Other urls found in this thread:
Emilia is just a generic elf with a generic design and generic personality, while Rem is a one-of-a-kind paragon of femininity.
Reminder that Echidna is endgame, all the other sluts are just obstacles.
>When Subaru’s breath was taken away by her words, Rem closed her eyes tight again, and she continued to shed tears.
>[Rem: I was so happy that you were glad that we have a baby. I really was. I was really happy. But, I was really scared. Because……]
>[Subaru: …]
>[Rem: Because…I…I wasn’t able to be a good child…when I was one myself. I let…my parents down…and the villagers……thought I was a…hopeless child……]
>Uncontrollable tears trickle down rapidly from Rem’s eyes. And Subaru couldn’t even wipe them away, as he was captivated by the beautiful, sparkling teardrops.
>She was unable to be a good kid. That regret binded Rem’s mind with anxiety.
>[Rem: Despite all that, I have a child……and I was so worried, I couldn’t stop being worried. Being a good child…a good little sister! I couldn’t be either of those…and I wondered…could I really be a…parent……?]
>[Subaru: Rem……]
>[Rem: I didn’t…want to part with Tia-sama. I thought that, if there hadn’t been a deadline, we would have spent our days at the tenement house like that forever…and ever……But, I was wrong.]
>Rem shakes her head disapprovingly and reveals the piled up inner thoughts she had kept hidden.
>As if she was punishing herself for being far too sinful.
>[Rem: I was… scared of becoming a parent. I was scared of…meeting face to face with the child. I was actually scared this whole time. I thought I couldn’t be a good parent!]
>[Subaru: ……]
>[Rem: Because, I’ve always……disappointed all the…precious people…around me……]
>Rem breathes heavily, and her face is red from agitation and grief. Using the hand that wasn’t holding onto Subaru’s, Rem wipes her face that had tears trickling down on it, and then covered it with her arm.
>Rem’s heartbreaking outburst hits Subaru, and it was tearing his heart into shreds.
>It was a very intense, a very natural, and a very sad outburst
Rem is too strict with herself
Reminder that she was frozen in her own piss and shit for over 100 years.
without rbd, subaru would be nothing to her. and he never even gets her lewd kiss.
>Like this, our breaths became entwined. All this happened so suddenly that I had no chance to react and defenselessly accepted her kiss. For the first time, I experienced the feeling of a warm, soft tongue probing past my teeth, invading my mouth. My brain completely short circuited, and any remaining rational thought burned away.
>After a moment, or a few seconds, or even tens of seconds, our lips finally separated slowly. They remained connected by silken liquid threads, which the woman gently cut off with her fingers.
>it's been 1 year already
I hope she will be back next year
>OVA announced
>still no release date
I hate these people
I want to see prankster Rem more often
I want to get bullied by Rem
This might be the only anime where I hope the MC either dies a horrible death or remains single for the rest of his life.
Subaru is annoying.
All the girls are annoying.
I kinda hoped betelgeuse killed all of them and he became the new MC.
why didn't you just drop it?
cuz if user didnt have anything to complain about they'd have nothing else to do.
I really like to see how this thread fades away. Just like Rem.
How long could an OVA possibly take after it's been announced?
from the arc 5 q&a:
>Q: Will there be, as I expect, a turn of events in the story where the archbishops are actually good people?
>A: Nope.
>Q: Any chance that they were good people before becoming archbishops…?
>A: Nope.
>Q: Was Geuse a bad guy too?
>A: He killed the most people out of the archbishops, that guy. The evil deeds of the other archbishops, compared to “Sloth”-san, don’t amount to much.
hmmmmmm. even more hmmm if sirius is fortuna. is the wording implying that juice killed a lot of people before he became an archbishop?
Subaru has 3 cute daughters!
have you not seen aku no hana? holy shit that guy's a retard.
Felt: “I don’t know too much about you brother, or you, sister, but I still get a sense of distance
between you two. This kind of interaction doesn’t have the slightest bit of an erotic atmosphere.
Seems your relationship hasn’t changed at all since our last meeting.”
Subaru: “It's not like erotic flirting happens these days! And there’s no need to bring up what
happened in the capital, and my chest hurts so please stop!”
Is what Felt is saying true?
The Konosuba one was a couple of months wasn't it?
>The people we thought were pure were the most evil in the first place
Someone needs to break this cycle
>is the wording implying that juice killed a lot of people before he became an archbishop?
Tappei is quite insistent that they were all scum and were all bad people, so it sounds like it.
Honestly, that's the kind of shit I want to see in this series. I don't want the characterization to get soft.
Between Subaru and Emilia? Not much actually changed even after his "confession".
>Anastasia: “I guess you’re not accustomed to it, since you’d never experience this kind of dish without living close to water. The Water Plumage Pavilion is actually famed for this.”
>Sashimi wasn’t the only thing Subaru recognized. There was a variety of Japanese dishes placed together on the table. In the midst of all the confusion, Anastasia began to bring food to her mouth, and Subaru took that as a cue to start.
Kararagi really got everything from japan huh makes you wonder if Hoshin is still running around or something.
people who were once dismissed as shitty and irredeemable will redeem themselves and be pure again.
but in essence yes this is what I like seeing. scummy people everywhere, justifying or embracing their scumminess with their twisted beliefs.
why are threads so dead?
there's barely any discussion. should we just wait until Discount gets to an intersting part to start threads?
Part of the reason is some people, me, haven't gotten around to reading the latest stuff. I tend to fall into slumps.
What if Hoshin is Al?
or me it arguing with other anons that got me to love my luster for this series, I'm sure when given time anons that are like me will come back.
we're getting fairly close to more interesting things, hopefully we can have DEEPEST LORE fests again.
does anyone want to speculate with me about juice and possibly fortuna being shitty people? something like "they're so invested in protecting emilia and staying loyal to satella/emilia's parents that they're willing to risk the safety of the world" would be likely but too tame for my tastes. maybe they're waiting for emilia to mature and become satella's vessel, like what juice says in arc 3. there's also this, which he says when he first meets emilia:
>???: “This is quite a predicament I've found myself in. ...The promised time will end up delayed.”
with the promised time being satella's resurrection? so juice and maybe fortuna are only raising emilia for satella to bodysnatch her :)
also juice's faction is apparently "moderate" while pandora's is "radical", but remember that those are labels that juice himself used. hmmmmmmm.
Well Bete and Fortuna were part o the cult. Maybe the cult just did things like mass genocide where it wasn't shown. I bet they're responsible for the extinction of the ancient races.
I don't think fortuna was pat of the witch cult, but she knew juice for a long time so she could easily have been a part of anything he did.
also, concerning fortuna, she has a very interesting line the store special:
>Fortuna: “When we first came here, seeing the worry in her was terrible. Even if the guardian’s duties have been handed over to Arch, I can’t leave her side. And now, even more…”
the line was pretty ambiguous, so I left it like that. I'm not sure if I got it across properly, but the "and now even more" carries the implication that she's gotten more attached to emilia than she was supposed to. is emilia's guardian maybe meant to change every few years so that they don't get too attached to her and fail to sacrifice her when needed?
Every thread until Rem wakes up.
welp I've something to look forward to tonight
thanks user
I can see that any that's probably why they hunted Fortuna and Bete down to track Emilia. What i Emilia is some sort of perfected vessel after all?
I love Emilia.
I just realized Beako seems to be the only major character who has no line in the third trial future visions
Beako will find a new family to love forever just you wait
Tappei only gives to take away.
>it's not like erotic flirting happens these days
>that damage control
when will he stop being delusional? we know he likes erotic flirting
Why is Rem still relevant after all these years?
Best girls are timeless
Its he best part of saving face
>Subaru: “Yeah. Although Ferris is always clinging to Crusch-san, it could be said that they don’t see each other as man and woman, right? And the starting point between you two is only a little bit before us, so maybe we go about treating the people we like the same way.”
>Crusch: “Well, it's a bit embarrassing when you say it like that. Haha. Right, Ferris?”
>Ferris: “Ferri-chan is devoted, even if Crusch-sama rejects my heart.”
>Crusch: “——”
>For a moment, the room was frozen by what Ferris said.
>Shitbaru assumes things about Ferri and Crusch-sama
>Gets BTFO by Ferri
>And the starting point between you two is only a little bit before us
What is he even talking about? Crusch and Ferris know each other since their childhood.
>so maybe we go about treating the people we like the same way.
like what way? clinging to each other without seeing each other as man and woman? What?
Dunno if it's the translation or the author bullshitting again desu
this could potentially be her line:
crusch's amnesia means she's only technically met ferris since the end of arc 3. the other bit is probably just subaru projecting because the things ferris say about crusch sound a lot like the things subaru say about emilia.
Assuming that's the case.
Subaru met Emilia in arc 1.
Crusch met Ferris by the end of arc 3.
Yet Subaru says Crusch and Ferris know each other longer? It's wrong either way.
about the 2nd part that doesn't make sense.
Subaru first says that Ferris and Crusch don't see each other as man and woman despite the clinging. Then he says that it's probably the same way he treats Emilia?
Dunno if I'm reading wrong or misunderstanding it but what he says is just nonsense to me.
That's just a two months difference to be fair, a year's already passed
>And the starting point between you two is only a little bit before us
Then he should be saying that the starting point is after and not before
season 2 when?
not if subaru considers his and emilia's "starting point" as the end of arc 4, which iirc is what he was talking about since he's talking about the knight stuff.
he also just said that he and emilia don't see each other as man and woman, so "man and woman" probably be means something like "mutual reciprocal relationship" or something to him.
>not if subaru considers his and emilia's "starting point" as the end of arc 4, which iirc is what he was talking about since he's talking about the knight stuff.
That would be the only logical explanation though it still is dumb to call that a starting point.
>so "man and woman" probably be means something like "mutual reciprocal relationship"
it's the exact opposite in the context. He says that Ferris and Crusch don't see each other as man and woman, means he thinks they are just friends and not more. That's why he's speechless when Ferris tells him otherwise.
Crusch has a similar line towards Rem ín arc 3. She says that Rem and Subaru relationship doesn't look like the relationship of coworkers but more like the relationship of a man and woman.
>implying that's a bad thing
>Subaru: “Yeah. Although Ferris is always clinging to Crusch-san, it could be said that they don’t see each other as man and woman, right? And the starting point between you two is only a little bit before us, so maybe we go about treating the people we like the same way.”
>His love had not faded, but the intent behind his interactions with her had changed. As long as there was no change in Emilia’s emotional awareness of him, their relationship would persist like this, intact.
>At the least, Subaru understood that even if he took the first step, nothing would come of it.
>Subaru: “Put it this way, this feeling might be something close to what Crusch-san’s relationship is going through.”
I'm pretty confident in my translation, and from what I can tell the chinese one matches the japanese one, so the only explanation I can think of is subaru thinks that neither he and emilia nor ferris and crusch have a two-sided romantic relationship, since he and ferris are both into women who have poor emotional awareness of romance, but yeah that's somewhat contradictory.
actually "starting point" is better translated as "starting condition", which lines up better with subaru considering his start with emilia as post arc 4, but I loathe the word condition so I try to avoid it whenever I can.
I wasn't the one asking about this, but thanks for the explanation. You are really nice, translatorbro.
I hope that the old summary is not trying to pull some "let me disappear for many months and then come back in Christmas to post all Arc 5 chapters translated".
np, I like having things clarified.
I'd be really happy but I'd also probably kill myself.
It would kill the threads. It's much more fun to have the chapters steadily coming. Seeing how he disappeared for weeks sometimes and hadn't translated anything, I don't think he is trying to do something like that.
I love Emilia.
Whats good Subaru?
Please translate.
the most self-destructive line of the series
I've been looking over speculation on the third trial on the chinese site, some if it is different from summary's translations, although keep in mind that his are probably more accurate.
is speculated as someone talking about juice.
>???: ???:
the chinese translator thinks that this is subaru to beako
alright, now we're hitting some really good stuff. remember that anastasia uses the pronoun "uchi", which is almost like a royal we.
>???: "Do we really have such insatiable greed? Have we really spoken of such unreachable luxuries? To keep anyone from dying, to keep anyone from weeping... that, is it really such a difficult thing?"
also remember that ana always has scarfchidna with her, and that echidna's backstory is about saving people and "reaching everyone's tears" and whatnot. even considering that scarfchidna doesn't have her memories, this is a very, very, hmmmmmmmm line. maybe ana and scarfchidna are just really pure people who want to make ana queen so she can make everyone rich and no one will be sad anymore.
the "you're stopping right there" could also be interpreted as
>???: "Right and wrong and good and evil's all a bunch've bullshit. It'll keep you standing still."
could also be
>???: "I believe that to pray for favours is hubris. Only after being forgiven, can we pray."
never forget
When the fuck will Tappei continue? Entire year went just like that with only few chapters.
we're probably in for another one of these.
>there's no way i can sleep like this, right!!!!!!
>black: beako is cute! kawaii! perfect!
>red: b- betty being cute is a natural thing, i suppose. more importantly subaru... these vampire "costumes"? their fangs are annoying, in fact.
>black: thats because without them it wouldnt be a vampire...
>and it's just that they only had a couple of long ears left, HAH, in that case we match with emilia-tan...!?
>isn't this the best!?
>red: ...i don't care about the fangs anymore, i suppose...
>aaaah~! crusch-sama!!
>in that kind of defenseless atire~!!
>im usually like this whenever i drink at home with felis right?
>tha~ts why~ im telling you it's no good~!
>myen are beasts~!!
>*beastman ears(animal ears)*
>you don't say
>-even crusch-sama!?-
>We could be in Arc 7 already
Thank you! Now this, please!
>there's no way i can sleep like this, right!!!!!!
>can't sleep with his wife and daughteru
what a beta