What does Sup Forums think of Adolf Hitler?
Was he a madman or genius?
What does Sup Forums think of Adolf Hitler?
Was he a madman or genius?
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A great great man
Is everything a one shot one killl answer?
Talented politician and speaker, but a horrible tactician. Got delusions of grandeur due to cheating death a couple of times and getting easy victories against Poland and France. Bit more than he could chew, resulting in the future of nationalism being ruined in many ways.
Why not both?
Someone who tried to save Europe from the fall , but failed.
funny how close those two things actually are
>madman or genius
No, he failed Gemany. The rest of Europe was doomed either way.
Had amazing charisma and a great political leader, but he got consumed by his ideology and vastly underestimated the Soviet Union against his generals wishes.
There is a interesting you tube clip about those who know hitler
Read Mein Kampf and decide for yourself.
Underage faggots on this board wouldn't have a clue.
I find his story about how he discovered the JQ particularly relatable
Absolute madman, in a good way but also dumb way
A dreamer
Had his moments, but dicking around in russia was nothing short of retarded.
Probably the greatest genius of all time.
manlet vegan drug addict faggy artist with a secret jewish bloodline
Last hope for all Europe.
We fought him so that Jews and commies could have their way with our civilization.
The second coming of Christ
Courage of conviction.
That’s not bad.
how is Hitler sentiment these days in Germany and Austria?
incorrect* normal sized man, largely abstemious, painter, of bavarian descent going back to medieval period
hardly existent
one of the greatest leaders in history.
He was a fucking cunt who destroyed his country, most of Europe, and gave Israel to the jews.
Gonna quote the main signatory of the Treaty of Versailles at you to describe him
>He is as immune from criticism as a king in a monarchical country. He is something more. He is the George Washington of Germany — the man who won for his country independence from all her oppressors. . . .
Faggot who got to greedy and ruined any sort of nationalism being sociably acceptable in Western Europe.
I'm convinced that people in Western Europe will eventually become angry enough to retaliate.
Not only that, I also believe that the "6 million were murdered in the Holocaust" exaggeration will end up backfiring on those who had made it up. One day, instead of feeling guilty about how many were "systematically and purposely" eradicated, they will think more along the lines of "we did it once, we can do it again" even though it was mostly a lie in the first place.
Hope I live long enough to see that shit go down.
Thanks for your fucking retarded opinion amerilard
A visionary denied his dream. And we are all worse off because of it.
What do you think?
It's only burgers or edglelord who like him
Hitler ripped.
>What does Sup Forums think of Adolf Hitler?
Why don't you watch this documentary and find out for yourself?
theres enough German and Austrian tags that come around Sup Forums that support him to make me think otherwise user
>It's only burgers or edglelord who like him
Did you ever think that's because Europeans are banned from researching the truth?
i literally look like him, just dont have the same hairstyle and that mustache
>same headshape, noseshape and eyeshape
He isn't a madman.
The best and worst thing to happen to Europe
Good man. Not the greatest strategist, but not incompetent. If he could have gotten 5 more years to prepare Germany would have been unstoppable.
he is a gud boi dindu nuffin wrong he wuz about to get his reich togetha. dem evil heebs jus dont wanna help a brotha out.
He was a military genius... he was repeatedly undermined by members of his cabinet
All the experts on WW2 history in this thread is amazing!
Almost all high third reich members were on genius level with IQ test and everyone said that hitler was in a absolutely different area compared to them that they were peasants compared to him....
Hitler probably got an IQ at about 200 which makes him the smartest person in human history and that makes actually a lot of sence
A man with an iron will and a huge heart for his people. He saw England as an ally but Brits betrayed him.
wallah du bist ehrenmann digga
Give every normal class german some kurze and some beer while talking about modern politics the famous sentence “with hitler this would not never be happening“ comes around EVERYTIME
comes from the ungrateful shameful mong, who allied with them and then when the Nazis got defeated turned to the men who came to their help and slaughtered some and handed others to fucking communist. So shameful you dont even teach that part of your history in schools. Pekka, you're not a trustworthy my friend.
The greatest man to have ever lived. It is a matter of the highest regret that I was not born in a time when I could have given my life for Him.
You could change the names of the towns and this would fit anywhere today.
The best man.
While true he did clarify his definition of "socialism" to differ it from marxism, he still considered himself a socialist
He supported the Christian Socialist movement before WW1
I dont know why people are so afraid of Hitler being a socialist. He despised capitalism and for good reason.
His ideology was a fascistic one. Collectivism mixed with individualism. But he still had much more in common with communism than capitalism/americanism.
The main goal of National Socialism was to destroy the power of money and make the economy work for the people, not the other way around.
“Prior to the advent of the civilization of the Third Estate (mercantilism, capitalism), the social ethics that was religiously sanctioned in the West consisted in realizing one’s being and in achieving one’s own perfection within the fixed parameters that one’s individual nature and the group to which one belonged clearly defined. Economic activity, work, and profit were justified only in the measure in which they were necessary for sustenance and to ensure the dignity of an existence conformed to one’s own estate, without the lower instinct of self-interest or profit coming first.”
▪Juluis Evola,Revolt Against the Modern World
Honestly I have a very negative view on Hitler. National Socialism itself is a shit-tier ideology. Fascism is a terrible political system. Any nation that relies on a dictator is bound to fail eventually and the authoritarian element of Fascism makes it even worse as it curtails human freedom significantly. There wasn't much freedom in Nazi Germany, the general population had no nowhere near as much liberty as modern Germany and were subjected to great propaganda and indoctrination.
The racial and extremist ideology of National Socialism makes it even worse. The killing of Jews, Slavs, Romani people, mentally and physically disabled and persecution and social exclusion of certain other groups of people (homosexuals, Communists, etc.) is all way too extreme for me. I don't agree with violence, especially not genocide.
The Nordicist racial pseudoscience is also extremely cringeworthy in hindsight. Hitler believed that all non-Slavic Europeans were 'Aryans' (total cringeworthy nonsense he just made up on the spot) and believed that individuals with blonde hair and blue eyes were 'pure Aryans'. More cringeworthy pseudo scientific nonsense, basically he even believed himself to be racially impure.
He was also a mediocre military strategist who made the same mistake as Napoleon (i.e. invading Russia in the winter) and incompetent tactician.
Why not finish what he set off to do?
The fact that you're alive today makes it all the better, victory is more certain now that we understand the mistakes of the past.
Further still, the average German IQ was higher than the rest of the Occident. It's almost as if it's the correct ideology.
Anyone have the infograph of National Socialist leaders' IQs?
Is that some bad copy pasta or something?
>cheating death a couple times
>a couple of times
>anybody else would've died but he didnt
Fuck you, faggot. I'd like to see you suck on mustard gas in the trenches of WW1, get exploded, crashed, shot etc and tell me you 'cheated death a couple of times'
>the famous sentence “with hitler this would not never be happening“ comes around EVERYTIME
we say the same thing too user, but its nice that its happening in Germany as well
No, my own post.
soon glowy glowy sooon
Neither madman, nor genius. Those terms define mortals.
Onkel Adi is the God of children, happiness and beauty.
That actually could've been the best tactic in that pic.
Imagine struggling to fight off some of the greatest soldiers in world history only to receive a cable that leningrad is under attack. Then before you can confirm, you realize stalingrad is under attack. Before you can mobilize moscow troops to stop leningrad from being captured you learn Moscow itself is under attack.
Just imagine, the greatest army your nation has ever faced is at the gates of the greatest cities your nation has ever known.
prob 115-135 range certainly not more than that
reading the Manheim english translation of Mein Kampf right now, this guy was a true original thinker. this dude made his own decisions about everything. and he was smart enough to make the right connections in regards to how to make the attainment of political goals practical. it's amazing reading his words, feeling his personality as a person instead of an icon. everyone here needs to devote themselves to at least a few chapters, you will never look at him the same again.
Literally sounds like as if it's written this current year. Uncle Adolf was a true genuis.
I engage in political activism - I am in the National Front. I also try to explain to people why they should consider National Socialism.
Sadly, the furthest right people will go with you is to say that Islam is incompatible with the Occident. Most people get pretty angry about "racism".
People in my old work mocked me when a co-worker said they wouldn't holiday to Poland because of terrorism. I stated that Muslims commit 97% of terror attacks and that, as Poland has no mosques, there is no-one to radicalise and hence no terrorism.
This enraged the whole canteen. They told me that what I had said made no logical sense because terrorists will kill regardless.
This country is lost. Still I fight though.
>go from nothing to führer
>make a nation jew free and rich in 5 years after being striped of all rights by amerikikes and angloscum
>iq 115-130
hahaha I bet he was smarter than most autistic scientists, he was also a schopenhauer and wagner fan (very enligthening to listen wagner and schopenhauer, you will grasp the core ideas of national socialism when you know something about these two german bad boys [they hated jews before hitler did] )
unironically this. The nigger was a designated runner in WW1 and he came out alive, as a decorated hero (twice for being wounded, if I recall correctly). Not only that, but later on he survived numerous assassination attempts, jail time and rode on to become one of the greatest man to ever live, in terms of what he did in his lifetime. You can honestly compare hitler to the likes of caesar, marcus aurelius or any other hero of old, whether your like him or not. One of the last real man, born out of the greatest generation to ever live on this now-degenerated cesspit.
WW2 literally represented the destruction of the age of heroes in the Western Civilization. What came next, I'll let everyone else decide.
>Hitler believed that all non-Slavic Europeans were 'Aryans'
No he didn't the Nazis created a racial hierarchy with Aryans(Western Europeans) at the top then the Japanese(honorary Aryans) then Southern Europeans then the rest mostly slavs and jews where to be killed or left alone.
>He was also a mediocre military strategist
Agree he only knew that Germany would not survive a quick war. Also some historians think that Germany invaded Russia for supplies(look up the hunger plan) or that Russia was planning to invade Germany at some point.
double doubles, Adolf is surely looking down on us. One last Heil for the remembrance of simpler yet more honorable times. Look at this picture and imagine a world in which we won, brothers.
Destroyer of the white race. We’d still be in charge and racially pure without this faggot.
I do that almost everyday then become depressed we live in this garbage timeline where memes have taken over every facet of life. It'd be great if we all just died.
Jews will scream muh holocaust until whites go extinct. We had a good run, goys.
>the jews wouldnt find their way to america without hitler
Hitler was Julius Caesar for sure.
They have a ton in common.
>childhoods on the streets in the slums
>distinguished themselves through war at a young age
>became champions of the poor and working class
>fought against the bourgeois class that were selling their people out
>won through populism and strength of personality
>betrayed by those they showed mercy to
Aurelius I dont really see. Aurelius was more like an Evola. Kind of a contrarian prick who criticised everyone but also a deeply principled and disciplined person.
A holy and great man
Ignorant of the fact that the Jews were already in control.
Ignorant that the Jews cried "muh 6 MILLION" over and over beforeWW2.
You're Kikes
Most historians agree on the fact that Germany had to do a pre-emptive attack on the Soviet Union in order to secure the Ploiesti oil fields in Romania, as Stalin was actively trying to force an invasion on Romania prior to the alliance it signed with the Axis. The Ploiesti Oil Fiels were classified as objectives of high interest for the Wehrmacht, as they represented one of the single, most biggest direct oil supply on the entire continent. The attack on the Soviet Union was therefor imminent, as a possible Soviet capture of the oil fields would have meant instant capitulation from Germany (considering the fact that the West did not stop in its endeavors to ignite a total war)
tl;dr the only way to win the war was to take the Soviet Union out by sheer surprise and to obtain a breakthrough that would completely dismantle the Soviet army.
IronLARP are a fucking joke
Half of the people in that pic would hate each other
Breivik is a fucking degenerate
don't think like that, user. Improve yourself, help others near you - apply Nietzsche is nearly ever aspect of your life. If you can't live in a perfect system, create one for yourself at a micro level, it works wonders in this timeline. At least for me.
Oh my god.
No wonder Mein Kampf is banned in Germany.
>childhoods on the streets in the slums
Caesar was from a powerful family.
He was born in a tenant house in the suburba, which was the slums of rome. His family was quite poor for a noble family.
I love Hitler more than any man in modern history.
great parallels, user. As for Aurelius, I do agree that he draws more similarities with Evola - I was merely saying that Hitler was made of the same cloth as the heroes of old. Lived his life at its fullest, determined to achieve greatness not only for himself, but for those that comprised his folk, his nation. A breed of man that sadly met its doom at the end of the war or in its aftermath, at the hands of a corrupt system.
Massive faggot but i wish he had won because his laws sound better than jew's
Hitler is an absolute disagrace. Killing 6 million of his most intelligent people. Fuck that guy and fuck you permavirgin basement dwellers
I think the most interesting aspect is his redpilling.
Something changed an innocent landscape painter in such a way that caused him to motivate to the point of starting WWII.
He was a closet faggot trying to hide it by believing in antisemitic nonsense and by waging war.