Dragon Ball Super

The time has come and so have I.

Two hours til Kefla.

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Too early to make a new thread, why are you people being so autistic lately?

two hours til gohan jobbing to the namekians you mean


Everyone say thank you to Caulifla for saving your series.


What's wrong with Goku in this pic, anons?

Kefla's punches gave him brain damage.

Air time has changed right? 1 hour earlier than the usual. So 1h45min or so left?
GMTfag here

We went back an hour so that means it'll be an hour later.

since the clocks went back I think it's 1am for us

Air time is the same.

Nevermind I'm a retard.

Mean while Videl is playing with her little shota soul mate Goten.

reminder that only niggers think that gotenxvidel was supposed to be canon

This episode will make history

Nude Pan on the bottom


Danke based Sup Forumsnons
May your waifu bake you delicious dindin

Or an angel from U13.

>pick stupid as fuck saiyans to fight on your team
champa deserves to get erased

Get into a tub with a jellyfish. Chode Choker.

Jiren BTFO Marvel Universe

>their fusion is now the strongest fighter in all of u other than Hit
He's smarter than pretty much every other GoD when it comes to this stuff.

Next enemy after Gohan Blanco defeats El Grande Padre


Now that we know that the mods are faggots and won’t do anything, post hentai

>strongest fighter
>jobs to UI goku
should have picked 2 fighters from a more inteligent race that can follow simple instructions like running away and hiding until the tournament ends

So is DBS at 7pm ET now or 9pm ET?

Is that Rasubosu?

>Not having Saiyans who can asspull your universe out of being deleted
Were the other universes even trying?

it's in 3 hours isn't it?

>2 minutes left
>Jiren wipes the field with a single move

Yes. I wonder if it's a drink name like the rest of the angels.

but they're dumber than goku


subbed at 8:35 est

So 7pm. I don't care about subbed.

They didn't choose not to have Saiyans, dumb speedwatcher.

Kefla is stronger than Hit.

Based user

sadly she's dumb as a brick

where's this from?

Debatable. More strength? Possibly. That time lock attack seems gimmicky enough to beat anyone other than Jiren though.

>doesn't care to actually know what they're saying
Why are people like this?

I know you're trolling, but it's Dragon Ball. You don't need to know what they're saying to know exactly what's going on.

not that user, but I can understand "ATATATATATTATATATATATATA" just fine without subs

>chaining threads

Just report it.

>That time lock attack seems gimmicky enough to beat anyone other than Jiren though.
No it is not. In the end, Hit's abilities can be broken with pure power and Kelfa is much more powerful. Plus, the Time Cage doesn't have any offensive effect. Hit can't beat Kefla.

jobbing to kekfla

its a dumb waifufag
they stupid as fuck

It makes it easier for him to speedwatch

Every ToP ep
>Two Zenos: eeh Sugoi

Protect her smile, /dbsg/!

>actually thinks I'm trolling
All you can get is the jist of what's happening. If there's something complex like an explanation, it'll completely fly over your head.

>being this delusional
hit would kill kefla just with his regular timeskip



>Plus, the Time Cage doesn't have any offensive effect.
It still allowed him to use a last-ditch move which he felt had a reasonable chance of defeating Jiren.

>Hit's abilities can be broken with pure power and Kelfa is much more powerful
Vados straight up says that his power is beyond comprehension when he breaks out of it. I wouldn't be so quick to place anyone else on that level just yet.

Grande madre (con chancla) vs Gohan blanco when?

It's "They're". Use proper words dumbass.

fucking retard


How strong is he?

Friends, don't forget that starting today Super airs 2 hours earlier! (in half an hour)

what is mexico's obsession with gohan?

That's not even spanish.


thanks for the info

>Maximum +1
Powerlevelfags btfo

>Jiren struggled and needed his glare force
It would've worked on anyone else without a doubt.
Hit also has the time skip and those invisible punches as well as other assassin techniques we may not have seen yet.

Shitliflafags for you

herms98 translates the live episodes every week. once in a blue moon do they actually do a long explanation of shit going on.

>2 more fucking episodes of this bullshit

Jesus fucking christ, I wouldn't be watching if it wasn't for Catospera


the fuck is it then?

Can someone tell me what this is?

It has just occurred to me that Jiren is Virgo Shaka.
To defeat him, Goku and his gang will have to use a forbidden attack. An attack so powerful that no one can withstand it.

Frieza will get the idea because he knows how to use hakai energy now.

>It still allowed him to use a last-ditch move which he felt had a reasonable chance of defeating Jiren.
His plan was to keep him in place. He was desperate. Even if he were to manage to stop her in time and attack after, it would not be enough to defeat her because of the abysmal power gap.
>Vados straight up says that his power is beyond comprehension when he breaks out of it. I wouldn't be so quick to place anyone else on that level just yet.
Kefla is not at Jiren's level obviously. But she is much stronger than Hit. Goku also broke timeskip with pure power before.



crunchyrollfags browse these threads to take down streams

>episode airing early
>have to go back to work because a manager called in sick
>can't shitpost the episode until 6 hours later
Fucking why lads

are you retarded or delusional? are all of you Caulifla fucks like that? Hit is on a whole different level you idiot

super is autistic.

The real love story of DragonBall.

Shotacon and her shota.

these waifufags are both
just ignore them

>There are this many retards that post here
It's clearly Portuguese.

Someone explain this Gohan Blanco and El Grande Padre shit

>reading mud languages

don't ban me faggots

No point in doing it if she can't do that herself. Dumb jobber.

oh so its a spanish speakers neighbor ok same shithole tho. I mean only good thing to come from brazil is the liveleak videos

>Hit is on a whole different level you idiot
Strength-wise, probably not but he might still win in a fight simply because his abilities are so broken.

>Goku also broke timeskip with pure power before
He learned to anticipate it to the point where it didn't affect him anymore. Not really the same as "breaking" it. Jiren was straight up described as having "power that surpasses time itself". That's a whole other level. I'm not sure if anyone other than Jiren could actually break out of that ability.

I don't understand that Portuguese, but I took Spanish and it doesn't have "e" as a word.


Who cares? All Third World Languages are the same trash and unworthy of differentiation.

>It would've worked on anyone else without a doubt.
Jiren being unable to move perfectly doesn't mean that the others would have been powerless when they too have much more power than him. And again, it has no offensive effect. He simply can't beat Kefla. To need this he needs to charge timeskips several times in the first place.


I figured the actually spelling is El gran Sacerdote