Breaks up the strongest empire in human history for liberty

>Breaks up the strongest empire in human history for liberty
>throws liberty away in a few generations

Imagine if America stayed a Anglosaxin white nation part of the family. They would have had no slaves as well as something similar to the white Australian policy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no guns

Not worth it.

You should be banned for being a fucking retard

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post a pic of your guns pls britainia

The colonies deserved it desu. They acted like White niggers and we always get even

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>manual action .223 and up
OH boy golly gee can I really have such a thing??

Do you still need a licence?

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Yes we don't let retards have shooty sticks.

>They would have had no slaves as well as something similar to the white Australian policy.

we already had slaves

>Taxation without representation

>Implying you have meaningful representation now.

Your guns, not the state's

>need to jump through tons of hoops
>.233 manual action
the absolute state of the uk

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>you can't have above .223
Enjoy taking 4-6 shots to stop somebody.

>reading comprehension

>from this point on Britfags will forever be known as "those cucks who allowed Telford to happen" on Sup Forums
At leadt we still have our guns, kangaroo Jack

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The Freemason proxies of British rule who run Washington DC even laugh in everyone's face about it on their license plates.

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> Pay taxes to a tyrant across the sea and receive no share in the decision of how said taxes are spent.
Fuck you.
> Pay taxes to your own nation, whose democratically elected government decides how to spend the money.
This is perfectly fine.
Also, fuck the UK, its absolute 1984-level lack of freedom, its knife bins, its Muslim capital city, its parts and parcels, and its monarchy.

Lurk more

>check mark on the AR-15 for "semi auto 22LR, manual 223 and up"
Fake news, butterknife

The fuck outta here

>democratically elected


>pic related
Integration and mass education in schools of more than 500 students.

>muh specific type of firearm doesn't come in the caliber I want with the action I want so u got NO GUNZ FAKE NEWS

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Literally yes. You're defending having shit gun rights. Why?

It’s a shame British people are stupid enough not to understand the Revolution. Your best and brightest emigrated long ago.
i mean, compared to america, the uk is pretty much no gunz

>understand the Revolution


America shouldn't have seceded

They were going to be deported on mass.

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fuck off, the british were cucks. proclomation of 1763 is an example of this

Fun fact. Taxes went up after the war because Americans needed to pay to rebuild their shit. Also France bankrupted themselves just to piss off Britain and help us lose the 13 colonies.

We were fine, the empire actually grew after it.


What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your own nation’s long history of Zionism.

the absolute state of the us

A lot more to it than taxes, though we do pay too many taxes today. Until 1913 we only payed a 1% income tax, and that was only on the top 1%. All of our other taxes were though tariffs. Another thing to consider is the fact that with that you're only citing the income tax, which was certainly not the only tax levied by the British. One of the biggest ones, was a tax that went toward the Anglican church, which even non Anglicans had to pay. (IE Catholics, Baptist, so on)

Biggest issue was that we didn't hold any seats in parliament in spite of being British citizens.

Who the hell in America is paying only 35%?

>black family leaves guns unattended
>child of said family knows where it's kept and uses it against his kin

There's no argument to be had over this, except for you wanting to flex your sense of superiority over another nation. C'mon dad, i just want to go shooting with you :'(

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>dumb parents left their guns out
>kids die
>stupid americans, give up your rights so you can be 'safer'!
an armed populace is a check against government power. not that i'd expect a euro to understand.

That song is about England being the Christian Jerusalem, retard.

>muh guns protect me from the gubmint

They'll just shut off your water and you'll die in a week.

Your only hope is that the military turn on the government and refuse to harm civilians which is the exact same situation everyone else is in. If the military isn't on your side then they'd kill you all with ease.

this. A majority of americans dont even pay taxes op so you're statement doesnt make sense.

It's not the number that matters, it is the lack of representation.

also this. Had the cunts in parliament given america a voice we'd still be your colony.

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>semi-auto in .22 cal
I was clipped by a .22 a couple of years ago in a hunting accident. I was taking my cousin rabbit hunting since he'd been talking about wanting to go for years and years and he managed to hit me right in my left shoulder. He was only some twenty, twenty-five feet away and it still didn't break the skin. Left a painful enough welt, but... unless you're using these guns to stop a home invasion led by gophers, they're worthless for self-defense.

This assumes the government knows who is who. The government can't find the Texas bomber, and they near bankrupted themselves trying to hold Iraq, which is relatively tiny compared to the U.S. Even if the military doesn't turn, most likely some within the military would turn.

you're an idiot. the United States isn't a massive urbanized shithole like the UK. most people who own guns in the US have a well.

any rebellion would end up being guerrilla warfare with american gun owners being the guerrillas, and we all know how well militaries handle that.

you can support the passing of legislation that makes you feel good and safe all you want, but i'll stick with keeping my firearms and my lack of acid attacks and nanny states

What a faggot.

>I should give up my rights because of shitty parents
Jesus bong

You talk like guns will protect you from an invading army. Newsflash, Romero, you lost your country to armless Mexicans.

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>these are the same
Don't be retarded on purpose. Normies didn't see this as an military invasion, and they're too comfy to take drastic action.

>.22 can't kill guys, I have an anecdote as proof!

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This meme is false, if you count payroll taxes then the vast majority of Americans do pay income taxes, even if their 1040 says otherwise. And in 45 states, everyone pays sales tax when they buy shit. Stop believing the propaganda that hides part of the taxes you pay.

People would only help if the rest were, as not to be left out.
Go watch titicut follies. The man on the table who died with a tube up his nose is a real American.
Should have done a lot with those guns. You didn't.

Is this the state of Britain's public school system?
It's Anglo-Saxon, NOT "Anglosaxin." You're a disgrace to this board. Now come here.

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I'm not being
>retarded on purpose,
Paco. Guns are only useful at point-blank range and will be all but useless when your country officially speaks Spanish.

Oh, I'm sure it could kill. If you were standing right next to someone with the muzzle pushed right up against their skull or something. But honestly at that point, why not just use a knife?

> the Christian Jerusalem
They have you brainwashed to such an extent that you cannot see what lies before your very eyes.

You fucking faggots wont even let somebody own an antique black powder flintlock without having to go through your hellish Muslim bronze-age desert bureaucracy.

these cant be used in self/home defense

posting to copy this flag for different purposes

Severely underloaded cartridge?

The only thing that matters is shot placement. A trained shooter with .22LR is more deadly than an untrained shooter with a 10mm

>broke up biggest Empire in history
They broke up the first British Empire which was fairly standard for a European colonial Empire. The second Empire is what you're thinking of.

>no slaves
Slaves were already in America

The USA would be too large to maintain any kind of direct rule over. The fact is a loyalist US would be very similar to the real world, except, God forbid, more like Canada.

>shotguns cant be used in self/home defence

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>aussie telling me who is a real american
>americans should've done more, even though we're all in the same boat
whites everywhere have been propagandized into rolling over to die. you had guns too, but you gave them away. you were majority white too, but your governments and your people (who were fed propaganda) let non-whites in to shit things up. we all should've done a lot more, yet here we are.
so what's your point then? that we should ban guns anyway so if it happens there's not a single fucking chance we could fight back?

No, my point is there's no chance you can outmatch your Government who easily outpower you and make gun ownership little more than a personal safety net. Guns being banned in Britain was a mistake, but you are still at the mercy of your Federal Government and its mass immigration Zionist schemes.

In all fairness to the mutts , some guy protected himself in his home near me quite a while ago and got 10 years because he shot them in the back with a shotgun when they ran away.

We're pretty fucking cucked mate.

tell me more about mass migration Muhammad, enjoy those open borders till 2022

Great post, Paco. In a race to the bottom, America will always win.

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white americans are very well armed. i disagree that there's no chance. i believe that when the propaganda starts failing in greater numbers, you and everyone else will see what an armed population can accomplish. 100 million armed people are quite a force, even if they aren't at the same place.

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>desperate mutt trying to deflect
we get it, José.
>muhammad muhammad muhammad
go cry back to Soros.

newton says gravitational acceleration is always the same regardless of the weight difference

And they'd have to bin their knives and pay tv licences

the west is in a collective decline. at least white americans have physical firepower behind their words, even if they aren't using it yet.

The eternal jew has certainly won this thread. Glad we could come to this conclusion, Sean

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America has jetpacks.

In the worst-case scenario of a failed America, you envisage fending off roaming packs of scavengers a la Mad Max? Nice fantasy.

So the only tax you can cite is the one people will receive back when they retire. Which probably won't be around in the next coming decades so we can finally end the sham that is SS.

you seem to have a strange view of americans

Won't you be jailed for saying such things? You better be careful.

>he think we went to war over taxes
ah fuck nevermind

>Australian flag
Australia is only 50% white with only 50% having two European parents.
I wonder who's behind this post.

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in addition, if that's what you think america would look like, i'd hate to see what europe would look like in your little fantasy at the same time. probably absolute white genocide and the complete destruction of your culture.


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OzzyChinkyPoos are finished!

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might as well just go with a longbow guv

then what are your guns for, paco?

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and read my response to the aussie, we are in similar situations. you know what the guns are for, they just aren't being used for it yet.

The amount of beans in an English breakfast would expand 3 fold.

I already said that!
You can't fend off your Government and 250,000,000 Mexicans, and your fantasy will never come true anyway.

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you can sit there and be a complacent faggot while your civilization gets steamrolled, or you can at least try to fight back. at worst, you will be remembered by history for trying, and at best fixing the problems. if you're not trolling me, you're part of the problem.

wait if your tap stops you just die? you know you can get water from a river and boil it right?

Getting hit with a .22 is gonna ruin your day guy. That shit is gonna suck.

What will you do? Any hint of racial shootings will get you locked up for civil rights abuses for life, and the Government is too powerful to let any part of America become a free-for-all shootemup. It's not a videogame.