Boruto discussion

Academy graduation soon so post some predictions. How will Hawawa get her new outfit?

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Namida Suzumeno is cute, CUTE! Puberty already hit her, look these hips in development. Puberty is a godsend, she have the biggest boobs of her class. And no, isn't another layer of her swimsuit, this shading is the shadow from her boobs, sumirefag-san

Fuck you are waifu shipping autism. Discuss the anime in large. Also Namida is the true Hinata V2 as shown here. Enough with the Hawawa spam.

Yeah, my image is being used

What a cancerous way to start a thread.

She's cute. Is it worth watching just for her?

Get over it, faggot

She's Tenten 2.0. They even have two pigtails.

No titties, my friend. I recommend suicide

Look the clothes

Is he Mitsuki's dad?

I think so. They're the only characters who grow a single forehead horn in sage mode. That's the main detail that makes me think Orochimaru didn't just take a random genetic sample from Kaguya or her sons. They all have two horns.
And of course there's the fluffy hair. And the yandere tendencies.


No but Mitsuki is his clone.

Do you "get over" it when some shit talks your waifu? You people are the reason boruto threads are ass I hope you guys get banned.


It’s time.

>Do you "get over" it when some shit talks your waifu?
Yes, in fact I ignore it instead of being passive aggressive and shit talking others like a schoolgirl, you should too
>You people are the reason boruto threads are ass I hope you guys get banned.
Nope it’s still you and your constant whining, lurk more or go back

Are they really getting new outfits?

I want to molest this frog

original 6 are etting their movie outfit back (even it it doesn't fit the manga) and the new ones are getting new designs, post graduation

Clearly you didn't get over it. I make the threads bad? You don't even talk about the story.

Come on, guys. Let's not start. The thread just started.

I can't even spot a difference

They should.
But I don't want Mitsuki to wear his ugly ass movie outfit again. Chocho looks way better in pink than she does in white too. I hope they retcon them.

Meant for

Mitsuki looks like a nun instead of a slightly erotic 12 year old. It's all in the cleavage and the length of the kimono.

>Clearly you didn't get over it.
Fuck are you even talking about?
>You don't even talk about the story.
Then stop bitching and start talking about the story then, just don’t sperg out if anybody mentions your boogeyman

Same user? Well, I don't love the movie belt but I doubt the kimono change is going to be noticeable
I wonder what it's going to be like when they get their own "Shippuden"

Not confirmed for Iwabe, Denki, Namida and Wasabi but Sumire yes.

Reminder of the absolute state of retard-kun.

Post EDGYHawawa's

> I doubt the kimono change is going to be noticeable
Friend what are you saying there is an entire world of difference between a tightly, formally fastened kimono and a sloppily fastened one that leaves the chest bare. It's basically the same difference there is between an old lady's bun and sex hair.
>I wonder what it's going to be like when they get their own "Shippuden"
I hope he drops the pants and switch to a kimono that goes all the way down to his ankles.

>those shoulders
>that back
>those hips
Pure kino, literally MADE for sex

I'm sorry I just don't see ANY difference between anime and movie Mitsuki other than the belt
>drops the pants and switch to a kimono
Like Utakata? Personally I would like a classic Orochimaru/Sound Village look, but otherwise I liked his Gaiden armor

>Fuck are you even talking about?
You said you get over it and ignore it but you truly don't
>Then stop bitching and start talking about the story then, just don’t sperg out if anybody mentions your boogeyman
>implying I'm not the one who talks about the story.

I hate Salad and Snek’s hair with headbands on. Can’t wait for next manga chap.

>you truly don't
I forgot you still think every hawawa poster is the same
>implying I'm not the one who talks about the story.
But you are the one sperging out at the mention of your boogeyman as I said, so if you really care about thread quality, then stick to talking about story and stop bitching about a character you don’t like

Look at the chest area. Also the length of the kimono and where it starts giving way to the pants. Movie is below the knee length. Anime is micro mini length.
Holy shit I forgot about this guy, but yeah pretty much. No orange belt though. The gaiden armor was indeed pretty cool, but please keep the purple straw belts and over thick overskirts away from my boy.

the differences are obvious in Boruto and Mitsuki's cases. Right now, Mitsuki has his manga design, and Boruto has a mix between his manga design and his 700 one.
Sasuke, Sakura, Hima, Naruto are the same
Hinata shirt is purple in the anime

I wish Hinata changes cloths once in a while. Short pants at her age? Don’t fit.

Also how did Oro get Toneri genes?

Are you serious?

>Short pants at her age? Don’t fit
You think? Personally it reminds me of the short pants Dame Béatrice wore . Fits my image of her to a T.

>Also how did Oro get Toneri genes?
He slipped into Hinata's bed under cover of darkness the night she came back from the moon and took a sample from her vagina..


Oro really got his dna ain't it?

>Also how did Oro get Toneri genes?

>Toneri gets his (Hanabi's) eyes ripped out and his girl stolen
>Feels bad
>Suddenly an ara ara snekMILF shows up on his doorstep
>She used vague science to get to the moon
>The next morning, she was gone

No bewbs, bitch pls!

Speaking of

>ara ara snekMILF shows up on his doorstep

I think it's fitting that Orochimaru became a gender ambiguous (though slightly feminine) humanoid since his seiyuu was female this entire time.

Wait until timeskip user.

She’s still in the academy, but most importantly
>tits > ass = boys
>ass > tits = men

t. third worlder

Cant wait for the Kakashi episode

Literally what?
>t. teenage boy with underdeveloped taste

Which is more likely for Hawawa’s bust size though?
>delicious flat chest with cute nipples
>moderate bust made for breeding
>STACKED chest perfect for paizuri

Sorry the peso isn't stronger.

>America showing its superiority to the rest of the Western world
As expected.

But I’m an American who said ass is better

More like
>america sharing tastes with the third world yet again

More like
>third world scum invading our country and stealing our tastes

It's Go hard or go home for the Himawari

Dude, you can't just invade a continent, genocide the locals, and then blame whatever goes wrong with your country on invaders. Have some self awareness.

>talking to yourself
Sumire fags are so creepy.

So, the absolute madman managed to not only be a mother, but be a mother to the latest descendant of Kaguya while still fucking around in the village he fucked up a bunch of times. And people don't know why I praise him.

Dude, you can't just hold people today accountable for actions of people who lived hundreds of years ago, then use those events to justify breaking the laws of today. Have some common sense.

So this is what it looks like to not have a counter argument

was the current arc in the manga?
its like they didnt make parts for hawawa at all.
maybe that first anime original arc wasnt a good idea.

There is no argument. It's just really creepy to watch a person go through so far with the shitposting for his self insert/waifu

>projecting this hard
Ah, so that was your post originally and you’re trying to deflect that from yourself.
Got it.

The irony is that you're projecting that weird straw man you made onto me when in reality it's just you being obsessed and taking a naruto character a little too seriously. It's a creepy obsession you have.

I'm a man for Sarada, then

Orochimaru is the man of impossible shit. He has dozens of hideouts all over the damn place and a shitload of money since he always has technology 20 years ahead of everyone else. He's just quietly in the background, winning and getting away with it. In his Shinden Arc, Sasuke even said that for Orochimaru "even the difficult is easy".

Except that you said this as a reply to downplay this which is an unironic moment of getting triggered over a fictional character, and you getting defensive just makes you look like the user who originally posted it

But she has neither tits nor ass

>as a reply to downplay this
No I said because you posted a screencap of yourself because people are tired of your sumire obsession ruining these threads. So since no one took your bait you took your own, which is just plain creepy. How can you take a drawing so seriously? creep.

Medium to stacked bust size so probably Double D cup.

Namida = E-Cup (Paizuri queen)
Sarada = C-Cup
Wasabi = B-Cup
Chocho = chubby J-Cup

>for Orochimaru, even the difficult is easy
>the impossible just takes a little more time
Truly the god of winning.

Moral myopia sure is comfy.

>because you posted a screencap of yourself
No, I posted you getting tiggered yesterday
>because people are tired
You mean you?
>of your sumire obsession
Typical assblasted waifufag, when people discuss a girl you don’t like, just pretend it’s all one user
>ruining these threads
Again, you having another meltdown like right now is what ruins the threads
>So since no one took your bait you took your own
If that actually was bait, then you’ve already fallen for it by replying
>How can you take a drawing so seriously?
Sounds like what you do for Sarada, or how you react to others discussing Sumire like right now
>just plain creepy
Never mind, just go back to tumblr

>people are jerking off over Namida
>they fail to realize that's just the collar from her swimsuit and not her actual boobs

>orochomaru & Saucegay got spared for their crimes and lived happily ever after
this is why this shounen is beyond shitfest, at least coolest guy died a painful dead and apologized

Which one of you created this thread?

Dude, you can't just benefit from genocide and slavery for centuries including the modern day and then cry logical disconnect when people point that out. Have some greater critical thought.

So did he get to smash Rin or what?

>n-no you posted it not me
You're not fooling anyone.

>You mean you?
No it's you. No one could be talking about Sumire and then suddenly you show up with your deviantart and tumblr and start shitposting. That's why these threads die. you.

>you having another meltdown
You're the one who's always MY SUMIRE REEEEE I'm just calling you out on being such a creep and pedophile.

>Sounds like what you do for Sarada, or how you react to others discussing Sumire like right now
I'm not a creepy pedophile so I see these characters as just characters and talk about them as they are relevant. Are you really so obsessed with sumire that you have to force her into literally every thread to fuel your creepy habit. Get help user. It's just naruto.

Indeed, who would’ve guessed I can excuse committing crime now by pointing out atrocities committed by people who’ve been dead for centuries? As Sasuke would say, “yeah...sorry.”


Someone post Oro and Sauce's exchange on that boat.

>dad kills people and steals their money
>gives it all to son when he dies
>people tell son that's blood money

She took one for the team, so that Obito could give her true husbando his sharingan.
Storm 4 did it better.

>being this defensive
>practically repeating exactly what was said in the screencaps that he claims was originally mine
And that’s how you break your own argument. Checkmate again, retard-kun.

The logical disconnect comes from using that fact to justify other people breaking the law centuries later, which makes no sense
Based on that analogy, which is already flawed, it’s okay to punish the son and take all of that money even though his father was the one who stole it

>Sup Forums tier leftist bullshit
>complaining about Sumire
Tumblr really is in these threads

>The logical disconnect comes from using that fact to justify other people breaking the law centuries later, which makes no sense
But it's not centuries later. The effects are still occurring today.

>Based on that analogy, which is already flawed, it’s okay to punish the son and take all of that money even though his father was the one who stole it
Are you saying it's NOT okay for the people whose family members were killed to get their money back? "Neener neener finders keepers, SUCK IT!" is a great morality.

And by punish the son and take the money, I mean rob him and steal his money the way his father originally stole it from others

>But it's not centuries later.
Yes it is
>The effects are still occurring today.
I know that, but none of those effects still justify others committing crime, why is that so hard to grasp?

Niggas why do you lot keep shitting every thread with your Sup Forums shit. Nobody cares.

That's not telling the whole story, though. They try to get the money back, but the law says "Look I know your family was murdered and robbed but he HAS the money now so no dice. Also, you still have to pay him more money." Are you really gonna blame some of the people robbed for being pissed off and stealing some back? Sure, send them to jail for breaking the law. I'm not gonna blame them for being pissed as fuck.

First, you’re the one who set up the hypothetical scenario as an analogy in the first place, which makes it a strawman. Second, based on that analogy as it relates to my original statement, I’m not referring to the people who were originally robbed getting their money back, I’m talking about completely unrelated people robbing the son who himself did not steal in the first place.