Secret S/a/nta

I guess it's that time of the week again. Assignments have been out for two weeks, so post questions, share ideas, check your fucking emails holy shit or photoshop Christmas hats on anime girls. I'm filling in for Santaloli ATM, so feel free to direct any important questions here or the email and me or one of the Elves will get to it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want my cards to arrive in time for Christmas, and I live in the US. When would be the last day to ship them out if I want them to get there maybe a week early just in case?
>Start working on card one of three, the night after the assignment arrived
>realize I can't draw as well as I thought I could
>can't design santa costumes worth a damn
>Been this long so far and little progress has been made.

H-how are the rest of you faring?
is a pretty good guide for the US anons out there.

Total: 11820
Shipping: 7400
Grand total: 19220

fucking shipping costs

I've been waiting for this all week.

This might help. I'm no good at drawing, so I'm going for the minimalist style. I got 1 more to design, then I'll start making them.

>Ordered my gifts last week
>Amiami hasn't even invoiced me yet
>The Mandarake half of my order already arrived
Fucking nips.

>can't fond anything for my giftee
>one thing I got may or may not be wrong (something user has alrwady)
>all my cards are wip because they look like ass

I'm a terrible santa.


Every single thing I wanted to get my user is out of stock, even used. I might have to gift some of my collection.

I have everything ordered for my user and a few things for the cards. I'm just praying that SAL doesn't ruin Christmas.

By the way, not to scare anyone or be unnecessarily creepy, but is there any way to know for sure if one of our assignments is a female? It sorta just hit me that it might be a she, and I dunno if they'd be as appreciative of sexy christmas lewds of their wishlist shows as I am of drawing them, you know?

We are all little girls user. Stop being so silly.

My stance on lewd has always been "If they didn't say 'no lewd' they don't care." If they're a femanon and into dudes, they'd have listed dude characters.

I spent the week researching my anons list by looking up merch of characters they listed, and watching some episodes of series I haven't seen.
Right now I've got tabs open to potential gifts. There's a lot of good options. Going to settle this in the next few hours.
Then I'll spend this coming week getting things together to make a card and a delicious homemade good.

No, there is no way to be absolutely certain of their gender. I once met a guy named courtney. So they could be male, even if they have a female sounding name.

I'd stay away from lewds unless they asked for it.

>user already owns most things of his waifu
>stuff he doesn't is small things like keychains and few figs that are never sold anywhere
Man, I'm so jealous of you

Lewds it is then. Hope they like armpits and navels

I ordered my gifts a week ago, now I just need to wait for it to arrive. The person lives in the same city as me, so I can deliver it myself, if need be.


I hope you're my user.

What's the expected average for the $150+ bracket? I'm sitting at ~$160 before shipping, plus some handmade stuff, but I almost feel like I should be buying more.

Is it finally safe to start shopping?

I would assume so.
I thought it would have been by roughly the 5th, but we got some people with issues that didn't look at their assignments until the 6th or 7th for some reason, and I had to do some minor rearrangements this week. Luckily we haven't gotten any in the past 3 days, so I'd say we're good at this point.

I would guess $180+.

JS from MAif you're here do you already own any merch that I should know of? You didn't mention anything and I don't want to get you something you already own.

Since i wont be home for awhile around xmas should i post pics when i open (20th) or wait till xmas day to post?

Always try to post pictures on Christmas, even if you have to open early.

You could take pictures early, then wait until xmas to post them.

>Everything ordered from Amiami
>Small gifts and snacks to sprinkle in
>Went over bracket for each user

This will be a good Christmas.

>willing admitting to opening your gifts early
worst part of these threads.

R from AL, what Tama do you mean?

Yeah this what i was thinking of doing, cheers lads

Its either open early or open 8th when i get back.

I've made peace with the possibility of being grinched, but if my user doesn't post his gift I'm going to do something drastic.

If they like fateshit they could be referring to Tamamo no Mae aka Caster. She's a foxy shrine maiden.

>looking at sending 3-4 parcels out for 1 user
>25-50 range
Fucking hell shipping alone will double the item price

>not spoiling your user
>including shipping
Where is your christmas spirit user?

I'm not including shipping, I'm just highlighting how much on shipping i've spent for them
and damn right i'm going to spoil them

>tfw dug out my old cards
>can't really display them because family and relatives would question why I have cards with naked cartoons wearing santa hats on shelf

alright faggots time to start posting initials

Made some stuff with my new laser engraver to send with christmas cards because who doesn't fucking love lasers?

>amiami order already arrived
>manda order already arrived
>cdjapan order already arrived
Feels good to be me.

That's boring. How about general teasers? Like:

To the degenerate idolshit loving Canuck in the backwater known as "Manitoba", your stuff is already 98% assembled. Well double the bracket not including shipping and well double the disgust over here. I hope you get cancer because this is definitely giving me cancer by the time it's all done. Spreading Xmas cheer is harmless they said...


>Gift and card ready
>most economic shipping is around 45 burger bucks

Shit the fuck up me senpai, I guess I'm gonna be forced to drop the assignment.


Why are there so few threads this year?


Sending small extras like chocolate with cards is ok, right?

It's encouraged.

I'm hoping there's another one after this one. Won't get home till 30 mins or so, and then I gotta bike another 10 miles to shop for craft stuff at Michael's, and I wanted to get inebriated and chill with the thread after I get home

Should I calculate the brackets with original value of the item, or the current one if the price has jumped in recent years?

cool blog bro
maybe this is why no one wants to participate

Finally got someone who listed hidamari this year. Prepare for a very wide card.

Just use the price its costing you

I made a wide card last year too. It folded open. Shame I don't have any pictures

Lol, sounds just like me. But I'm sure I'm not the only one from MB here.

White list?

I think it's funny seeing some of the same initials from the last couple years in these threads.

this is how people get grinched user

pls be me

The organizers only want threads on the weekends for now. They will happen more often in dec.

>have to pay shipping for the stuff to arrive from japan
>have to pay it again to go to another state
i should just have it mailed directly to the user

Hope that's me.

No, because then you'd be the worst. Getting stuff directly just feels like fulfilling an obligation and is drained of holiday spirit.

>thought of the perfect present for my user
>it was released two+ years ago and is sold out everywhere

I thought I had escaped this pain when I gave up buyfagging full time but of course, there's no escape.

Well, it's at most one of you. But I think wide Hidamaris are a common theme, so there's still hope for everyone.

jy from id
hope youre cool with a simple gift. i have 0 art skill whatsoever

L.O in Georgia I sent your package and J.M in Arizona I sent your card


Bloody third party doesnt want to send my anons gift. Fuckin hell, I have to come up with something else.

When should the gifts arrive, just to be sure?

>Assignments only provide last name initial
>Reuse the same online handles that either link directly to personal information or freely share identifying information (hometown, professional interests) that enables me to find their social media accounts
Just wanted to inform you guys that you suck at anonymity.

Any time before Christmas.

I'm in the same situatio, but with 4 cards.

damn son you're fast, ill let you know when i get it

Your moms a bitch user

Then its fine given european shipping speeds. Too bad our postal service is anal about sending liquor so I have a fuckload of packaging to do. Wouldnt want my gift to break either

The person should receive their gift before christmas. So you still have plenty of time.

I printed out pictures of two of you faggot's waifus. This is all thats left of those printouts. I hope you two will like your cards.

>user listed thing X
>I cant get figurine Y thats related to X for 60 euros
>Its secondhand but not a bootleg >non said nothing about secondhand
>New fig is 149.99

What a ponder. Should I go for it?

Assuming the 2nd hand fig is in great condition, I'd say go for it. Then spend the rest on something else.

Nope. Some subhuman in the $75-100 range. He lives in a place that's a national frontrunner for violent crime. I hope he gets randomly mugged.

Reminder that Toronto and Ontario ARE the centre of the Canadian universe. Province of Ontario has:
-Highest population and GDP
-Ottawa the national capital
-Toronto the most populous and world renowned City. Most corporate HQs and finance heart of Canada. Bay Street (Canadian Wall Street) represent!
-National high-tech centre (Waterloo-Toronto-Ottawa).

Cyclical oil and gas hicks BTFO.

>user listed Gochiusa
>set priority as pic related
>can find 5 different versions
>none of them Chino

Well, hope he likes Cocoa cause he didn't say who best girl was

>the buyfag experience

I'm surprised there are other idolfags from MB participating here.

Just ask for the package code user. That makes the waiting clear and painless

I already have your storebought gifts ready IR from Ohio, time to get working on some other ideas I have for you and my card.

Where's the user that goes through the thread adding cute Christmas hats? This cute locodol needs one to feel better

nothing is ever really sold out. its just been bought by scalpers. i just fork over the extra 20 bucks to them

And I'm disappointed that there seem to be more than one such degenerate.

If you're package user I reused an amazon box for it but I wrapped it inside so don't be scared

I'm gonna send my user a poster of Umaru and a fleshlight even though he specifically asked for Konosuba merchandise

You mean tracking? I always get it. Knowing it arrived and knowing they liked it are two different things.

And I'm sure you're no better.

MP of Chile, your card is done and was going to be sent today but then there was a pen crisis. I'll rectify this on Monday and pray it doesn't take over a month to arrive.

I'm just glad this thread wasn't 4am til 10am Sunday like the last several I missed.

The real winner is when it says that on the day preorders opened, and for maximum bonus it was tentative preorders too.

Are you sending your user alcohol? If so,how much and whats the average %?

>Two litres

I had to revert to my old email address' after losing the last recent ones to cell phone malfunction merry christmas!!!!
>I'm not even mad really
Happy Secret Santa-ing everyone!

Sorry no I'm not a idolshit loving pedo. My tastes would not land me in jail.

I'm here, but mostly working on cards instead of hats for the thread.
If other people want to shop hats, here's a template I made: Each hat is in it's own layer for easy copying.

Guy's I'm worried about the shipping, it's like what I win in a week the most cheap one, w-what should do?

Sure thing bro. What I meant was that your tastes are just as shit.

>it's like what I win in a week the most cheap one
Sounds like you need a real job.

Thanks, now I can have cute shops too
I meant Nanyako but thats ok