Suck it freakshows
Tranny genes identified
Isn't this what the trannys have claimed though? That they are born that way? I still don't buy it. They have been MKultra'd.
So gender isn't a social construct and is innately biological?
inb4 these genes are also linked to mental illness
Funny thing they didn't find anything when doing the twinstudies.
Sounds like fake news to me.
The retard fag gene is strong in OP.
t. Feminist
it's not science unless repeatable
this is not a valid study
OP is a pedophile
The hypocrisy doesn't even surprise me at this point.
So wait psychology and psychiatry arn't fields of medical study?
>inb4 someone actually shows the proof other then some faggots phone post
Go ahead, post the Scientific Paper, I fucking dare you cucks do prove something for once
I don't listen to mass repliers, kill yourself instead.
Next month
>"You have new insights on your 23&me DNA results"
>Open Email
>"Congrats Goy! You are a gay trap!"
WTF!? I love suicide now!
Checked + Keked
>it's genetic and can be inherited from your parents
>also if you express the phenotype you're not having kids
>testing 30 people total
Aren't schizophrenia and depression genetic in a lot of cases? It doesn't matter what caused it, I'm mentally ill
gotta stop trannies committing genocide
>We identified genetic variants in 20 genes that may play a role in transgender identity.
>‘The most promising of these include variants of genes involved in neurologic development and sex hormones.’
>may play a role
>the most promising of these
What the fuck am I reading? This sounds highly speculative ("may") and biased ("promising" as if they are looking for something usable to drive an agenda, i.e. confirmation bias).
And how do the genes of these
>14 female-to-male and 16 male-to-female patients
correlate with normal people? How about mental illnesses in general? How about homosexuality? Do all people with all or some of these "promising" genes feel compelled to be transgender, and if not, why not? Did all of the studied transgenders have all of the genes? Probably not since that would have been the headline statement otherwise. So how much did their genes correlate with each other among the "promising" batch and is it possible their genes might correlate just as well with individuals from random samples?
You can't argue with the science that supports their view, user.
This is the same shit they said about teh geh. Could it be that we share common ancestry with creatures that can change genders? It seems to me that gender bending could be linked to this.
Im sorry you have a genetic disorder/birth defect. I hope we can cure it someday.
> gotta stop trannies, committing genocide
Amazing the difference a well-placed comma makes isn't it?
Nothing a few thousand volts cant fiix
There is also a genetic link to depression and many mental illnesses. That doesn't change the fact that they are mental illnesses.
user they're killing trannies by the thousand, we gotta stop the trannies
It's fake. You can never feel that you're something that you have no idea what it feels like to be.
You never finished school, did you?
>What the fuck am I reading?
propaganda done by reliable sources, they cant lie cause thats illegal and would lose license, so they just obscure truths by using convulted and/or misleading language
gender benders don't gender bend, they play the role of a whore(or qt) or a stud, lack all real life qualities of the genders they pretend to be
There are also schizophrenia genes
Good, mandatory genetic testing of every baby, every child and every adult. Abort euthanize and otherwise liquidate all of these disgusting degenerates.
now transgender will be on par with downs syndrome? fine by me
Lolol watch these just be schizophrenia genes.
here's the source from OP, 3 seconds on google:
I'm all for this transgender's just part of the natural selection process.
Abort gay babies
>prime boipussy is genetic
What a time to be alive!
theres obviously a lot of genes linked to mental illness my dude, this has been known for a long time
>and we cant leave
suicide would like a word with you user
>buys a KSG
b-b-but muh social construct
> Mental ilness genes identified
Finally we can purify our gene pool.
So you are saying we can use genetic engineering to alter all baby boys so they will be born as traps?
Third post best post
oh non-binary-gender-fluid boy
Legit question, which is worse women, or trannies?
all w*ite boys should be altered like that
It’s better this way now they can be identified early in pregnancy and aborted
Cancer is genetic too.
trannies had male socialization so they are better than women obviously
This is what I've said all along though. They're mentally ill, but it's biological like schizophrenia or body integrity disorder.
Just like those cases, just because their brain tells them certain things that doesn't make it true and doesn't mean we should enable it.
It's wrong to tell a Schizophrenic that their hallucinations are real. It's wrong for someone with Body Integrity disorder to cut off their perfectly functional arms and legs because their brain is messed up and says those limbs don't belong there. And it's wrong to swamp a tranny in hormones and mutilate their body.
>cross reference genes of 30 trannies
Boom. Tranny genes.