> Be American
Be American
>concerned about price while your child could die
>Live 800 miles away from niggers
>Get rekt when fuel bill costs munnie
It's a trade off, yes. Oh, and:
>What in the fuck is indigent care?
They'll never have to pay it, nor will they be held responsible for it. The pilot and crew will write off all losses, and everyone's "happy".
Indigent care laws don't even have to apply to children. They are totally exempted.
My uncle lost his arm to a wheat threasher when he was 10 and had to run to the house and call 911 himself, not saying it's right or wrong just wanted to point out the luxury of being airlifted
> can't afford food, housing or electricity for your child after saving them
>Be American
>Get shot
>Ambulanced to the hospital
>Get 999999$ bill
Literally a 3'rd world country lmao
The US legit sucks. At least your country doesn't go around blowing shit up and causing a refugee crisis not seen since the fucking Roman Empire times, and then have them go to Europe or here.
I payed 500 bucks for 10 years of air lift insurance, any company in a 5 county area will fly me to the nearest trauma center. This is because the family is dumb as shit, i guarantee you they have multiple financed trucks with financed lift kits but have no health insirance. Fuck them.
Don't worry, Communists still get free helicopter rides.
Should have had air ambulance insurance. It's the parents fault.
Welfare would cover those expenses. You need to live within your means.
I wonder what kind of tax rate the parents pay? Its all relative.
This, but the jews run burgerland.
90% of that bill will be written off by the hospital if the family cant afford it
This happens a lot
Oh no, services cost money and an on-call immediate helicopter taxi with trained paramedics on board is expensive... what a tyranny. That's why you pay for insurance. Now I'll grant you that the healthcare system in america is trash, but in a free market system this shit wouldn't happen. Insurance is for catastrophic events such as this, when your insurance goes for routine checkups that aren't unexpected, this shit is what happens.
an ambulance is a truck type vehicle that will drive you to the hospital. A helicoptor on the other hand, is not.
They have different upkeeps. The article is purposefully misleading.
They don't pay that. That's what they cite as them owing so they can get the gibs from the government. It's a scam, but not one on the individual.
Nigger you think people go to jail over debts? You're not going to go homeless over debts, you just get bad credit.
>your child gets severely injured
>fortunately we've invented technology that will basically teleport them to the hospital
nah america is fucked, forced insurance can be pretty good, simply because mose people are fucking retards
>"GOD, the US SUCKS!!!"
>*continue to live here until you die*
Whoa... powerful...
32k is pretty low honestly
I once got a 13k hospital bill for diarrhea .
1 less rural retard Drumpf voter
Sounds an awful lot like the banks problem to me m8.
>the entire US healthcare system is completely rigged by kikes/ZOG
>"You know what would be good? If we just forced everyone at gun point to pay into it"
I bet you shat yourself.
>be literally anywhere else in the world
>watch your child die
Worth it, it'll take a few years to pay off but no biggie.
Dude, it is not just America.
My father died 12 years ago due to an accident while climbing a mountain. He tumbled and fell down over 80 meter, but remained alive. The helicopter came and took him in. Unfortunately the doctor punctured his lung while intubating which caused an embolism and he died in the chopper.
We still got a 12,500 euro bill for the chopper rescue and yes, he had health and accident insurance which did not pay because they say this was not employment related. This was in a “Western” EU country.
People should stop saying it is just America which is fucked up.
oh no ofc you need to have some other shit in place similar to europe, maybe it will not work because you have to many shitskins
Hey, maple nigger, you just going to ignore how I blew your thread out of the fucking water?
>having children
Pay the toll
I had an ambulance company try to get money out of me because they came to pick up a friend of mine who later died at the hospital. I told them you really want to talk to my friend, but he is pretty dead at the moment. Good luck.
m8 risk insurance is legit 100 bucks per year, so if you clim or hike its definetly worth it
I'd rather start a payment plan in exchange for my son's life.
If I was in Canada or the UK I would have to wait several days and die from brain swelling
>Similar to Europe
We aren't nearly white enough for that
Ahah, more like:
>be in first world country
>have the bill paid by universal healthcare
>90% of that bill will be written off by the hospital if the family cant afford it
Which is why the ride costs 30,000$ because only 1 in 20 people will ever pay it.
It's not like they show up and ask for your credit card and tell you to get fucked if you can't pay the 30 grand.
I got about a 50 mile life-flight last year and the bill was only 10,000$... this kid must have been a long way from a hospital and should be grateful that this service even exists.
probably too, lets see how long europe is white enough for it, i bet britain will get fucked first
>i statistically wont need any serious insurance at any point in my life, why dont we pay it to the government? That way any extra we didnt need lowers taxes and if i or anyone desperately needs esoteric healthcare they can get it without us all having to bleed ourselves dry on premiums
>no, we arent COMMUNIST thank you
He had insurance, the company claimed he was negligent because they were going on a ski tour during bad weather and he had a beer (0.4 promille) during the tour. We sued them and we lost and did not see a cent.
People who think accident insurance is worth the paper it is written on, are seriously deluded.
>...plus tip
Muh freedoms!
>be this wrong
flag related you retard
>what is insurance?
Most Americans living in hurricane areas don't have insured houses, neither they have health insurance, so that's all fine and good, but their houses are weak constructed with wood and their health care can unexpected worsen, then there's trouble for wallet. When you lose home or get a heavy bill then a lot of families will divorce as result of it. You had places where hurricanes leveled the houses and only 5% had insured houses, so what then? You are completely fucked.
I thought Obama fixed that?
>He dosent know about air ambulance scam.
Fun fact, if you get in a car wreck, they will try and air ambulance you there for non life threatening injuries, and even if you have insurance, if they deem you did not require that, they wont pay, so you get stuck with X amount per miles and can range up to 50 grand.
Air ambulance services are under fire big time for scamming this shit, and medical service providers use it too and get a kick back, enjoy your 100k debt because "I broke my arm and for some reason had to be helicoptered to a hospital"
damn, i know a dude that had to get a helicopter ride for like 30 kilometers, and his insurance that cost 12 (or arround that) euros a year payed all of it, about 15k. i guess you have to chose one that doesnt jew you. but better have a bit too much insurance than too little
>be bong
>get pissed up
>to go hospital
>fall out of a tree when you are pissed up again
>air ambulance comes
>treatment, bed, food, medication
yet the retards here cant stand the idea of universal coverage for some reason. It totally baffles me. We're the richest large nation in the world and we cant have nice things?...thats not how being a rich nation is supposed to work
It was the largest German insurance company there is...
>have insurance
>air ambulance company is out of network
>still owe 32,000
>and owe for that months insurance premium too
The U.S. (((healthcare system))) is shit.
>get raped by a homosexual
>universal healthcare stitches your asshole up
>be canadian
We did cause the refugee crisis because Hillary Clinton is primarily responsible for it. She got Kadafi killed and opened the gateway to Europe youtu.be
They have insurance, the insurance company was only willing to pay 11k and 32k is what's left.
Privatly owned healtcare increases the ((())) problem tenfold though.
Here doctors want to diagnose you with as little as possible and get you out of the door as soon as possible.
In your country it's in the doctors best interest to diagnose everyone with 10 different conditions and tell them they need to buy a whole bunch of drugs for the rest of their lives.
shit got worse actually. I have friends who had their insurance skyrocket or removed from their employer's insurance benefits due to Obamacare. I used to be insured by the city and state while I was unemployed but they removed me as soon as I got myself a less than minimum wage job, now I'm uninsured and can't afford it. Healthcare is beyond fucked up and broken here in the US.
But riding in a helicopter is patriotic so it's good for murrica
Not with Obamacare out-of-pocket limits. But you guys hate that, amirite? Mines maxed at $13k per year out of pocket for family of 4
Pretty sure that rape is much higher occurring crime in the US.
>Americans thinks this is freedom
poor rural hicks deserve to be fucked with
>Be Canadian
>Unable to afford home
If you chose to pay a penalty instead of buying healthcare insurance, you can avoid being covered. And then these same idiots come to Sup Forums to complain about how theyre not covered
Only in Toronto or Vancouver.
>he doesn't understand what out of network means and entails
A true free market would have multiple companies flying VTOLs competing and bidding against each other for each medical emergency pickup
I supported Bernie Sanders and single prayer healthcare, but I've changed my mind since liberals have gone off the deep end with this tranny insanity medicaldaily.com
If we have single prayer, that creates a system where our kids medicaldaily.com
What really pisses me off is the HSA card I pay into can be used for sex reassignment surgery, but not marriage counseling. That shows you where these fucking liberal's priorities are at.
We're not the richest. We're the most indebted with fiat. We just happen to be armed to the fucking teeth as a country. Helps to keep the riff raff down. Now get back to work, slave! Private bankers are depending on you to keep this shit show afloat.
>be American
>compassionate State official won’t approve a Certificate of Need for a hospital 73 minutes away from the University Medical Center that employs their spouse.
>get hurt
>die on congested highway backed up during light rail construction
>not having insurance that covers all these costs for a small $500 payment
This country has the best healthcare on Earth, if you have health insurance, if you are a poor nigger and cant afford insurance you deserve to die.
>Live out inna woods
>Have severe accident, driving would take too long to get to a hospital
>Call up local private-enterprise helicopter service
>Don't have a living commie on hand so I don't get the commie-disposal discount, end up depositing $10k
>Mid-flight get shot down by rival helicopter service
>Miraculously survive the crash, other company willing to pay for deposit if they pick me up right now
>Get to hospital on time and only end up paying $2k for medical bills
>Get blown up by rival hospital child suicide bombers on way out
>Not wanting to fill America with boipucci
What a faggot
Yea shit maybe we should move to feminist cuck occupied canada or muslim rape central uk. I'm sure life is much better there, go for it!!
thats a retarded reason, trannys make up such a small amount of the cost.
if fat people would have to pay extra it would all be great
Look into the story. They did have insurance, they refuse to cover the full amount.
> We hab da best Healthcare!
Yeah, if you are rich.
Fucking hell sheltered cunts like you actually think you can just hop on welfare like it's nothing and the government don't mind.
you gave me the hardest laugh I've had all month
$500 for insurance?
Man Boogie on youtube was bitching that it was thousands of dollars. And he couldnt afford it.
Air lift insurance is separate from health insurance?
What else isn't covered?
If they had health insurance it would cover the bill. My son was air lifted to a children's hospital many years ago. The bill was offer $10,000 and health insurance covered it.
Here's something to think about though. My son had died from SIDS. He was dead, and the knew he was dead. They got his heart going, before he was air lifted and put him on life support, but his body and brain where dead before they did that. The hospital racked up these crazy bills before his body was taken off life support.
This is one of many reasons why health insurance costs so much, plus in most cases it is a corporate business so they are out to make a profit.
It's such a mess.
only because leafcucks love getting raped so much it doesn't even count as a crime
>be canadian
>pay the same amount in taxes over several years
>wait in line bleeding to death for Jews who think dreaming about Hitler is a valid illness
One thing I do think would be good: get rid of the insurance altogether and replace it with zero interest loans that have low monthly payments. Pay back your medical expenses, don't pay them forward.
>Indigent care
I unironically believe that healthcare should be one of the few services the government should actually provide with my taxes.
If you don't have the money to cover the bill then you deserve to die alongside all other poor people.
>I love jews cock
What about..
Free healthcare
Like all the first world?
>have a retarded system of kike insurance companies and kike """public""" hospitals with retardedly bloated prices
>surprised you're getting fucked up the ass if you don't buy into (((their))) insurance racket
Jesus christ this is revolting.
Can't be done. Niggers and spics are already abusing the "free healthcare" we have now, and all of the other European systems are groaning under the strain of the same thing. "Free" attracts kikes and niggers.
Of course he will.
My brother in law pays for that worthless insurance through Molina (I'd believe). Had a suspicious looking mole. Melanoma runs in the family. The health insurance company denied pre-auth to remove the mole.
It takes a really special variety of human garbage to do that to a grieving parent.
it's not free
here, it actually is a bottomless debt hole
that's the best part
they do all they can not to care about your health
I know of countless people who have been left to die, or which condition seriously aggravated during the wait, because not curing people in hope they'll die and cost less to the system happens more often than the condition aggravating
universal "healthcare" is absolute utter shit
want it or not, it still is as it is
You are completely missing the point. I don't give a shit about the cost. Kids are getting manipulated into thinking gender doesn't exist, or if they don't fit the norm they might be transgender. Then you get these piece of shit liberal sjw psychologists recommending puberty blockers. In states where it's covered by Medicaid like Oregon, kids can get this done behind their parent's back at age 15 medicaldaily.com
What I object to is the liberals eugenics program. They can do this to their own kids all they want, but they want access to fuck up everyone's kid.
Why share fake and mislieding telegraphs off an old president. Healthcare was just as shity 10 years ago as it is now