I am a 56 year old future former marine and I have never once in my life been in a situation where I needed a gun...

I am a 56 year old future former marine and I have never once in my life been in a situation where I needed a gun outside of my military service. Speaking from experience, I can confidently say that no one needs guns. As a matter of fact, when guns are removed a country, that country improves massively. Examples: Australia, Mexico, the UK, Cambodia, etc.. And guess what else, NONE of those countries are facing tyranny or any homicide problems since they restricted guns. You all want the 2a because of tyranny but our government has never been tyrannical since the nation's founding in 1776.

Alot of the socioeconomic problems that the US faces could be solved by repealing the 2nd amendment. For the sake of our country and its longevity this needs to happen now. We need to accept the benefits of gun control and follow countries like Mexico and Brazil to get real safety, real security.

Attached: Mexico A Gun Control Utopia.jpg (1001x560, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>future former marine

Share that time travelling secret grandpa.

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6/10 Bait

You do understand this pasta isn't funny or clever in anyway right?

>1 post by this ID

Not possible for a vet to be this retarded.

Former Marine here as well and my Glock 27 undoubtably saved my life. I thank god I didn't have to discharge it, but places it in a low-ready was enough to scare away some Spanish guy, high out of his mind with a full sized chef's knife. Spend more time in our cities and you'll find a reason.

Fake and gay

You can not deny that gun violence has been reduced to -100% in the countries enlightened enough to do away with these autonomous instruments of murder.

Seen this before. Cheap pasta, aaaand
Fuck off.

alright marines listen up theres a sn

Nigga u been to Mexico lately?

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>future former marine

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Sure, but they just use knives, acid and cars here instead and nobody can defend themselves

Yes, Cancun was beautiful. Didn't hear of one violent death caused by guns my whole week there.

When the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia, they had guns, the rest of Cambodia didn't. Half the country was exterminated

Or you can do like the swiss and keep the guns without the ammo. Or no ammo besides the shooting range and military service.

You're a liar and a faggot and I would have no problem shooting you for that drivel you just wrote. KYS

Sounds good in theory to ban assault ammunition, but I don't think we can take that chance. For example, you could still bludgeon someone to death with an AR-47.

UK and Ausfalia aren't facing tyranny?
Kinda early to be drinking, isn't it, user?

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Praise Allah! Let us get rid of guns, and get rid of the Second Ammendment! Then we shall have peace! And let us be rid of this pesky 1st ammendment as well. You ignorant Americans will not need freedom of religion when all bow toward Mecca. You will not need free speech when we have Sharia courts and Mullahs tell you what to think. You will not need the freedom of press when only the Holy Koran is all you need!

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26 yr old army vet, had to use a shotgun to prevent a meth head from breaking down my friends door, fuck yourself debil dawg no one cares that you beat off in a hooch 30 years ago and stop whoring your service on the internet. I know you haven't done anything else with your life but you make us all look bad.


This is the 80th time I’m the last few days this thread has been posted.


Got got by the pasta

el goblino

dios mio

Where there are so many marines theses days?

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>stop whoring your service on the internet.
>26 yr old army vet.
>You shouldn't do this because it makes us look bad, so I'm gonna do it in the same sentence I tell you that you shouldn't do it.
Ok millennial faggot.

it beats the hell out of anything going on right now

obligatory second post for legitimacy

this is now a thing, learn to love it

Sage pasta
Do not reply to pasta
Ignore pasta

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Thanks for the fresh pasta. Just give it up ‘marine’.

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newfag detected

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Thanks for the bump


Also what's so bad about leddit?

>Something something gun control
>Something something I'll kill your kids while you sleep you commie fuck

We are coming for you and your families.
It's actually too late to apologize and your posts here just radicalize Sup Forums further.

Ide refrain if I was you.

Top kek, OP. One of the only times I've actually laughed out loud from this place recently.

Anyone who took your post seriously is a newfag or a retard.

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>future former marine
>Cambodia and Mexico safer with gun control
unironically the worst bait I have seen in years

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At this point it shouldn't be a joke. Anyone for gun control should be killed and their families burnt.

It is kinda ingenious, actually. He is lapping as a gun grabber to smoke out the real libtards and we have buttblasted them so badly they don’t even respond to these threads anymore. Almost Jewish.

proxy communist attempt to take away the weapons from the american brothers.
Never forget guys,you are undefeatable as long as you have your weapons..no outside force will ever be able to take over the u.s even when all muslims,russians and chinese try to get on the ground in the u.s they could never fight against the u.s military,the national guards AND the civilians with all the weapons.
the u.s with civilian weapons is vietnam iraq afghanistan combined x1000000.
this is not about school shootings these are the first steps to weak your fire power for the great war.

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>future former marine
kys faggot

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>7 posts by this ID

IDs reset frequently you worthless newfaggot

>Alot of the socioeconomic problems that the US faces could be solved by repealing the 2nd amendment.
Well faggit, 2 thoughts.

1. Yes, please spend ALL of your political capital trying to repeal the 2nd Amendment. You may want to dig out that pocket Constitution they give you at Basic.

2. Yes, let's give guns the same legal status as crack. The War on Drugs has worked so we that we should try to do the same thing with guns.

Then u never lived with niggers and spice or poor white trash.

>implying I'm going to read your goblinpost.

You people are actually retarded. How can you see OP's pic and take it seriously? Or the Cambodia part, or the "56 year old future former marine", which is a combination of multiple copy-pastas.
I feel like a retard now, trying to explain satire.

Mods, you're faggots for aborting my post.

>future former
>literally uses these words back to back
>uses to describe marine

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You're a fucking russian OP. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

>I am a 56 year old future former marine and I have never once in my life been in a situation where I needed a gun outside of my military service.
nobody cares. there are men in black robes who rape, sacrifice, cook, and eat children in the top echelons of government and the best you can do is to take some of those fuckers along with you if they're going to go for your family.
you're fucking dumb. all order followers are, you're all good dogs, following orders. with your little doggy tags. good little doggy. keep defending an occultocracy. sooner or later the horrors of satanic grottos and covens will be revealed and you will not want to live.

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>Cancun was beautiful.
Yes, the Federal Police protect rich tourists from 3rd world reality.

>Examples: Australia, Mexico, the UK, Cambodia

You realize that overall violent crime has surged in those countries, right? The home invasion rate almost doubled in UK.

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Youre a sorry faggot OP. I dont thank pussies like you for their service. Its horrible that you didnt die a bloody painful death at the hands of a sandnigger.



>you could still bludgeon someone to death with an AR-47.
Oh god damn it. You got me. Thought you were a real fag until the obvious bait.

What united this country anymore? $21 trillion in debt? White Genocide? No, there's nothing, you far-left cancer "deplatformed" every politician you didn't like and now hardly anyone trusts you, in other words there is nobody who can make the negotiation you say you want.
O.P., you made your bed, now sleep in it!

This. Seriously?

No. Youre not.

It goes in all fields goys.

>And guess what else, NONE of those countries are facing tyranny or any homicide problems since they restricted guns.
It's called Marxism, you fucking idiot. The cancer is everywhere.

You're a fucking faggot using copy pasta.

Faggot missed Beirut. GTFO bootcamp washout

Mexico not facing homicide problems.
Cambodia not facing tyranny.

Go peel potatoes you dumb grunt!

Kek get saged for shitty pasta

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>My anecdote proves you don't need guns!

>i was dumb enough to give me life for jew wars so I have an authority over your constitutional rights

go hang yourself grandpa

>>when guns are removed a country, that country improves massively. Examples:... Cambodia
Yeah this has to be a fake faggoty thread.

OP your lucky to live in such a safe bubble. I however don't and have used guns in over 5 life and death situations against wild life and Florida men.

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Why aren't these reddit users happy messing up that site. You must go back.


Mexico has more murders per year than Syria...without the use of any artillery...

Sage this. Same faggot was here yesterday larping with a donkey flag.

brazil are you fucking kidding me? Try living in a favela for a while you autist

Almost enough to make someone think.

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>I am a 56% mutt
I heard enough

Q predicted this.

Hey Schlomo, fuck off and kys.
Sincerely, /pol

>brazil are you fucking kidding me?

>A gun control utopia
>These commies are trying to make America into another Brazil.

Do you think this is a anti-gun thread user?

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Just let this nice man into your home!~!! {racist is pending repose}

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You guys better start getting some new material..

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OP is a huge pussy
Sage this gay cancer

this is just copy pasta at this point, stop reposting the same thread.

This is now a loli and gore thread

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Google black listed this site illegalaliencrimereport.com/

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>Pretending the US isn't decades behind real modern countries such as Brazil and Mexico.

copypasta faggotry

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Thanks bro. I'm glad at least someone can appreciate my art lol.

Attached: Gun control works en Mexico.jpg (1016x860, 536K)

>Yes, Cancun was beautiful
Yeah no shit it's beautiful, it is also less mexican than any place in fucking California, I went there once and it was like visiting another fucking country,

Everyday until we like it, right?

Are you the OP from last night?

mexico improved massively. wow.

--------------HOW MANY TIMES HAS THIS FUCKING THREAD BEEN MADE?--------------------------------------



>I am a 56 year old future former marine

Attached: neckbeard-fedora.png (594x422, 207K)

>I am JIDF

We may need to go to infinity soon. And then to whatever site we start up after that. We're going to have to stay ahead of the kike.

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Yeah, Mexico is a great country with no gangs or any problems at all. That's why everyone there wants to come to a worse country like the US.

>90% of the replies ITT
pic related

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you made this same thread yesterday

I better not admit to anything. But I am the one screaming about Mexico, and teaching user's how to win any gun control debate.

>Repeat back whatever the gun-grabber said
>Switch the word "Mexico and Nazi Germany" for England.

Ask the gun-control expert--

>We know why Hitler waned to disarm the jews, and what he did to them after he did, but why do you want to disarm us?

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