I'm a biologist and my field is literally full of soy.
Soyboys everywhere, from the chemistry faculty to physics and everything inbetween.
Serious question: Can chads and masculine people do top-tier science?
Yes back in the day scientists were usually masculine and conservative. But since we live in a Jew world order post WWII that has distorted everything. (((They))) are poising our food supply to lower T levels and constantly promoting beta/sjw shit in the media. As a result you get a larger number of soyboys in your population.
Can chad and masculine males be brainy too?
I haven't met a single one in my field.
I just see that they kill us with science and complex oratory tools.
That's the point. If only Chads have access to women, why would soy boys and other betas bother doing top-tier science?
> science is fabulous
I guess you are judging them soy boys because of their appearance not their political beliefs.
Obviously, males doing STEM at uni, such as myself, tend to be less athletic because at school they spent more time studying instead of working out or playing sports. Moreover, most males at uni tend to be from middle class backgrounds not working class backgrounds; the middle classes in the West are generally more liberal. Also, reading in the dark strains the capillary muscles in the eye, making glasses wearing more common amongst academic high achievers.
> he didn't study liberal arts
post a pic of your body to prove you are not a soyim yourself
The irony is that a few years ago the tumblr teenage girl army fucking hated John Green. To a degree that was ridiculous. Posts about how he was a pathetic nerd loser as well bizarre accusations of racism and sexism for the weirdest most obscure things he said. Some teenage chick even compared him to a pedophile because of his large teenage following.
The truth is, and it is hard to say this as a former ‘nerd’ myself, ALL women basically hate nerds. The whole geek chic thing however many years ago was a meme. ALL women not only prefer muscular and slightly aggressive men but are actively repulsed by weak, thin and nerdy men who talk a lot and have ‘anxiety’ issues.
However much feminists bitch about ‘toxic masculinity’ you can’t show any weakness around women if you wanna have sex with them or get them to stay.
>i am a biologist and i fell for the soy memes
Yeah, I don't believe you.
>b-b-bbut xenoestrogens!
Beer has more, and people drink more beer than they eat soy, and its not turning men gay. Fuck off, pseud.
Why he looks so....soy?
I hate to admit it, but science is brutally dominated by soyboys. They are built to it.
Field Biologists are chad-tier guys, but turn soy later.
Lab Biologists, who have to deal with 1:15 boy:girl ratio turn soy even after being rp af.
I'm a biologist too, being a bit radical means you'll be ostracized.
>soyboy depicts himself as such even in bird form
wh*te bird vs superior TÜRK
Chads become entrepreneurs and hire the scientists to do R&D
Also science (being stuck in a lab) does not have as much social interaction so Chads tend to go into business.
No, it's full of soyboys. But, I noticed that the old school (those born in the 30s and 40s) are more masculine that the new generations.
But to be honest, the nerdy scientist stereotype is very real. I truly think that they are suited genetically to this.
That's true. But the real progress is science at the end of the day.
And they kick our asses with their skinny fat and man boobs bodies to be honest.
Rare occurences.
Biology, believe it or not, is full of lefties, muzzies, and faggot on one side; And crypto right-wingers on other.
Everyday is a war against indoctrination.
I want to take a baseball bat to these guy's skulls and set the corspes on fire
post a pic of yourself to prove you are not a skinny soyim or a fat neckbeard
No necessarily.
Their argument arises from the authority bias they have within themselves. They'll fail when you draw them out in an open field(interdisciplinary research) or deep water(Pure research). They'll shit themselves, you just need balls to with stand the siege.
>Field Biologists are chad-tier guys, but turn soy later.
>Lab Biologists, who have to deal with 1:15 boy:girl ratio turn soy even after being rp af.
>I'm a biologist too, being a bit radical means you'll be ostracized.
We are in the same boat and everything that you say is true.
It's truly tragic to be a rigth-wing scientist and be forced to be cynical and hide your vision.
Every science field is full of soyboys adn socialists.
I'm not a chad or a soyboy. Just a regular NS nice dude.
Sex isn't the only incentive to life you pervert.
I've accidently revealed my power level too many times in Evo Bio classes.
Best way to demolish liberal biologists is to drag them deep within theoretical biology, Lotka-Volterra their asses to mush.
You'll lose 'friends'' but you're a robot anyway.
height, weight?
>They'll fail when you draw them out in an open field(interdisciplinary research) or deep water(Pure research).
That's very true
>They'll shit themselves, you just need balls to with stand the siege.
But, to be honest, I don't have the balls to do this. I would literally lose my job and I would be ostracized
My Biology teacher in high school had a keg belly, and would always talk about how the US was resembling the Roman Empire. Pretty sure he was a Spenglerian. Anyways Oswald Spengler has some interesting material.
181 and 83kgs
fat or ripped?
Definitly not fat but not totally ripped
You can just cite 'differential opinion in research should lead to breakthrough and yada yada suck my dick' red herring, mate.
Cite that mental challenges are necessary to get results and hive brainstorming leads to cognitive bias.
Through words around, like they do, and get out of the situation.
The best scientist of the 20th century was Chad
True story. I'm a former field biologist, and I tried to into academia, but I'm bailing because it's so fucking pozzed I might as well be working in solitary confinement.
we are all gonna make it
Chad is an airhead. A male bimbo.
How does L-V trip up your soyim? I've never seen anyone have an issue with it.
Chaddest Biologist Watson got shamed into retiring because he said 'niggers have low IQ' and then (((they))) came for him.
Yes they can, but it's not the culture. There are two forces at work here: the escapism of the soy to these job fields and the ego of the chad.
It's an unnecessary culture clash that makes the job unappealing to people of that social group.
The brainy chads are Harvard-bound types. All the rich pricks want to attend a social Harvard, and thus it has been done.
I know, 2007 was a turning point.
But, since then almost every genetic discovery has been killing their dogmatic rhetoric.
That .webm was disgusting
They start with the argument that we should preserve, conserve and let things grow. They transition into sperging communism that everyone is equal, Aristotle's Hierarchy is racist, all races are equal, and Altruism is great and shit.
I ask them what happens when the population grows beyond the k. K(Carrying capacity) does not exist in a commie's head desu. And then transition to that graph where predator-prey(carnivore-herbivore, herbivore-plant, and absence of one of them in the hierarchy, and how it affects the system as a whole)dynamics, and how in the end, when you try to implement (((such))) political ideas into a society, it will suffer.
I'm afraid that this is true, and that our political movement have no future with no quality brains.
It's not hard to get into science as a red pilled person, but advancement can be challenging if you are vocal about your beliefs.
Looking for opportunities by going to a military academy would be my suggestion if you are young as well as avoiding silicon valley at all costs.
Hoy true is this?
>Can chads and masculine people do top-tier science?
No, science needs some feminine characteristics, specially when it comes to theoretical instead of practical science.
one of these things is not like the other
I recently watched a documentary about the Manhatten Project. Those dudes seemed like Chads.
One guy didn't give a fuck so much he conducted supercritical tests with his bare hands instead of protective equipment (i.e, the closer he manually pushed these two pieces together, the closer he got to a supercritical calamity)
I guess it depends on the field you enter. More alpha scientists develop weapons.
>the escapism of the soy to these job fields
That's what I have been saying and the reason that they are genetically and culturally the dominant force in science.
I must admit it, we don't have the amount of quality brains in our movement.
I hope. I have met geneticists with a cognitive dissonance so dominant, that they'll put a 45-year old queer-ally-feminist slave fetishist Maulana in LA to shame.
I am currently doing a PhD for no other reason than to get sufficient money to possibly get a cute waifu since I have a pencildick.
The memes are true. Always.
Chad science is in the Military Industrial Complex. We command trillion dollar budgets and Uncle Sam barely blinks when we ask for another $100 billion to cover up our mistakes. We get to design weapons of death and destruction, hyper sonic fighter jets, and killer robots while Soy Scientists are feebly crouched over a Petri dish in a mistreated tier 2 biology lab praying to steven hawking that the Cas9 will not be blocked by the human immune system.
> We don't have the amount of quality brains in our movement.
Do elucidate a little
The rich enjoy fucking our academic institutions up the ass, but I have no first-hand experience -- just what I've heard.
>One guy didn't give a fuck so much he conducted supercritical tests with his bare hands instead of protective equipment
That dude was so chad he fucking slipped up one day and died.
3/4 of the math teacher I had at uni are closer to the greek ideal than your average normie. It depends on the field I guess
*non-meme flag
Checked and Kek'd.
Chad shouldn't mean stupid and careless.
>not being in your 20s with a 15-18 year old virgin gf
Lmao @ these soykin
Yes, but don't worry too much about the 'quality brains' switching over, it just doesn't happen. People change to "jew"-esque capitalism, but not liberalism. We have a lot of baggage -- that's who our politics is naturally marketed to.
It's a logistic impossibility to change that at this point, the culture is raising soyboys from birth. Not many of them escape!
>Watson got shamed into ret
You know, that was the reason that I got redpilled in the first place. And it was a devastating scenario, with no internet as a scape and a hegemonic lefties tyranny.
2008 to 2016 where truly a nightmare.
Math teachers?
The most soyests of them all are all in the chemistry field. Then the physicist and mathematics.
They are full of soy.
ur ID is FaP BTW btw
The one I had were in shape, elegant, well shaved, temperate, patient
>calling others pseudo
>not understanding receptor subtypes and prefrential binding
Let me guess your degree was psychology
Flemish genes perhaps.
My PI is a mathematician and he is soy personified.
And even in death he was chad enough to prevent is colleagues from also receiving a lethal dose.
He melted to death. Sad!
High IQ chads are CEOs and politicians, not scientists.
>Biology, believe it or not, is full of lefties, muzzies, and faggot on one side; And crypto right-wingers on other.
I know it, I'm a literally one of those crypto-fascists.
I'm all about scientific positivism. But it's dangerous with so many soys out there. All the walls have ears here.
All top-tier scientists today are Chads because science has become diluted with narrow-minded bandwagoners who will prostitute themselves and do whatever else it takes to get funding for their research (i.e. the funding institution decide what people study). There isn't a single one left with a real dream...except me.
Why yes, yes we can. But we choose more glamorous gigs, like working in F1. The pussy is god-tier compared to fucking aerospace. Fuck that shit.
Also, McLaren is fucked this season. Cap this shit.
I got kicked out of college once because of it.
But on the bright side, I ended up in a college which was better and has a history of being a right-wing paradise.
>I made what I thought was an argument
You can see the narcissism from here
Tell us about your dream, Martin LK.
>I'm a biologist and my field is literally full of soy.
my condolences, you would fit in more in social science, biology is suprisingly cucked as a natural science.
That's an interesting variation on the "communism would work with unlimited resources, but it will kill people otherwise, and with unlimited resources you don't need communism anyway" argument I tend to use. I like it. Thanks for sharing.