So is it WW3 Yet?
Sup Forums told me it was going to be WW3 5 days ago
Q predicted this
>taking everything you read on Sup Forums seriously
yes we're wasting wh*toids on the streets as of now
happens in 24h
if not, it will never happen
Which thread is actually showing the events as they transpire? Can one of the kekistani army just tweet trump to get him to do a press cpnference and say that its on? Can we give Germany back kaliningrad in hope that they'll invade danzig so that konigsberg will no longer be an enclave?
I want to eat her asshole. Please tell me she does porn......
You fool. Everyone knows that when you kill your enemies, they win.
You can never stand against us
Stuff takes time nig nog
Lindsey Peals or something like that is her name...
lindsey pelas. photoshop and makeup helps GREATLY.
>listening to Sup Forums
48 HOURS!!
>I am mentally incapable of thinking for myself!
Spetsnaz just came bursting out of my closet.
Tanks in 30 minutes.
were the glasses complimentary with the boob job
Who is Q anyway?
I dont know the skyking threads are starting to piss me off, nukes flying when?
Yes. Go look outside user. You haven't seen the tanks rolling down the street where you live?
Sup Forums goes into happening mode at the drop of a hat. Like look at this shit:
>A fucking tornado warning
>100+ replies
Stop getting excited over every little thing. Retarded happening threads only desensitize people for when real happenings occur.
Also worth noting that the OP of said thread made one post and abandoned thread. He doesn't give a fuck about a weather report, and neither should you.
23rd Sept last year wandering around Tokyo was breddy sweet m8.
Also that better be Stephania.
pol promised me ww3, a zombie apocalypses, AND a chinese/russian invasion after obama declares martial law and citizens are taken to fema camps all in 2014
still waiting