how can my country achieve right wing death squads like you guys had? i am not mocking or ridiculing serbia, i am seriously asking. you guys actually achieved the day of the rope. how did you do it?
Please serbian masters, teach us the wisdom of the slav
Other urls found in this thread:
do you realize there are more serbs and croats living in north america than in the balkans?
So if you get them working together ? watch out!
Random albo comment saying serbs are subhumans.
learn to flee
>serbian death squads
>wait for jews to occupy your country
>gain freedom after centuries
>become modern and stable country again
ah yes the notorious "muslims are croatian flowers" faggot
Serbia and wars we fought in, just 19th century and on :
Prvi srpski ustanak
Hadži Prodanova buna
Drugi srpski ustanak
Srpska revolucija 1848—1849.
Nevesinjska puška
Prvi srpsko-turski rat
Drugi srpsko-turski rat
Rusko-turski rat
Kumanovski ustanak
Srpsko-bugarski rat
Prvi balkanski rat
Drugi balkanski rat
Srpska kampanja
(Prvi svetski rat)
Drugi svetski rat u Jugoslaviji
Rat u Hrvatskoj
Rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Kosovski rat
Sukobi na jugu Srbije
(1999—2001) > minor clashes
>So you gotta make sure every generation learns the smell of gunpowder, thats how
Almost all those fights were national level so
after a while you end up with a nation that doesnt give a fck which foe we fight.
>maybe because of it all we will be gone the way of the dodo
mehh, who gives a shit.
fuck off faggot
>Everything that isn't Greater Belgrade secedes from Serbia
truly a great nation
> i am seriously asking.
>you guys actually achieved the day of the rope
The closest thing we got to that was this guy beheading all the Turkish dahijas as an act of retaliation, which then started the first Serbian uprising
but other than that we haven't really achieved the day of the rope yet
Just a matter of time
>right-wing death squads
please don't use memes as actual historical knowledge, this country has been occupied since 1941 and its spirit slowly destroyed. no right-wing death squds here.
last 4 wars were embarrassing to say at least, we didn't achieve any planned objective in any of it
basically after ww1 when we lost 60% of male population capable for war everything went to shit, as this guy said here therefore you're a faggot and this shall be saged into oblivion
Boris on which side you were in ww1 and ww2 ?
Do you ever learn ?
>its spirit slowly destroyed
what is this defeatist bitchnigga shit? i thought you guys were an uncucked white country that still has a warrior spirit
We are always ready to fck up those shiptars on Kosovo, just let us do it already burgers.
Dje ste srbijanci
t. Sandzak
will a serb remove my albanian neighbour pls?
>I am absolutely retarded: the post
>what is this defeatist bitchnigga shit? i thought you guys were an uncucked white country that still has a warrior spirit
on some level perhaps, but still communism probably put the last nail in our coffin. most of our country is brainwashed by commie propaganda and their symbolism and "culture" is too deep in society.
If anything our history shows its that we are always ready for some brawl, despite commie fiesta, Yugo wars, NATO bombing and economy from 2000s onwards that mentally scarred us.
Check this
>let us do it already burgers
you've got my permission. i dont know what NATO will think though
you guys have been through a lot. but a bloodline doesnt get cucked in only a few generations
Take some iron bar and brake it on his scull bong, it aint so hard..
Shut up, Achmed.
Oh this is some new meta Albo posting
>achmed wanting a serb to remove an alb
u alright m8?
Come on , you aint even trying now.
Set his house on fire, and when they question you just say he was making a Burek and that he burned it on accident or some shit
Centuries of oppression by turks makes christians chimp out like that. Especially if a muslim state secceedes unlawfully from their country.
Tito should be immortal
чeбypeк ив дaмкe
>you guys have been through a lot. but a bloodline doesnt get cucked in only a few generations
don't get me wrong, i am always going to be here and fight for my nation i am just aware of how fucked things are.
ITT dumb mutts trying to glorify what they don't understand and are getting confused when told to fuck off
The last hundred years were a slow funeral march for all of us here no matter how "badass" memes are.
Basically this
t. diaspora
Sadly true, we will fight anyone till last of us go, whoever goes last turn off the light, save Earth and shit.
It was nice ride anyway.
>confederate flag
da fug?
Serbia tried to hijack Yugoslavia to create an empire and got fucked,
They got what they deserve.
Daj malo neki... svježiji b8 m8
šmljac šmljac ovaj ti je mnogo suh
was the YPA a mostly croatian thing? i thought they were more neutral with both serbs and croats serving
YPA had mostly Serbs in it.
that pic is fascinating, if normies here actually turned on their heads they would realize that everything notable today was built in kingdom of serbia and kingdom of yugoslavia and it looked civilized and european, the only thing commies did was ruining buildings like those and making commieblocks, for instance todays brankov bridge used to look like pic related, or terazije used to be a beautiful place with fountains, gardens where people used to go to walk, then commies came and they literally destroyed it and made road there, video related.
>he last hundred years were a slow funeral march
Nije tacno. Ponekad malo u brza.
ubij hrvata da siptar nema brata
this tbqh.
this, commies have also done their best to engrave into peole's heads that serbia before them was just an oriental shithole that they "industrialized".
>tfw often think about how we wouldn't be on this ride if alexander wasn't such a smartass, but realize shit now is so bad i actually want to go back
>be corrupt
>have a dictator but a democracy and liberty theater
That´s how you get death squads. Sometimes this is neceserry.
>t. cigan
funny when nearly functional retards try to insult people