Africa is a shitho-
... it has no futu-
Africa is a shitho-
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Start with nothing.
Make a new mud hut.
Growth factor infinity!!
>their population is growing
>china and other countries invest in Africa
I can drop a dollar in Niggerland and the GDP would increase 1000%
yeah a future full of chinese
8% of 0 is still 0.
Here's even more irony. When I lived in Africa, I felt safer there than I do here in the US. At least in the cities, and no, I didn't live in South Africa.
just like the nig nog who ‘built’ a computer
Percent growth can't be compared between countries with drastically different economies. My GDP was about 160% this year because I'm one person.
Good. Let the Jews go there and work their economic magic there. They claim all people are equal, so it should be easy.
what do you think about Trump?
Nothing wrong with that
It doesn't have a future with niggers, i mean that's obvious with all nigger history backing it up. But if gooks or whites start actually developing it yeah, you'd be in an idiot not to invest in that
>be poor
>get a 100 dollars
China stronk.
I don't see them complaining about that :)
And still boat loads keep coming.
Hell even Elon Musk doesn't want to be African.
And how is that growth compared to population growth?
watch your whiteish apendages around these niggers. They might smoke em and get magicak powers.
Why'd you leave then? Just so you could come back and have something to complain about?
>be nigger
>pick bananas
>decide to pick 100 more bananas for the year
High economic growth is reliant on massive amounts of oil or high IQ population. If nuclear fusion is a think any time in the next 20 years, oil becomes worthless. And we all know niggers are low IQ, so it's all a facade.
>It's better to have one dollar and go to two dollars than it is to have ninety nine dollars and go to one hundred dollars.
Chinks just like taking pictures with niggers and blonde haired whites, they are fascinated by them. She aint fucking that nigger Jamal.
Africans will go on Mars.
When u start from nothing and are being propped up by countries much farther ahead hmmm. Ghana kick your ass if I get ahold of the nuclear codes
Are you a nigger?
here they are with a black baby
The Chinese see non Chinese as a foreign creature, not joking.
>africans want to leave their country for other countries
>noone from other countries wishes to leave their country for africa
pretty telling
>+8.3% of 0 is still 0
They going to regret this.
There are already a anti-chinese mentality in every african country there are in.
Selling under local market prices.
Right now china get's resources from them to build stuff to sell to us.
Nogs gonna nog and kick them out, they see this had their investment already checked (resources value over investment) and leave. They have an higher living standard which lead them to fall even harder than every before.
On top of that, the more nogs the faster mother africa kills them.
Most cases in the last viral infection spreads (ebola, pest ect.) where in high density area.
Thanks China
this is the best thing that could happen. if they can make money in their shitholes they will stop coming to europe
Ruski can't into statistics
But then Europe will suffer from lack of diversity
Homogenous societies create toxicity
(((World Economic Forum)))
>Founder ((Klaus Schwab))
>In 2004, Schwab created a new foundation using the US$1 million prize money from the ((Dan David)) Prize he received that year from Israel
>mfw every single time