will appear soon
Doubt it. If anything, it'll turn out to be Ucchi. Aren't you reading the author's pattern so far?


Watamote fan art is getting better.


>journey to the west

Hey, that's actually really good.

Watamote might top popee the performer fan art soon.



Seasons 2 when?

When a coordinated DVD+Bluray+Manga buying worldwide campaign is successful, with a unified Twitter hashtag with photo proof of their purchases.

It's been gathering enough crowd now. Sooner or later it'll happen.


Well if you get 12,000 people to spend 1,000 EUR on it the Season will probably materialize.

Gathering enough crowd only helps an anime materialise if it's unadapted. Watamote already has a first season, and it's proven to be tragically low in sales. Season 2 is possible, but only minutely so. Still unlikely.

Why are anime producers literally more jewish than jewlywood producers?

Because Animation is expensive?

Isn't it a bit fast?
They just got year3 and they are going on a trip already? Isn't it just spring right now? Don't school trip happen during autumn?