Why does Poland need all these military weapons?

New tanks, a missile defense system, thousands of armoured personell transports, F-35s, new Navy ships, German subs, Sherman tanks ... and now these Italian planes.

What gives?

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Just Poltards paying tribute like they always have.

And this is why Polak jokes are ongoing jokes. The US was going to sell them a PACs defense system worth 10 billion dollars against the Russians.......However such a defense can be easily wasted by a mig-31 using a khinzal missile. They are fucking morons coming from a half born polak such as myself

Officials getting bribes. What do you expect?

idk, EU threatened to nuke them if they didnt bend over for the refugees.

Poland has always been the doormat between Europe and the Russians. They need a strong defense.


That plane looks like they mashed an F-15, B-1B, and F-16 into one jet.

They still have a chip on their shoulder about being invaded by you.

Don't worry about it Germany, just keep doing what you're doing.

don't pay too much attention to us

Kys amerifag

I know right? why does anyone need weapons?

It's as if having them reduces the propensity for malevolent action or something, even if you don't have the full capacity to defeat the opposition.

>half born polak
let me guess the other half

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It’s a Su-25 Frogfoot clone. A nice subsonic ground attack plane and a good, cheap trainer.

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>Boeing converts X-32 to unmanned drones (the "not so vertical lift of" version)
>Sells production rights to EU
>Plane is cheap
>EU mass produces and btfo Russia
>Boeing makes a bit of money too
>Chad X-32 laughs at the beta Mig. Laughs in his cloud!
>Everyone wins

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To invade krautland and slay all the muslim loving eurocuck fags

We want our MiG-29s back - best planes we ever had. We just gifted them to Poland because the generals were afraid the Eurofighter would look bad next to them.

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he is half polish jew and half american jew

top lel

The last time you babysitted white people, they became self hating, self destructive faggots who would sell their own mother for some Somali asshole to come into the country and rape his daughter while living of his tax money.

Should have either conquered them ourselves or let the Russians have them.

It is strange to see MiG with the cross.

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half czech again Poland is fucking stupid. Even the Czechs are making better usage of spending their money like building more highways and turning their country into a tour destination.. not spend billions of dollars on weapons against the Russians whom will make poland bend over anyways with ease if there was a war its stupid sorry.

Why is it always the same German that makes these threads? Have you gone tired of Brexit threads or what?

you need them so at least the pilots can escape the dozen tactical nukes that will glass polska to create a barrier.

And we want our 3000000000000 $ of rebarations Kraut

>What gives?
Russia is gong to invade soon, and the have the balls (unlike Trump) to stand up to them.

Hopefully to finish what you losers started

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Because Poland doesn't want to be a multicultural shithole like the West.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

get some education peasant

Yeah sure the Russians feel like starting a war with NATO. Poland will still be fucked regardless if it came to that.

*breaths in*

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ehh italians, these planes are already in poland but they have some technical issues so were not used yet
if they finally would fly im gonna see them in action, dęblin school aircrafts are always flying over my city

Cuz they're scared they're gonna get fucking RAPED by Polacks.

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>What gives?

Poland Stronk!

Improve your country. The amount of poles leaving poland to other countries shows they are not able to improve their country.

nah these are just last kicks of a dying nation

>spending their money like building more highways and turning their country into a tour destination..
wow, we are doing the same wow

half of them leave for like 2-5 years and then come back







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to invade Germany and build Polish death camps

Because poland is planning on doing a reverse fascism?

So that when Germany tells them to take a million arabs into their country and house/feed them they can tell them to fuck off and Germany wont be able to do shit.

Again there are jokes all over Sup Forums. Like if Russia attacks the UK, poland will get involved because all their plumbers are there, etc.

10 billions of dollars on defenses that wont do jack shit is stupid along with getting aircraft. Russians have SAMs and missiles on aircrafts that can level poland to the ground if they really wanted to invade. Hence polak jokes keep rotating around here in the US.

>Russians have SAMs and missiles on aircrafts that can level poland to the ground if they really wanted to invade.
like in ukraine?

>Again there are jokes all over Sup Forums
and who gives a fuck about chinese trading board?

The Russian strong meme,burito they cant even win a limited war against a poor jihadist yet along a real army.

>it's a "pol attempts to analyze defense" episode

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Yup taking poland would be as easy as taking Crimea if the Russians were serious. In other words why spend money on something where the results will be the same? Calling me a Jew apparently you guys need jews to make your financial decisions because military spending is just retarded.

Do i have to remind you about Murica jokes?

>Polak jokes circulating in the US
I can't say I have ever heard anyone outside my family ever mention Poland

>if the Russians were serious
so why they werent serious about rest of ukraine?

height 776, hill 3234. Russian conscripts are scarier than Navy Seals.

NATO war is pointless because of mutual destruction.

> Russians have SAMs and missiles on aircrafts that can level poland to the ground if they really wanted to invade.
>NATO war is pointless because of mutual destruction.
you have schizophrenia?

Probably getting ready to fight against the EU army

>so why they werent serious about rest of ukraine?

Crimea is the new Ashkenazim homeland, or at least that was their plan. Docs were leaked on Sup Forums back right before the Cuckening in '13 to that effect, immediately after Sup Forums got shut down and Russia annexed Crimea. I'm curious as to whether Putin stopped or encourages this hypothetical plan.

Poland sees Germany cucked and Russia weak. She will now avenge herself upon former persecutors.

To do to you the same thing you did to them in 1939 invade you under false pretenses.

They have their moments I give you that but remember the Chechnya wars and how many they lost to a handful of jihadist?That should show you their true power.


we will nuke the fuck out of all of you
remember those 12 nukes that got lost after CCCP was over?
yeah, one to berlin, one to moscow, 5 to tel aviv and 1 to san francisco
fuck leftists

i've told you to go educate yourself.

you can't improve your country when you live between russians and germans and cannot defend yourself. we are not fucking british isles. we will just get wealth, get invaded, get robbed, than we recover and back to point one

da jews

it's all in the name - Pole position

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well obviously... after all he is jewish

No you retard, nukes will fly at that point.See this is why polak jokes exist.

Da joos?

height 776 was a part of the chechnyan war. The loss was because of hostages and urban areas that were difficult to determine enemies. Have the same shit happen in New York or Chicago you will see the same results.

It's only a matter of time before the krauts and other cucks of Europe begin to threaten Poland with military force if they don't open their borders to 3rd world hordes. Poland is gearing up to wipe out Germany and anyone else who threatens them. Just total annihilation. Not a single German left on the European continent. Total massacre. IF Germany puts Poland in a self-defense situation where such violence would be justified, of course.

Your a part of NATO spending billions of dollars for the same results of your ass getting kicked is just pointless.

at what point? when they'll start war with nato which they won't becouse mutual destruction?

panie teraz to ruskie walną dwie rakieti i bedzie po wojnie, po co te samoloty

kikes want poland to war russia

Russia was only ordered for the Crimean invasion if they invaded their relations with China and every other country in the world would view them as enemies......In other words horrible international relations.

NATO members are not obliged to send troops to help invaded members of the pact. You have tactical abilities of 13 year old

a kiedy tak zrobili?

>I made the thread again

holy fuck fag let it die

i'm asking at what point nukes will fly retard

żartuje sobie z tego burgera

Because Poland will be seen as a premier word power within 50 years

Save this post

Because "muh eevul Russians"!

Commie Poland had a higher birth rate than the Catholic capitalist hell hole they have now.

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>Why does Poland need all these military weapons?
To survive.

>not getting the best jet trainers

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"NATO members are not obliged to send troops to help invaded members of the pact." Ukraine is not a part of NATO the crimean leader allowed the invasion. Please stop endorsing polak jokes.

I doubt it from what I have seen the US army is better at guerrilla warfare and small arms tactics than the russians, thats why I dont believe in their Russia stronk meme.

Why'd you guys try to invade Belarus and Ukraine?

Stop the victim bull shit.

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when soldiers start massacring each to the point that it can result in retaliations of nukes. stop endorsing polak jokes.

we should have buy something else, there are only problems with these italian planes


please the US has not have had any wars in their own cities. compare their special forces movies to what their conscripts have done. Thanks to them they massacred alot of talibanies in the soviet afghanistan war than NATO did.

>jet trainers
Poland had a long-running, failed, jet trainer/light attack aircraft program, I-22 Iryda [1], meant to replace the very obsolescent TS-11 Iskra [2]. The program being fucked, and no viable local alternative at hand, it's pretty natural to look outside for something.
You can't keep your combat jets flying without advanced jet trainers - the pilots need initial training, and regular refreshers.
A dedicated trainer is much cheaper to operate (in terms of $/flight hour) than combat jets - both in fuel costs, and limited lifespan of combat craft airframes.

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZL_I-22_Iryda
[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZL_TS-11_Iskra

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I see you Poland.

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eat smoke clouds

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I see a bit of Mig-29 on this plane.

What if these weapons are for the coming civil war in Europe between Kebab and Non-kebabs and not against Russia?

Buy f35 and lose any kind of air force capacity for 20 years. If these pieces of crap last that long. Hint: if you buy burger planes, buy f16s or f15s. And another hint: they are outdated.