How do we stop him?
How do we stop him?
He has been reduced to writing furry erotica about our vice president (for kids).
I think we can safely ignore him.
Turn off the TV
>damage control
The problem will solve itself. The get my news from comedy types have no traction and can't hold up in debate. After his bullshit gets old in a couple more years, nobody will care.
This. He is only powerful if it gets a reaction.
He blew us the fuck out pretty bad, in all honesty
Stop him from what he won't change the president.
All he will do it's say unfunny things in a british accent.
Who cares other than lefty pol eternally trying to drive wedges between whites.
How Iranian or Slavic do you think OP is
He's proof that not everything said in an English accent sounds smarter.
Pre Sup Forums I used to find him funny
Post Sup Forums I realized I was supposed to just laugh and not question what he was saying.
Sorry America we seem to be exporting all our least funny people to your shores.
TURN OFF THE TV??? IN 2018??? COME ON!!!
I'm European spanish
How will I ever recover?
Yes if only you had sent funny walk man instead
How about you Trump-loving retards stop being wrong about everything on the planet and stop being so easy to male fun of?
lmao nah
These late shows aren't comedy.
Its very serious propaganda. Its Pavlovian programming
>right wing belief
>"isn't this a stupid idea? SHAME ON THEM"
>cue laugh track, change subject
>new right wing belief
>"two scoops??"
>cue laugh track, change subject
Its training people to subconsciously associate phrases with negative and positive feelings. Its literal brain programming.
Which one kek.
Honestly we did have funny people once, but then PC took hold and there were certain things that automatically ceased to be comic and became hateful instead.
Book him an appointment with a dentist.
Time stops almost everything. In twenty years no one will remember him, let alone fifty years.
yes he did,fellow 1488er,now let us abandon our principles and be on our merry way. kys faggot
Pull his teeth out one by one without anesthetic on live television.
it's also the only way to propagandize the faux-aloof So Totally Above It All types who need to be kept up to date on the current year while "not even like, trying maaan"
I have a hard time understanding how all the leftist mascots can bloviate anymore without a feeling of deep personal shame.
These are some of the fucks who smugly, unequically informed their dull-witted audiences that Trump would *never* get nominated, and *never* win a general election:
Rotten-toothed limey John Oliver
Deformed ear Stephen Colbert
Serial predator Tom Hanks
Closeted faggot George Clooney
Senile Nancy Pelosi
Affirmative action president Barry Obama.
It takes a special kind of psychosis to go back to bat after so thoroughly humiliating yourself with your public foolishness.
Cancel your cable and turn the fucking TV off.
Share his nudes
The man is the poster child for the Leftwing hateful asshole.
Why would you want to stop him? I couldn't make a more tragic character of a left wing jackass if I tried.
Thanks, I didn't want to sleep anyway