
What are your seiyuu hopes for Index III and beyond?

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Morgan Freeman as narrator.

Is this a newfag thing?

>be Aogami Pierce, the Number Six Level 5 in AC
>have to work by dressing up as a frog

Sawashiro NEEDS to be Carissa.

Well first we have to know how far its going. If it goes all the way to WWIII, will need more VAs. If they want to hype NT, they might even have a 5 second scene of Othinus saying something like "Is it my turn?" or something

Good day for a shag, innit bruv?

>Not Raccedexbuddidle

Too obvious. I'd prefer Rider instead.



Hiroshi Kamiya for Kakine.

>being fujoshi

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo PLEASE

Nao Touyama as Measure Heart using her Kirishima voice.

Sawashiro will play Bayloupe.

The guy is perfect for playing pieces of shit.


Shinichiro Miki for Knight Leader

>Yuri Lowenthall as the english dub for Kakine


I'd rather he voiced Fiamma (if WW3 is getting animated).

>caring about dubs

Well, that's a surprise. Thanks a lot.

He sounds exactly like how I imagined Knight Leader sounding like. Fiamma should be someone more smug and flamboyant sounding.

The mobage can definitely be maxed out with pc tier resolutions and all on MuMu, dunno about any other emulator


Junichi Suwabe could do a good job too.

Now if only I knew half of the characters from Kamachi's works outside of Raildex. Time for me to catch up.

England vs Muslim terrorists

Who will wins

Was he in the wrong to do the things he did? Or does the ends justify the means?


1 Billion Crowleys

>England vs Thelema terrorists

Fixed for you. Unless Aleister is now Muslim, of course. It's thousands of Aleisters attacking the Commonwealth at once. It's more like an army of Thelema extremists than refugees. Although the end effect is still the same. England's going to suffer big time.

He was wrong, next question

He rubber stamped a lot of awful shit, the tip of the iceberg being Accelerator's shit childhood and the Sisters


Best girls.

Fuck off, Seria.

Was it ever mentioned if Accel became an albino after acquiring his power or he was this way from the beginning?

>have such strong ptsd from being an incel that english voices trigger your flashbacks so you have to only watch subs

> Kakine voiced by Heivia
Works for me.



How many sentient yet malformed clones did his scientists exterminate while trying to perfect their cloning process? How many children died in different "make a high level esper" experiments? How many children were target practice for higher level espers? How many other high level espers just wanted to be left alone?

He says his appearance is the way it is because of his ability, so his ability was probably after acquiring it

> Shinichiro Miki
> Not smug and flamboyant


dolly atleast

I wonder how he used to look like.

Aoi Yuuki for Lessar

Why dont you love Mikoto?

We don't know the answer to any of those questions. The answers could be a lot worse than expected

Who will Aoi Yuuki voice?

Birdway, Othinus, Floris, Marian... who knows?

I hate sonic. its worst than horseshit


So Lessar isn't actually being voiced by Yuuki Takada?

Alright bud, I won't stop you from consuming shit. Whatever makes you happy.

Has Mamoru voiced a Raildex yet?

Didnt know if she already had a voice actress in some other material or not. Just feel that a lewd aoi is in order for a lewd dork girl

Welcome your new Raildex girl

Estelle. Birdway and Othinus won't be relevant for years. Accel or Idol Accel are far more likely to get adapted before NT.

Shes got a pretty big range. Hopefully someone with some screen time

I can't believe titty ninja's x raildex is a thing, though it would've been way cooler to get Kiryu as a playable character

He is too old for long running series at English dub.

Birdway will definitely get into vidya and if they adapt SS(nevermind she also appears in royal family and WW3)

I like escapism too. I watch subbed almost everything, because anime is filled with escapism.
But action? That's not escapism usually. Literally no point unless the sub is actually superior. I watched both and prefer english va for any normal scenes.


I have a dual audio of season 2 for some reason. Hearing Touma call him "Style" makes me laugh so much.

Which of these two would best fit for being voiced by Kensho Ono?

She is. Get ready for devil Aoba.

> Try to look up Lessar in Japanese
> Get these adorable creatures instead
Damn lesser pandas.

I also used to have a dub of Railgun S. It was only worth it for Brit's scream though.

Yeah but Miyabi really does fit

What makes girls' faces so punchable?

We can sit here and argue all day which is a better misaka, but we can all admit Brit has the cutest english VA voice, and at the least does a cute biri biri, maybe not superior, maybe superior, but still cute.


Sounds like an improvement.

Looks like nu-half

Neither. But Gunha for sure if it has to be so.

That scream she does when she saw the blood from 9982 coming out under the train was amazing.

Just what is this alien's end-game? I don't trust him.


That pose is not possible


Freaky alien gynotype

I want to see this voiced

Blow hip thrusting animals everywhere the fuck out.

I haven't watched Index since 2 was airing. Got a few episodes in and the tediousness of the story made me drop it. Doubt I'll watch the new one.

The real strengths of the show are when it's doing slice of life stuff. I think railgun is way better because it tends to lean more toward that

Find out in Part 3 since he's fucked off until the epilogue of NT21 or 22 at least.


Hiroshi Kamiya as Fiamma.

I'm hoping they don't skip ahead so I can get more Level 5 Ami Koshimizu

Rewatch it. Its completely worth it if you start from index 1. If you cant stand the original index arc, skip to episode ten and watch AT LEAST to episode 11. If you still aren't interested after seeing episode 10-11, then it really isn't for you.
I dropped the show once, after trying railgun first, then dropped the show a second time trying index, but finally stuck the third time. At this point i'm actually reading the series and over volume 20

If the dubfag presence didn't confirm crossboarders were in this thread, this post sure did.

>crossboarding is bad
Do you have ocd or autism?

Sorry, I should clarify. I watched all of index season 1 while that was airing too. I enjoyed that, but the writing in season 2 really put me off. It wasn't that I wasn't in the mood for it... it was just bad.

Oh, it's not bad. But when you bring your poor quality posts here, that's when it becomes an issue.

These threads are almost always filled with poor quality posts by regulars.


Fair enough user. Honestly, Season 2 adapted the worst novels until the 2nd half so I'd like to ask you to hold out till then. The AC Invasion arc is where the writing gets much better and Season 3 will have similar and/or better quality. It's up you though, user.

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