How do we argue against this meme?
How do we argue against this meme?
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It's an argument on a false pretense. Nobody is pro monopoly, people just disagree about the mechanism that best prevents monopolistic tyranny.
Also, McDonald's can't send SWAT to my house to kill me.
JPMorgan can
Monopoly is natural and a seal of quality. Mechanisms seeking to prevent or destroy it are state oppression on the freedom and private property of the monopoly owners and contributors.
You are part of the problem.
No, there is no utopia. Competition is necessary for market discovery...
monopoly means efficiency, dude. look at how good walmart is at peddling the cheapest shit under production costs. everything you fucking need to live all in one store and for the cheapest price. unregulated markets have a natural tendency to monopolize because it maximizes profits to as few people as possible
If a monopoly exists and the consumers benefit from it, then it doesn't matter. It's like the assumption that all dictators are bad, when it is entirely possible that there could be a benevolent dictatorship.
Market competition naturally prevents people from being able to form oppressive monopolies. Current government intervention supports oppressive monopolies more than prevents them. Also, government itself is a monopoly on initiation of force.
>Also, McDonald's can't send SWAT to my house to kill me.
who do you think is paying the politicians that pay the law enforcement drones?
McDonald’s can pay ms13 agents or hajjis to do worse if they want stupid fuck
The government has to answer to liberals neocons inbetweeners and snowflakes. McDonald’s answers to no one.
You can't. libertaritards BTFO
the meme is accurate, that's the result of not separating business and state
walmart is able to undercut everyone because government subsidizes their employees paychecks
Governance is natural. Mechanisms seeking to prevent or destroy it are autism. You are part of the problem.
>McDonald's can't send SWAT to my house to kill me.
Don't live in south america.
monopolies segment after a certain moment (due to disagreements and differences inside the companies), and create new business, and the cycle of competition-monopolization starts once again.
You can't because it's correct and any libertarian who takes serious ideological steps to solve it becomes a fascist.
Just come over. Capitalism won't save you, only racial consciousness and tradition will.
the based corporations will stop pushing degeneracy and equality of outcome on us unlike the government oops they're all constantly pushing for degeneracy and equality of outcome and virtue signal nonstop haha
break up the monopolies!
Lolbertarians BTFO
In the near future, corporations will have pocket private military companies.
B a s e d
Should also add Facebook and the other social media companies. Unless you're fine with companies replacing the KGB and then selling your private information to govts control you and other corporations to stimulate more consumerism. Muh GDP right guys? Should have read the fine print right?
Private security contractors will always perform better than public police forces. Better training, better equipment, more reward and incentive, less corruption.
Nation sized armies are harder for private sector to replicate, for now. As automation in warfare improves, this won't be the case. Security on a small and big scale doesn't require government.
Monopolies that emerged without governnent intervention, because they offered the best product at the lowest price and that made the competitors go broke are actually heroes for the average consumer.
Socialists go back to >>>/leftypol/.
This is a capitalist board.
Come on Sup Forums, you are better than this lefty shit. Embrace capitalism, wealth, progress, growth!
>Nation sized armies are harder for private sector to replicate, for now. As automation in warfare improves, this won't be the case. Security on a small and big scale doesn't require government.
Yeah, what could go wrong with highly destructive, unemotional and fully automatic mercenary armies available for hire, to the highest bidder.
You won't rent them out to bad people, since that would be bad for you too, and it would make people hate you and thus your business go down in value.
Gently fuck off please.
Broad-based national armies require national consciousness which requires rulers to care for the population and not just reduce them to serfdom.
I'm a Mosleyite, not a communist. I'm not against private enterprise or wealth, I'm against usury and the exploitation of the nation.
>b-but that makes you a leftist!!
Fine then. Tell me how going back to feudalism except without any of the good points of feudalism is better.
>Also, McDonald's can't send SWAT to my house to kill me.
>people wont do bad things in my sistem because that wud be bad
The missing pieces of your ideology can be found here:
kill yourself kike
>I'm not against private enterprise or wealth, I'm against usury
You can't start businesses without money lending. A family would have to work for GENERATIONS before they can afford to start their own business.
If you are against usury and banks, you are against private enterprise.
Coca cola tastes nice wheras tax doesn't
The fact we have the same heil Hitler digits prove my argument is iron clad
That's so wrong I can't believe you'd say it.
Justify neofeudalism or fuck off.
If I sell guns, why would I sell them to a guy who would kill me? Why would I sell them to a guy who will shoot up a school, and people will start hating me and stop shopping from me?
The private market is nature's solution to assholes. They are bred out. They aren't allowed and through means of natural selection and people voting with their wallets, bad people go extinct. There is no welfare to save them, and society doesn't want them and won't support them.
Fuck yeah dude, fuck capitalism that turned your shithole country into one that is envied by every other South American and embrace socialism that turned rich countries like Venezuela and us into shitholes.
Sounds like a smart business model honestly.
Stop projecting your insecurities on me user
>why wud ppl do thngs i dun liek
>remove government
>governments monopoly on violence ends
>anyone with enough money can raise their own armies
Do you idiots really not realize that the only difference between a government and any other political or economci group is that the entity that is the government got their hands on the violence monopoly first?
No more government means whoever has the money makes the rules. Kinda like how Coca Cola hired right wing death squads to massacre trade unionists in some South American country. That's what happens when you have a government that lacks the power to enforce itself within its borders. To think it would be any different in your country just because it's the first world is communism-tier retarded.
Okay, I want to start a car repair shop. I need land, buildings, tools, to pay people, some advertisement, and enough to survive the slow start as we get loyal customers.
I am a car mechanic myself, so I make not too much money, even though I have the skills and rent them out for my boss.
Without loans, I will work all my life and probably still not have enough to start my private practice.
With loans, I can start right now, and as my business grows I can pay back quickly with my vastly increased income.
Pic related
>Monopoly means efficiency, duuuude
No it does not you stupid little cunt. Monopoly results in less products produced and sold at a higher prize.
Okay. Now have some fascist-approved solutions for that particular scenario.
>go to the state for financial assistance while you get things up and running
>go to your corporation and see if there's a repair shop that needs opening
>take out loans from friends and family
And, depending on the particular kind of fascism:
>take out a loan from a goy-run bank that doesn't charge high interest rates
>i am anti-bank, unless its the state, then its okay :)
Nice socialism.
Ancap isn't against government, they are against native government, but actually want more governments than just one native government. Ancaps wants international governments, they want corporation governments. Google, private banks and Microsoft are basically acting as governments, sine they directly control education, migration and money. Instead of getting rid of taxes ancap only increases them, since more international governments aka corporations means more laws and as result more taxes. Then additionally ancap also increases prices when they eliminate native government control of market. Ancap is cancer, the biggest cancer of all.
At least I could defend my self without becoming a social pariah
Never said I wasn't a socialist, user. I just happen to be a socialist who wants all the same things you want and knows that the best way to get them isn't retreating into a faux-rebellious ideology propped up by Jews.
>we just need MORE capitalism despite the fact that all the capitalists hate us just as virulently as state functionaries do
Yes, monopolies exist only through government intervention. As Friedman said:
"A monopoly can seldom be established within a country without overt and covert government assistance in the form of a tariff or some other device. It is close to impossible to do so on a world scale. The De Beers diamond monopoly is the only one we know of that appears to have succeeded (and even De Beers are protected by various laws against so called "illicit" diamond trade). – In a world of free trade, international cartels would disappear even more quickly."
The constant chase for economical growth only helps in depleting resources, either natural or human. All for feeding the 1% vultures.
Remember kids don't try this at home.
>Ancaps wants international governments, they want corporation governments.
Bullshit. I want the purest possible democracy - market democracy.
1. It is local. People only vote on things they care for and that influence them. They vote by buying some things and not buying others.
2. Its real democracy. You don't vote for people who vote for things. You vote for the issue. You pay money for the bridge if you want a bridge, you stop paying for the stadium if you don't want it. You can opt in or out of insurance, donate or not donate to refugee camps, etc etc.
Free market = pure democracy, and it doesn't require any international organization. The international problems (pollution, terrorism, market crashes) go away when you have pure free trade. International relationships are damage control for state faggotry.
>the best kind of democracy is universal franchise democracy where money from anywhere buys extra votes in any race anywhere
Founding fathers never allowed lobbying into government or private stocks. You are talking about American government, but forgetting American government is a private company, not really government. Government can only be a public controlled organization and public doesn't controls the laws, doesn't controls the money, doesn't controls the land...etc. You want to get rid of American government? First get rid of corporations who control it. Federal reserve is made out of 12 private banks, that's ancap banks, since they don't even need to report what they doing, since they are private. Come back when you have public banks, then we can talk about government.
>All people are equal, but the rich are more equal
Money is merit. In a world without states and corporate welfare, a person's value and contribution to society is measured by his wealth.
So yeah, its fine for the rich people to have more say and more power than the poor. They are rich for a reason - they are better and know better. I don't want beggars and cab drivers making decisions, I want investors and surgeons doing it.
People should vote for laws and things, yes, not political parties. Voting for political parties is retarded. Political party is nothing but a private company who btw has no contracts with people, that's like a mafia organization who might build my house, but maybe not, but i have to pay anyway. Democracy you say? American democracy isn't democracy.
>all people are equal
Not true. People are not equal, and the difference of quality between people is measured via the "money" metric if the market is free
Actually, more importantly
>be Schlomo McCapitalistein
>buy guns
>hire men
>I'm the state now
Voting via ballots and such is very slow, inefficient, and resource intensive, You can't vote frequently like that, its not worth it, it scales badly.
But voting with dollars bills is cheap, intuitive, easy, and it allows people who know better and have proven to be wise on the market to have more votes to cast than homeless retards.
>I want feudalism without any of the good things about feudalism
>I am better because my daddy is rich and gave me his money
Let me guess, "temporarily embarrassed millionaire"?
I know for a fact Monsanto at least wouldn't be as much of a thing if governed didn't mandate that farmers buy seed from specific sources rather than just plant seeds mostly from the plants they just grew
This is why I cannot take Ancaps seriously.
>sons of politicians are more likely to become politicians
>sons of doctors are more likely to become doctors
>sons of policemen are more likely to become policemen
>but its absolutely abhorrent, immoral and stupid to assume that sons of successful people are more likely to be successful, and thus deserve more say
We need to control land, we need to vote for laws. I don't need to vote for laws in different city, this concept is retarded. I should only vote for laws that concern me. Why should i vote for supermarket construction outside my range of purchasing? Right now mayor decides if they build a supermarket in your town and ancap morons bribe the mayor. That's how it goes. Either ban private money or have people voting for things, else you are only chasing your tail.
Yes, it is abhorrent. They were not successful because of their hard work, they were successful because of sheer luck.
Full meritocracy now
The free market is full meritocracy. The only way to make it "more full" is if you remove inheritance, but then people just get enough for their retirement and stop contributing. This means your best people quit the game early, and you don't get full value from their merit.
By allowing people to stockpile resources not only for their late life, but also for multiple generations of their bloodline, you encourage them to give it their all, and high merit individuals continue contributing for decades after they have enough for themselves.
>ban private money
>we need a le competition
>break up standard oil
thats how you fight it. stop with this marxism critique from the outside bullshit, capitalism is a made up word by its enemies.
what I think should be discussed is if "capitalism" can find a solution, or is there always a better solution no matter how apt the current achieved is. Who is to say I am satisfied with my purchase or "vote" when it is drilled into us that an invisible solution still persists.
I get that its a "corporate body" decision to shuffle through employees or not, change policy, pursue expansion/investement.. but it is that delegation of "solved" and "unsolved" or even "solvable" which is a resting authority that the (((masses))) retain.
He isn't wrong though. Almost all of the greatest businesses and innovations required a large sum of money from firms, banks, and loans from other lenders. Space X, Google, Facebook, Uber, AI startups, and basically all tech startups required literally billions from banks and investment firms. Where else are you getting that type of money other than taxpayers?
>McDonald's can't send SWAT to my house to kill me
Guess what is stopping it from doing that?
That's right, government's monopoly on violence, faggot.
The picture itself is based on the Socialist/Communist principle of war/struggle among the classes.
Also all those companies on the picture are government-created monopolies.
Sup Forums is a National SOCIALIST board.
White people will NEVER unite when there is income disparity. Hitler knew this.
It is not meritocracy, as money can be obtained without actually having earned it honestly.
What I mean by meritocracy is a government of those that have proven their work, that have proved they are not a burden to society, either benefits leechers or trust fund kids.
Ideal government with laws designed by engineers, by scientists, by mathematicians, professionals that know their field and know what is best. Not by Joe Schmoe that bought in with inheritance money.
Actually, full technocracy now.
/pol' is a capitalist board, you pinko shit.
>What I mean by meritocracy is a government
Fuck off, commie. "Government" should be distributed among all people, via their money vote. Earn more money, your vote counts more. No centralization.
>Ideal government with laws designed by engineers, by scientists, by mathematicians, professionals that know their field and know what is best.
So a vegetarian government, where alcohol and tobacco are banned, recreational drugs are banned, mandatory gym every day, mandatory 8 hours of sleep to maximize productivity, no pornography allowed, you are euthanized at retirement age for maximum productivity, low quality babies are discarded for recycling, and other such scientific, rational and objectively correct policies that would never pass a popular vote, but technicians will obviously see as correct and proper, since from the view point of an absolute government they in fact are correct and proper?
Fuck off.
Hitler and other fascists didn't promote total income equality or leveling of class distinction; that's commie shit. Assistance for the lower classes, class cooperation and the crushing of the international capitalist is what's required.
The only thing that grows forever is cancer
This is why I'm not an ancap but rather a minarchist. The state is needed to
>enfore property laws and contracts
>Protect the country from foreign invaders
>Protect people from aggression, theft and breach of contract
>touting Google and Facebook as positives
Also SpaceX is literally taxpayer funded. I don't view that as bad, but we can do it more efficiently than the Jewy carbon credit way that Elon Musk handles it.
>Monopoly is natural and a seal of quality.
In a perfect world. Unfortunately, we're not living in one.
Ancaps live in the world of abstractions.
The problem here is that you assume there is only one metric for everything, and that metric is money. You have an one track mind, which is why you advocate for corporatocracy.
I want everyone to have a say, as long their say is of worth.
That meme & Gary Johnson are why I'm not a Libertarian.
Sounds like fascism.
the same principles apply to big corporations too, libertarianism is a decentralization ideology
Bugs belong outside
Statists BTFO in one picture
>the only way to control corporations is to not control them at all
p i l p u l
The market controls corporations.
This post doesn't understand what true freedom is.
True liberty is allowing discrimination in all forms, which has been banned since the 60s. If discrimination based on race was legal, races within countries would naturally drift apart if whites weren't guilted into self-hatred like they are today.
Liberty is NOT anti-white, it was created BY white men FOR white men.
This is what former libertarians seemed to have missed, that we never even had anything close to true liberty(maybe in the 18th century), and if we still had a uncorrupted white super-majority that resided in a libertarian state, we would be far better off.