Wtf is Trump's problem?

wtf is Trump's problem?

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He's pissing off all the right (((people)))

he has plenty of bitches

Checked. It basically sums up how a lot of the right has been feeling lately. A lot of us thought Trump was going to bring real change to this country, that he was going to “drain the swamp,” and yet here we are, with the biggest swamp creature of them all as president. I know that it’s becoming increasingly embarrassing to admit you’re a Trump supporter around my parts. The way things are going, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Dems have my vote in 2020.

This is reason enough for impeachment. #notmypresident

hes also the first one to have an immigrant wife

whatcha think about that, huh? you some kind of wacist?

Death to the terror sponsor state Israel

Why doesn't he have a dog? Dogs (that are not pit bulls) are the white man's pet.

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Cats are better anyway

your post has pajama boy written all over it

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sure...toxoplasmosis boy

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pets cant have pets

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Get bent faggot, you didn't support DJT the first time

>people are still falling for this new nuclear codes pasta

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Better to serve the felines than whatever sick gods you people worship down there.

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wow another one of these threads



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Brazil is 90% Christian

Enjoy your cat parasite

Dogs are the niggers of pets.

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He does not need a dog, he has his cunnilingual jewish daughter, the harlot of israel at his disposal.


he's a germaphobe

Dogs are for cucks.

He could be allergic, who made that should check his/her ableist privilege

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Sure thing, Chang Lee.

Presidents were better before 1897.

so a germaphobe fucks porn stars?

He's the Jew's bitch. Jews hate dogs

very true, jews are cat people. Love their toxoplasmosis. Removes all fear, empathy and let's them embrace degeneracy.

whats your problem

Dags aren't the problem, it's the fucking insecure faggots that own them.
Gas all dog people, they turn everywhere they go into an open air sewer, like India.
Pick up your dog poo, you slimy fucks.

Reported for duplicate spamming.
If you really think it's important to keep posting the same thread over and over again, at least wait 24 hours in between iterations.

cat people let their cats go piss and shit on people's property. They are the #1 cause of native bird species and let taxoplasmosis infect over 60 million americans.

Let that sink in

native bird species death*

How can you hate Man's Best Friend?

Pets are wildly overrated. They're alright, I like dogs and cats but try having a child, fags.

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I fucking hate cats, almost as much as dog people.
I grew up with ranch dogs, they were family and earned their keep, and they shit in the woods, where you'd never see or smell it. City faggots with dogs should be gassed, they're made of pure dog shit.

I agree people that have dogs don't care about their best buddies and should be shot.

I pick up abandoned city dogs and unleash them on my farm. Care for them and treat them like family, the love and respect you get back is breathtaking.

Bless you user.


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>City faggots with dogs should be gassed,
This is true. It's no place for a dog

>wtf is Trump's problem?

He's a major gremophobe.

>concern trolling
a classic

Animals deserve to be wild. Plus having a pet makes your home and clothes dirty.

All the wretched diseases in your toxic waste dump of a country, you're worried about a cat lmao

there is a bunny. they even made a book about it.

This is probably a good thing. Retards are often too hard on their pets, and no dog deserves that.

Canadians are legally allowed to fuck dogs. I don't see how you can give me a lesson on cleanliness. Also, I am Japanese Brazilian, not a fucking monkey

The CDC considers Taxoplasmosis to be one of the top 3 ignored parasitic infections in NORTH AMRERICA. It is estimated that 60 million americans are infected by this dangerous parasite. Why do you think women are told to stay away from cats and litter boxes during pregnancy?

Also, my house was always kept immaculate and cats were never allowed in my household. As I live on a farm, we had dogs, but they were not allowed inside the house. Not like it really gets cold enough to let dogs in the house when you live in Brazil.

Where is "Obama's" dog these days....? Wow...apparently he was real attached to that one, wasn't he? Oh, wait , Muslims hate dogs.....

>reduces fear

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Dogs are fucking trash pets and only niggers have them.

i thought dogs were islamophobic

>the dude
Only niggers type that and ironically, dogs don't like niggers.

Yeah right, liar

Wow... I voted for Dru- I mean Trump and I'm completely disillusioned. Jeb at least would've had a chihuahua.

Thanks huebro. God bless you and yours.

McKinley was a good prez

I'm literally getting paid more money because of Trump. I give zero fucks about a dog.

Obama didn't have a dog until Ted Kennedy gave him one. He only had a cat.

There's been several presidents that didn't have dogs, and never had dogs, until they ran for president and became the party nominee. For all these politicians, Democrat and GOP, getting a dog was done purely to pander to dog owners.

Future presidents won't need to get a dog though, because dog owning is such a minority thing in the US these days. Most people, if they have a pet, have a pet cat. So in the future, presidents will adopt a pet cat when they get nominated to be president to appeal to cat owners.

Don't fall for (((their))) tricks like the faggot you are.

Also, he can't snap his fingers and expect everything to be done. Shit takes time. It took your Nigger mother 9 months to shit you out. Stfu and wait, faggot.

Jeb would have ATE the chiwaowa

>nuclear codes 2.0

Dogs are amazing. Idk how mudslimes find them vile and disgusting, when they're disgusting themselves

You're glowing, Paki Cunt.

>become president of the usa
>send tax-payer funded government agent and a tax-payer funded pr expert to pound to pick out photogenic dog
>use tax money to hire professional full-time dog handler to care for and train dog
>only seen with dog when photo op needed
>don't give a shit about the dog
>retarded twats love me
>pic related

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I love dogs, and judge people on how they feel about dogs, but I can give Trump a pass. He's too busy to give a dog the love it needs.


More like Czech'ed, bot

RIP Buddy

Never forget.

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this is pretty good, but i think it would have more impact if you could connect it to harry potter in some way

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