ITT change an anime to make it a 10/10.
I'll start. If pic related got together, the anime would be kino perfection 11/10
ITT change an anime to make it a 10/10.
I'll start. If pic related got together, the anime would be kino perfection 11/10
Kill yourself you degenerate.
Kill yourself back to
Any word on the spin-off? From the little info I found, it seems a timeskip is possible.
If you honestly believe that isn't the best ship in that entire anime, consider necking yourself.
Take every anime with male characters.
Make all the boys girls.
Now every anime is at least 2 or 3 points higher.
Kill yourself in every way imaginable cuckface
Remove Taiga from Toradora
Do I have to be female to enjoy this anime? The MC seems so deliciously feminine.
First chapter comes out the 25th
Just watch it. I'm a man and my dick was diamonds the entire time from how good it was.
I'm a guy and I really liked it. It was actually the one that got me into romance/dramas.
would change the director
Stay mad /u/.
>best girl gets some used good unfaithful slut
Yeah, no. It would have been awful. Hanabi would cheat on her without a second thought.
Maybe if you took out the fact Hanabi wanted to fuck anything that moved, and she was actually an upstanding person THEN she got together with Ecchan it would be 11/10.
>Take the tiger out of Tiger and Dragon
OP said fix and anime, not make it worse.
HomuMado Kissu would make Madoka much better.