WHAT THE FUCK nothing is fucking worth this
WHAT THE FUCK nothing is fucking worth this
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Calm down. Why not try to positively influence things in your sphere of influence, like make Mum a brew? Take out the recycling, walk the dog or tidy your basement?
embrace the califate
get yourself a cutie
Don't live with my mum anymore, live in Preston. We're not allowed dogs where I'm living and we have no basement. I can't avoid how feeling persecuted by our own country is making me feel
don't worry we will nuke you soon
you sick, pathetic, soccer watching morons
letting your children get conquered by pakis
you sick fucks
we will nuke you all
uk will be consigned to the history dump of filth where it belongs
fuck you britbong
your traitors destroyed everything
and you let them
see this is what I fucking mean by some foreign cunt that has no fucking idea whatsoever. larping fucking american cunt, fuck you
> We're not allowed dogs where I'm living
lol because muslims don't like dogs
hahah how come that hasn't been reported on?
when did it happen? what did they tell you about it?
inmolate yourself in the buckingham palace, leave a video online explaining why.
Godspeed user.
Do you know how it feels to wake up everyday, check the news first thing and see how pathetic your country has become? Then to go on Sup Forums and see Brit-hate threads at 7am in the morning lasting through to the end of the way before going to sleep thinking about how this all happened and what I did to be hated by what feels like literally fucking everybody.
>we're not allowed dogs
The amount of petty authoritarian legislation in bongland is ridiculous
i know more about british history and the crimes of the britbongs that you faggot
if you'd known you might have done something you fucking ignorant soccer watch, fag slag shagging, shitty end to a once glorious empire - now completely destroyed by Blair in just a few short years because you let the media and jews fuck you over while you watched soccer down the pub while children screamed all around you
just use a meme flag
Retard you're not worth the effort, bait elsewhere.
Yeah, and a dog is exactly what I need right now too, and I'm not allowed one...
before you do this
tell the faggot who films it not to piss around with the zoom, not to turn horizontal / vertical
not to film the floor and scream like a fag
basically not to be autistic
99% of videos are ruined because of faggots
Literally a shithole. Would build a wall.
>live in Preston
Move south lad. I lived in Salford for 15 yrs and the north just sapped the life out of me, its too cold and depressing.
Nothing to stop you doing anything expect the fear of failure. Overcome your fears.
Move and don't read Sup Forums, or do this
But record it or make sure news crews on site
> Yeah, and a dog is exactly what I need right now too, and I'm not allowed one...
cry more faglet
hahaha you're not even allowed dogs
hey cheer up friend.
Greater Israel stands with you.
>Petersonfags actually believe this
Thread theme
I moved from Blackburn, to Salford, to Preston. I shit you fucking not, lol. Depression tour or what?
today the leaf wasn't an absolute fag
the rake is put away for another 24 hours
>expect the fear of failure
freudian slip?
You're a nigger, memeflag
Lol its progress soon you'll be in Birmingham!
Go out with a bang. Last act of defiance.
Try to think of something that could be positive in your life and aim for it.
If you want a dog, start trying to find a place you could move to where you could actually have a dog
but this is not hatred
Hahah, fucking hell
Mebs try going different places.
Or grow thicker skin.
Life's what you make it.
Do it
Just die already mohammad....
Cheers, yeah I guess it's a bad day. Overall a horrible time to be a Brit though. The pressure is getting worse and worse from all angles around us. Our government hates us and wants us dead, and doesn't even care about telling us anymore.
>leafs aren't the worst anymore
heh heh
it's funny to bully brits. I still love you faggots
This is what you get for electing Corbyn, you twat.
The biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK is now suicide.
>electing Corbyn
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid, fuck off!!
Tbh I'm loving our 15 minutes of relevance. Anyone else?
Lead the way Britain, we will follow.
This happens to a new country every few months or so.
A few months ago the heat was USA with the Amerimutt memes, before that it was probably Sweden or maybe Germany. Sometimes it's India or some shit.
What happens is, there's a news story posted about a country and its so absurd and embarrassing that every other flag starts picking on that country.
(In our case I'd wager those Germans were behind it, they've had it in for us ever since brexit)
But, the bulling is usualy deserved. Britain has taken some major steps to destruction recently and the other flags, by bringing attention to it, are actualy helping us to notice the problem and want to fight back.
So stop whining and learn from what they're saying!
Britain needs to massacre their ruling class.
Fuck off kike, your people caused this
>just clean your room XD O.< =P
Oh come on. Don't off yourself over some banter. You are still a great country with a great history that molded the pèlanet to its will. Remember me, what language are we speaking now?
On one hand, I feel bad for you guys because we face some of the same problems.
>On the other hand, we left your despotic asses for exactly this reason.
>>Do a flip.
wallice and grummit that shit up and out of there, why live in a shithole?
Respect is something that has to be earned, your current sate is not worthy of respect.
why dont you channel your anger and frustration into fixing you nation.
anyone here speaks Chink?
if you shut down BBC I will hate you less
oh Alphie grow a spine you worthless faggot and drop off packages to your local mosque. At least you'll go down like a hero instead of a faggot.
At least you're not a monkey.
We Portuguese are here for you.
Desembucha lá.
I was born around here and am waiting until finishing university before leaving. I've seen a lot of what people hear about us. At 13 I had about 4 friends of the same age who were regularly meeting up with Pakis to have sex with them in their car.
You are genuinely a good man.
We joke about how America is fucked and it probably is but we will at least have a civil war once it’s clear that a republican can never win the presidency again after Texas and Florida get too many spices and become democrat states forever. But you on the other are absolutely positively and quintessentially fucked in the ass. You don’t have the space you don’t have the weapons and you don’t have the means to say anything about without getting thrown in prison. I don’t know what to tell you lad. Just stay with your family to the end. It’s all they deserve
Please get your blood stained, shekel stealing hands off guts, do not use him to shitpost.
This. Maybe you will die before Britain throws off the yoke, maybe not. It will happen, though. Take heart in that.
One day the moment will come when you will have to fight or give in completely. It is up to you to figure out when that moment will be.
Israel is a blight upon this world.
>like make Mum a brew? Take out the recycling, walk the dog or tidy your basement?
You are exactly what's wrong with thousands of little girls getting Allah'd.
I genuinely hope you get your act together soon, because out retarded politicians and legislators will start copycatting your current authoritarian system soon.
said the world's cancer
how bloody poetic
He tried to save you, back when things weren't so bad, but you didn't listen. They almost killed him twice, but he fought on, but he was only a man he couldn't carry the fight by himself forever.
Ya dun goofed lad.
Yeah, at least you see that much is true.
you need to take in all mongrel goan christcucks
Remember to vote Corybn to collapse this country so we can fight the war while we are young
Accelerationism is the way to go to achieve this, you're right
I dont hate you I just hate what your queen(i know she actually does nothing) is letting happen to you, atleast youre not German.
illeana d cruz
Litterally this. Corbyn is an actual communist and by electing him, you will drive the country to ecenomic collapse and then you can begin fighting the hot war.
That's a question. Why IS our Queen allowing this? I don't understand that much
I don't know man but it's refreshing not seeing you bongs constantly bash on zhe evil germans for a change..
In the end I don't hold any grudge towards you though and hope our nations will finally get along in the future.
>We're not allowed dogs where I'm living
It must be a nice place
This gets me every time. I don't think Germans, on the contrary, we are blood brothers.
It is the communist infiltrators in your country who are evil.
> live in Preston.
There's your problem laddo. Come up to Blackpool, we don't have any mudslimes.
Hang in there bong. Don't fall victim to defeatism, hard times hardens the people.
You better fucking hope WW3 starts soon, WW3 will make or break the west.
try defending yourself soyboy.
she can stay if she stomps on bible and start worshiping true gods
We have "Arabic Day" at university, our lecture was once interrupted by the call to prayer where we had to wait for them to finish. We had a trip booked for us to the new Mega Mosque opening up in town but I changed module and got the fuck out of there.
Mate going down Blackpool front a few weeks ago is the most depressing thing and I should never have gone. All of those horse and carriages? Full of Burqas. BMWs and Audis parked up all down the street full of Muzzie gangs meeting each other.
>True gods
You mean steak? Or do you people worship toilets now?
Britain seems to be way worse off than Sweden, and that says a lot.
>worships a stinking kike dead body
Do you have a licence for this thread? I think we should call the police.
in queen's mouth
just come to America senpai
if you get rid of one illegal family you will be welcomed as one of our own
>It is the communist infiltrators in your country who are evil.
I took this pic on the day, so you know it's real
I love England, and its wonderful people. I love hooligans, and even the Queen.
I wasn't as harsh on the UK or any Euro country until the mutt memes. They piss me off pretty good.
I don't hate you, Britain, or the English people. I hate your government and I hate that your Monarchy has turned to crap (Prince Harry needs to step down, Charles is an SJW, and Wills and Kate are blah). I also hate that you seem to be doing nothing as your children are raped and blown up and your police go after you with everything but ignore all the minorities. It seems the English people have just given up and are letting whatever happens, happen.
Jesus christ that's fucked. Sorry user.
I wish your country the best of luck and know that it isn't dead like people say it is.
You make it impossible for us to move to America. It's incredibly difficult to do.
We do have a new hope as of last Sunday and this coming Sunday
and you didn't have balls to draw a dick on the poster? you should go extinct.
i know these feels