Blend S

Dino and Akizuki are living the dream.

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Kaho is an aho

My wife Kaho is so sexy.

My husband Akizuki is so handsome.

Otaku, unite

>mfw I'm more attracted by the loli
Kill me.


>Mafuyu with a beer
Is that legal?

mafuyu seems like one of those girls that looks super small and delicate but could beat your ass and pin you down on the ground any time
thats hot


literally me irl

miu on the left

Someone post Mafuyu sipping beer please.

What a slut, exposing that lewd armpit.

I need artwork of pregnant Maika with Dino's baby.

She won't survive it. Do you want Maika to die?


Describe the smell of a cake loli.

I want Mafuyu's Mafus!

She's a big girl.


>licking that armpit was the first thing I thought when this scene showed up
There's no hope for me.

Maika has officially been corrupted. She wants the Dino.

I guess it is a pain being Mafuyu. You are trying hard and only pedos are after you.

But Sup Forums and good man Abe told me japanese girls were made to be bred with white males.



Nice italian touch.

She smells like alcoholic sweat, vomit, and disappointment. College slut.

>anons waiting with their dicks out for Surprise to appear
Six weeks already, still no news of people with prostates exploding around the world so I guess it is still good

>She smells like alcoholic sweat, vomit, and disappointment. College slut.

In Argentina we call beer "birra".Is this a coincidence? Or what is it?



It's Italian you shit cunt.

In that case it can't be helped. Sumimasen Maika chan.

I'm off to /ck/ right after this so you don't need to warn me.


What a dumb fatty. She could be easily tricked into a gangbang in a karaoke meeting with her gaming buddies.

>go to beach
>see an unsupervised loli drinking beer
what to do?

Interesting, didn't know that. faggot

Take her to my van.

Things that I would do to mafuyu
hugging her while watching chinese cartoon

>She could be easily tricked into a gangbang in a karaoke meeting with her gaming buddies.
Are you a doujin writer?

Is Kaho actually a dragon maid

Tell her I like Dire Straits and hope to be raped.


I would probably be too busy staring at the blonde titty monster next to her to even notice

Walk away, since I don't have the courage to deal with such an abomination.

Wrong. Kaho is for one-on-one sex that's awkward at first but builds up to wanton lust after she becomes comfortable.

Maika is literally perfect.

Loli Kaho a cute. A CUTE!

Is that their daughteru?

What makes Kaho so perfect?

What does that mean?

Anyone else have a bit of trouble believing they only had 2 part time waiters working until Maika showed up? If they eventually get busy enough to have 5 working at once the idea that they were ever getting by with only 2 seems fishy.

Best girl.

Thicc, blonde, twintails and isn't any type of shitty dere.

She's a false tsundere, 150% dere and 0% tsun in reality

>that apron

Tiny Kaho best Kaho.

What a cute dork

She has a cute OTP.

First is the straight forward loli.

Second is naive thicc blonde who doesn't take anything seriously.

Third is onee-san and newest worker who is still not used to the manager hence the question mark.


>black hair
>short and flat

Bakuretsu mahou soon?

Man, I have even used a red circle.

The Holy Trinity.

I like how earlier Dino noticed he was in the typical situation of having a girl pressing herself against you because of circumstances.

Then Maika noticed she got the desired bridal carry every shoujo out there wants to experience at least once.

Kaho is too lewd.

I means Kaho is excited for セクハラ fun time!

I know. I didn't think I needed to explain the circled one if I said it was written by Kaho. It's self-explanatory really.

Kek, I think we all missed it.


Is probably her shitty ass forum signature.

Pick your Kaho.

I love this show so much, it panders to my glove fetish perfectly.

Last one makes me think of Eriri with boobs aka not shitty because at least there's something good about her in that case.

Her face looks exactly like Chitoge there.

I choose ponytail Kaho. Feel free to disagree. You're wrong though.

>dat icon
poor oneesan



Why? You're one of us now.

1/2 and メガネ

I'd blend the fuck out of that midget.

Her unending lust for penises.

She's younger than 25 years old, so she's not a cake. This is important knowledge that will show up in the exams so please don't ever get it wrong again.

something something 135cm something furniture

I want to do the mating press to Mafuyu

Only 1 penis.

I added a bit of mental age, since she seems to be so dead inside.

[x] Talk to her

Why are the bikini straps the only green part of the entire swimsuit?

Really ruins the color scheme.

She's probably well bellow 40Kg.

beach lolis

Usually glory holes only fit one penis at a time.

Lolis trying to kill an italian dude!

I love girls tiny enough to fit into my imagination.

user I know that everyone uses those shitty emojis in the internet nowadays but Japs have always been fond of using text to make faces. If you can't see the face in \(^p^)/ then you might be too new to the internet.

Yakuza burying a made man

I will protect Kaho from the likes of you so she rightfully ends up with 8man.

Does that mean "deadline"? That's sad and funny.