>be manlet, speed
>get pulled over by fat cop
>get in a fight with a cop 2x my weight and a head taller
>win fight, drive away
Should have stayed a meter maid, faggot.
Are these people paid to eat and write tickets? Where's all those "well trained" cops they keep mentioning,
Man wrestles cop over speeding ticket
>no link
why is OP always a faggot?
No tears cried if the cop killed this homo
and of course it was a nigger.
He better remember his state issued diaper next time, wouldn't want to ruin his uniform when the manlet beats him into a coma
>when the nigger beats him into a coma
i fixed it for you
LOL. He got in and drove away.
>cops shouldn't learn to deal with niggers
You're the worst kind of (((white person)))
no archive?
Shove it up your Butt Hole OP
I was in a car accident recently and a lady cop showed up.
She didn't have a partner and she was probably 5 foot and 100 pounds soaking wet.
I'm a 2m, 280 lbs man. There is no question that if I were to fight her, I would win almost instantly.
But I realized that she is a direct threat to my safety. What if I had taken some medicine that caused me to become belligerent? Her only realistic option would be to use lethal force on me. And why? So she can strut around in her uniform and pretend to be a cop?
Why aren't traffic citations automatic? Surely pulling someone over just endangers both the cop and the suspect. Why not just submit the citation without the horse and pony show?
When will they learn?
How does that boot taste?
>be manlet
>constant need for approval even though nobody really cares
>drive too fast to compensate for perceived genetic flaws
>get pulled over
>physically assault a police officer over a $70 ticket
>spend a year in jail as a result and pay times times the amount in fines
When with they learn?
Stop butchering the English language Amerifats. You use the word suspect when there is a lack of concrete proof of an individual doing something.
This is a video recording showing convincing evidence. Hes not a suspect(ed offender), but a prime offender, criminal, etc.
Bitch cop lmao. Us police is a joke.
You're innocent until proven guilty in a Constitutional court of law you low born peasant.
They can know absolutely that you did it but you are still innocent until you have been proven to be guilty. Its called having Rights
>get in a fight with a cop 2x my weight and a head taller
Why do you lie, OP?
no archive faggot, go get your clicks somewhere else.
I've always been in favor of just writing down the plate number, then mail the ticket to registered address. Guy won't stop speeding just because he got pulled over.
More training is definitely necessary though
This so much
Put me in the screen cap
>turns the tables
what a pussy ass bitch. can't even restrain a tiny pigmy nigger.
>All caught on video with license plate in view.
The absolute state of Manlets
This is how you shrek a faggots arsehole
Well played meme-flaggot
He has never had rights, it’s a concept foreign to his people
>be tall
>get ass kicked by a short man
>"but m-muh height"
When will you lanky morons learn? Truly no better than niggers.