who here pretty much antisemetic and somewhat race realist but not a nazi?
Redpilled but not nazi
You don't have to be a nazi to know that Hitler was right and the Jews lied.
If you are a counter-Semite you might as well go full Natsoc.
Only shills and amerimutts are nazis. Only "nazis" in Europe are pic related (they probably haven't even learn how to read).
The only boomer id listen to is Mark "Master" Levin. the dude sound 100 percent like master shake. I cant help but laugh when he gets angry
you know antisemitism exists outside nazism aswell right?
You don't need to be a Nazi to be anti-Semitic. Many other idealogies are anti-Semitic in nature. And there no more Nazis, there haven't been since the 1940s. Anyone who thinks they're an "Aryan National Socialist" is LARPing to the extreme.
you sound like a cuck spiritually
what do you mean with “cuck spiritually”?
That's fine as long as you know Jews have to die down to the child.
It's not a want it's a need.
Ancap here, But have little love for the kikes
what if I just want them to convert to catholicism?
Im actually a Nazi that is pro Israel nwo
It’s an unpopular opinion to be sure
Then this thread is exactly what I thought it was: yet another attempt to stop the coming genocide of the kike.
Yeah get out of here philosemite.
Being against the jews and their white genocide-by-replacement scheme is not nazi or even 'far right'. Do not fall for their dialectic trickery.
>everyone that does not completely agree with me is controlled oppostion
t. larper
I mean nazi in the sense of adhering to nazist political philosophy and admiring nazi’s
the final redpill is to understand that the nazi narrative is made up entirely to appeal to those that feel wronged in one way or another, but are to afraid to fight the real dragon on their own. Instead, they resort to groupthink and to fight imaginary dragons instead. Notice how the jew is seemingly omnipotent in the nazi narrative? Ever wondered why?
Its because deep down, every nazi knows that the jew is just an excuse, and that they'll rather fight the jew forever than to face their real problems.
Nazi has become a meaningless insult.
Fuck you for this bait.
Fuck you for wasting everyones time.
And Fuck the mods for doing nothing in the face of spam overload.