Well Sup Forums, how do you refute systematic racism in light of this study?
Well Sup Forums, how do you refute systematic racism in light of this study?
because niggers are lazy and people pay whoever works harder more money.
Refuted and saged.
Women get all sorts of fucking governmental financial help just for being women and men have to succeed on their own merits.
Confused how black women don't have a large gap but it's likely due to women having less IQ variance. Black kids is mostly iq, no father, and commiting crime
>New York Times
Opinion discarded.
I mean, if black women and not black men are suffering here, it's evidence against there being any 'systematic racism.' There is, however, overt 'systematic sexism' against men. Black men suffer more from it because they aren't as smart or capable.
And into the trash it goes.
IQ literally predicts this worldwide. This happens worldwide.
Where is your proof of “systematic racism” that causes these same effects throughout the entire Fucking planet?
show me the smart phone, flat screen tv distribution.
that's what counts
>Well Sup Forums, how do you refute systematic racism in light of this study?
Thats all thanks to niggers being sub-humans who don't belong to a civilized society. Useless to cy racist when your pet niggers are dumb as retards.
third time posting this today, you guys just keep making the same thread
>IQ by ethnicity bell curves literally lines up with income by ethnicity distribution.
>no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the law, no matter what the business
>whites outperform blacks overall, make better life decisions
>it must be racism we're somehow missing, not blatantly obvious physical and mental differences between races
And this is why no matter what happens, the left will lose. Their ideology is based on a fairy tale, not the reality in front of them.
If this was the result of blatant racism should we see similar gaps with men and women?
They can't even explain why it's happening, yet they already have a conclusion. Racism.
How does the jewish income vs black line up?
lol, no way anyone with a brain capable of perceiving empirical data buys the (((NY Times)))' interpretation. How many excuses can we make for the African breed?
Ever wonder how there are so many white liberals while also knowing what the statistics between races are?
I have a feeling most people can't understand this data.
Yeah, even the Swedes seem to think they can fix the refugees they keep importing.
Typical American is substantially dumber than the typical Swede.
These people are so adequately brainwashed that they can’t even consider the possibility that differences between races exist.
there's a smuggie for it
They're not as smart on average, and they make bad spending decisions. Next.
If black men stopped killing each other they would have higher salaries and less poverty.
Which kind of racism? I just see facts...
Saged you nigger