Poland is >97% ethnically polish

what went right?

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Polish people weren't classified as "counter-revolutinary" while being occupied by the USSR

Very easy anti-semitic answer to this

>being proud of being some proto-slav


balkans are proto-slav as the haplogroups show

The Wehrmacht and the Red Army came and tightened your paranoia.

Poland is based

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How the fuck could it go so right! I honestly believe it is due to males having higher testosterone!

Hitler exterminated Jews, and Stalin redrew borders to take Ukrainians etc. into USSR

Poland wasn't 97% Polish before the Fritzes invaded

It was literally the Holocaust. Poland was super multi cultural before the war, and afterwards it was almost totally Polish

Poland has succeeded in creating country that has zero appeal to non-polacks. Bravo!

why would we want to appeal some faggots?

This is a solid point, also speaking a language that nobody speaks will automatically decrease the inflow of shitskins from overseas

Deported a few million Germans while others got raped and murdered by the soviets.

"rape baby mutt" is now a race


Poland is poor and weak, and nobody migrates to poor and weak countries

Attached: Poorland_was_ric-.jpg (960x720, 148K)

Yet. Soon, my hordes of islamic zombies shall invade your borders and culturally enrich you harder than the soviets.

When did the most backwater country in yurop become the best?

im not polish. why does everyone assume this? i just admire their ethnic purity. they seem to be a true ethnostate

No free gibs because no gibs at all.

>im not polish. why does everyone assume this?

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a mutt called me a mutt. meta af

it seems that poverty and stupidity are key to keeping your nation pure

let's get poor and stupid then. im tired of all these niggers

dear reddotors/newfriends/9gaggers


for your answer

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wait wait wait hol up
are you saying we wuz illyrians n shiet ?

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Based jews made Halo.

Don't worry. Nobody thinks you're polish, Billy.

>nigger country is 99% nigger
poland is designated to contribute to cultural enrichment in western europe like other nigger countries.

>sucking jew cock
youre on the wrong board, boy
there's nothing niggerish about them

I forgot eastern european countries have more niggers and sand niggers than western european countries and the US. They will definitely progress because of this.

thats the dumbest bullshit ive read on here today

>youre on the wrong board, boy
ironic as fuck

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>country full of poles
>what went right

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those fags are a joke. they know literally nothing about business or finance beyond "buy crypto currency hurrrrrrr"

>Pro-Poland thread
>OP isn't from Poland

Checks out

post full picture please


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why butthurt?

Why the fuck would anyone invest in a Ponzi scheme?

A quick comparison of Nationalistic Ancap vs Multicultural Marxism

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>looks at flag
How is that privatization going for ya Sholomo?

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I think Poland is pretty far from ancap.

Explain warsaw, why is it full of gooks?

More far than you can imagine
Korwin has not won yet

It's not?

i got a chamber for u little shill. no ventilation tho.

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It's a fallacy. Shitskins don't live in shitholes. Every Polack dreams of cleaning toilets in the UK instead of having a white collar job in the home country.

This and lack of niggers.

it is, when i was there during new years eve I saw many stores that were owned by gooks and indians/pakistanis. also shitskins working in your mcdonalds

gooks are vietnamese, they migrated to poland in 90s, non problematic minority
shitskins are cheap labour force which our homemade businessmens are importing unnoticed by most of population coz hohols became too expensive and there is not enought of them
this will be problem

>Every Polack dreams of cleaning toilets in the UK instead of having a white collar job in the home country.
i dont understand what's wrong with slavs. you guys have the comfiest countries and all you wanna do is move to the west with jews niggers and faggotry. what do you think we have thats so wonderful? there are just as many poorfag filled commieblocks in america as there are in the post soviet states. moving here doesnt mean you will be a rich celebrity, so why leave home? if i could move to poland or serbia or even russia i would but they'd never take me

Hows things in your muslim country?

Nobody wanted to have sex with them.

PFFFFFT! you mustve never seen a polish woman

great butthurt ivan, tell me more

Attached: Welcome to Poland.webm (320x240, 2.82M)

>1 on 1000 is much
user pls

nice soviet POWs schlomo

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The remaining 3% didn't.

>what do you think we have thats so wonderful?
money and gibs to take back home

Yes their called Eugenics

they ethnically cleansed all the germans from danzig and the western territory

poles are fucking scumbag shitstains

why did Polacks get the reputation of being utter morons here in the U.S.?
they don't seem any dumber than other Europeans to me.

>Jews made a super weapon to kill all life within a large area
Yeah I'm not surprised.

they tasted like chicken

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What are you fucking retarded?

It's just that it wasn't part of USSR and it wasn't really affected by USSR's population transfers.

>jewish population
Only eshenazi you tard, average jew is just as smart as average European, only eshenazis can compeat with whites, becoause of subgroups like scandinavians and north west Europeans?

>built with huge reparations and aid
And there are still plenty of places in Israel that are total shitholes.

dont save the fucking thumb nail faggot

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No gibs to attract niggers and arabs.

Jan Paweł II

probably because of Auschwitz

no gibs and shitty weather

>A pure race
>One of the worst countries of Europe filled of catholic fanatics and poor people

Poland is the proof that mixing is good

>A pure race
>One of the worst countries of Europe filled of catholic fanatics and poor people

lol, you should've seen what happened to south/central america

>2nd safest country in the world
>Japan is first, but is 98% Japanese
Try again you fucking retard

Dont fool yourself, you know that multicultural places like Sweden live waaay better than in muh pure race countried like Poland. Unless you fell for the Sup Forums memes

>Sup Forums memes
ive been the victim of various sorts of black-on-white crime several times in my life. it isnt just memes. multiculturalism is death

% ethnically polish
56% ethnically bydlo.


>be shitty country
>proud because nearly 100% white

You mean Polish

It's the brice of gommunism

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Gopniks are white alright.
I would rather have Muslims.

stop listening to this meme band Angelito

1. I've never advocated for living in an ethnic homogenous society, I'd just prefer my own race. It would be pretty impossible considering I'm a mutt ethnically anyways.
2. Fuck living in Sweden. Period.

>Germans and russians kill big percent of yoiur population, destroy your culture and make you a commie for half of century
>still some 56% roleplayin as as nazi tells you sad stories about muh danzig
Guess what, in every polish household there are stories of their ancestors being murdered by the invaders. Stop acting like an ass

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Ass-raping Russians

You should be angry at the Anglos, French and Mutts instead. The Germans attacked you fair and square. Makes more sense to hate the people who betrayed you, threw you under the bus and fed you to the Russians

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Look at Africa. Nobody wants to live there. And they close their borders to non-european too, which is based and key.

sure you are

Super slav genetics

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based jew poles are literal niggers, even niggers from 3rd world shitholes keep breaking their academic records.

>reminder poles aren't white

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>97% ethnic polish

Poland was the home of Jews, Tatars for hundreds of years.
Poles are mixed with semite and turkic blood.

>country full of anti-communists
>country full of anti-leftists
>implying something went wrong

>angry at Anglos, French and Mutts instead
Indeed we are, but not instead, but too. They betrayed us and sold to communists. They didn't know how long communism in Poland would last, but they gave no single fuck neither about Poland nor Czechoslovakia, both being their allies.
Sorry, but anyway comparing German-made extermination of Slavic people (not only Polish) to the western treason is simply retarded.

What is polish?

(Russian+German)/2 ?