Pretty much

Pretty much.

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Last week the Democrats are telling people we need major gun control. This week Dems are saying that they need a civil war to overthrow Trump.

They're afraid.

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Trump can go to jail for all I care but I’m not budging on the 2nd amendment

They are stupid like their supporters. The elite is busy switching over to the Republican camp now they realised they can't shut it down

Trump is taking down the entire swamp and this purge will be above (((partisan))) politics.

So nothing has changed in over a year then. I still remember before the 2nd presidential debate libcucks were all pissing their panties over the idea that if republicans lost then conservatives would rise up and take to the streets and shit, then it turned into the exact opposite and libcucks have done nothing but threaten violence at every corner while still fagging out about taking everyone's only means of defense from this so called "Hitler 2.0" known as trump. I stopped giving a shit about libcucks 8 years ago because they're nothing but a lot of loud words

Right, because the establishment consisting of all media and entertainment, everything financial, all spheres of power and law is just down to back down and allow themselves to be purged

I don't think you understand. It's not up to them. They've been trying to stop it with countless distractions and false flags. Calls to start a civil war. internationally the jews are trying to start ww3 to avoid this.

They don't have a fucking choice.

>not taking in account that president might be severely retarded.

I'm for a "7 days in may" type scenario

WIll the left use their assault rifles to take our revolvers?

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It's cute how you think they are this weak

>See, my friend, here are a serious paradox in your reasoning
>Well, huh, da prasident is just ritorded xDDDD

>strongly supporting gun ownership
>Donald "Take the guns first, go through due process second" Trump

maybe YOU need to replace YOUR political fitler

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why does this guy annoy me?

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The sad thing is their base is even dumber than they are.

Probably because you're A FUCKING LEAF and therefore a faggot?

He doesn't see that the Democrats don't have guns, that's why they call Trump a dictator and demand guns be taken at the same time, Republicans are the ones with the guns.

Nothing they have tried has worked yet

I used to think his talks about persuation and influence we're just fluff... Then I saw his girlfriend. He's got some money, he doesn't have THAT much money. Nice work for an old gross looking vegetarian.

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don't want your guns taken away?
don't threaten others
it's easy to understand retarded.

Because he says things that you don't agree with and that makes you emotionally upset. Stop acting like a woman.

That's because all that's left in their base is literal retards. The media is only giving the illusion of widespread resistance but the truth is that they have no more support.

People have either gone Republican or independent now, it is pretty funny to see them collapse in on themselves.

Yup. That's the thing that they don't understand. Even the shills on this board believe it's a right wing hub. What they don't realize is most Trump supporters don't identify themselves with the Republican party. Even if you aren't a Trump supporter, you likely don't identify yourself as a democrat.

The media and the jews and shill are using a playbook from an outdated paradigm and they don't understand it.

Watching the American progressive derangement for the past 2 years has been an amazing trip.

Then you sir are a faggot and a traitor who supports the second amendment. Is there any chance i could get you to support the second amendment without being a faggot and a traitor?

That's how to spot shills, they will say shit like "you Republicans" etc. This place has never been a republican board.

Their filter tells them a man that was given a medal by Rosa Parks for his commitment to civil rights is a "racist," a man with a Jewish son in law is a "Nazi," and a man who married immigrant twice is "anti-immigrant."

They have the filter they want, and their total insanity is completely intentional.

>support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Nope, you are the traitor for placing a media clown on par with the constitution.

Don;t forget accusing us all of being stormfags. They can't wrap their mind around the fact the right wing is extremely diverse in thought and opinion. We just unite when we need to.

The views of the Democratic base are whatever their party tells them to think this week. They're full on 1984 proles at this point.

I don't even know how they know what the Democrats are saying, 99% of them don't even follow politics. They just know they have an opinion and it's their opinion so it must be right. Maybe twitter is a form of MKUltra

which gun bill has he signed?

get trolled idiot

He's ugly but based as fuck

Only if you are a retard

Trump isn't going to take guns from people who have all the right chromosomes

Who would they get to fight in their civil war, I wonder? Not the rank and file military and law enforcement they're firmly in Trumps corner. Foreign peace keepers? Bloody blue helmets will litter the streets. How about divisions of dindus? Nope , they generally can't into marksmanship and a sizeable chunk of their military age males are incarcerated. Who's left? Battalions of white apologist soy boys with Call of Duty experience? I may be wrong but I don't think CoD teaches you how to calculate MOA or use a lensatic compass and a topo map. My two 12 year old country boys can do both and field strip and reassemble an M4 in under a minute in the dark...Ooh rah!

this is just drivel, sorry. that "media clown" was elected by the processes set fourth by the constitution, and you owe it to the founding fathers to support intellectual dissent instead of advocating an attack on the traditions of peaceful transitions of power just because your candidates lost.

Maybe people with more power than the typical user here have reached similar conclusions as us. Maybe some even came here out of sheer morbid curiosity to see what happens and they read things that they never forgot. The awakening could be more general than some would imagine. Just don’t talk to any boomers. I mean they are trying to slowly genocide us. You’d hope that a sort of overmind consciousness would start to pick up on this after awhile, at least before it’s done.

Let's be real here, if people tried an armed rebellion they'd be fucking murdered by drones. Not to mention, Trump has access to the nuclear codes. How will your AR-15 be able to fight against this?

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Bitch I wish they would

shoot the drone dumb-dumb

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it's real cute how you pretend to have even a modicum of knowledge of them, faggot

>if people tried an armed rebellion they'd be fucking murdered by drones.

You mean like Vietnam, and Afghanistan where a 15th culture fucked up super power magic?

It's pretty simple. They hate the second amendment, they hate freedom of speech (muh hate speech btw everything u say is hate speech), and they love open borders paired with an increasing welfare state simply to control the vote. They are authoritarians who are just not happy they aren't in control yet. Stop pretending that these people's beliefs are hypocritical due to some irrationality.

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>He is a dictator because he doesn't like immigrants who come here and milk the system.

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Good luck shooting down a nuclear missile with your AR-15.

Ah yes ofc the US gov't would nuke itself, retard.

Do you honestly think that an appropriate response to a terrorist rebellion in your own nation is to just start dropping nukes everywhere? We don't even fucking nuke that shit hole desert for God's sake.

You mad, gunfag? You'll be the first ones nuked.

Haha. Oh man..dotr includes retards too.

Can't lynch people when your ropes have all been disintegrated by nuclear hellfire.

Can you be this retarded?
Holy shit!

Nuked? You a special type of stupid if you think nukes will Be launched.