Buyfag thread

We need more figures of girls wearing cute dresses.

Still too soon, nigger.

Meanwhile, the porkfag troll already made another thread featuring her in the OP almost thirty minutes ago.

haha 4 r33l can someone range ban that fat loving faggot

Ok OP you win.
And I agree.
Just don't use that thread?

Great thread. Stay mad while I sage, nerds.

The wait is almost over

>it's going to be a year before we get this Russian qt
it hurts

Fill that void buying other figures in the meantime, user.

What's worse is that I held myself back and now I have to keep telling myself the grapes are sour for that long.

Does any of you own a custom case, how much did you pay for it? I'm thinking of maybe getting one custom made by the guy that made me a custom glass sliding door for my porch. What should I take into account for the perfect display case?

>Tfw saw this on amiami but no monies to buy it

my heart cries


damn son

Didn't that figure bin for a while?

She's not actually bad.

We need to criminalize idols being made this cute.

Who is your cutest figure?

No, she was made to order

Rin a cute!

>tfw no cute figures, only lewd ones

October orders arrived earlier than expected
Racing Saber looks great

They aren't milking Sakura hard enough.

yeah and it was cheap as heck on amiami preowned

Maybe you have one that's cutely lewd, right?

I like that this is pretty much Cow Girl (of Goblin Slayer) with horns.
Actual goblin slayer figures WHEN.

Any good site that I can still order Rin from?


>c93 coming up
>havent saved any money

What are my buyfriends looking forward to from C93 ?

>Amico is trying to sell racing saber at 14k with a missing Parasol arm.
I fucked up not getting this Saber.

They're plenty of cute-lewd figures out there, you're just not looking hard enough.

How big is Rin's box?

More Saber merch, less non Saber merch.

I feel like I might regret not getting this cute smile, but she's too lewd for my collection, even when not castoff.


Bump for no ham
in total

Anyone buy Pullips? Do they hold up alright?

I like that they're cheaper than BJDs and have customization so I can make them into my characters.


bigger than Saber's
around 7"x 8"x 12.5"


Yeah so?

That's not what bin means


That face is too pure for a body so lewd, and thats what makes her perfect.

>bigger than Saber's
Thanks user. Shipping isn't going to be cheap this month.

Maybe TOM.

I'm so glad that's Rin.

the doll thread on jp is probably better to ask

a question for you all, which figures/nendos whatever you've gotten... of MALE characters, and why?

uhh yeah it is u dumb cunt

Historical acuracy

>a question for you all, how GAY are you, and why?

Its not, retard. Binning means supply surpasses demand and the manufacturer has to cut the prices, if the price is lowered in aftermarket or second hand then its not binning its a merely devalued figures. Fucking idiot.

...i knew i should have mentioned inb4 transgenders and such, i dunno why the fuck i didn't think of saber at the moment

Not the user you are responding to, but just because something is pre-owned cheaper doesn't mean it binned.


I have Raiden from MGS:R and B1g B0ss from MGS5 by gecco b/c they are really well made and detailed and i love Kojima's video games and also Artorias from F4F but im thinking of selling it and collecting the Gecco scales since they're much smaller and easier to display

reported & ignored dont reply to me again

i need him in my life

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

A couple of swordsluts because I like their designs more than their source material.

No it doesn't. Binning refers to something being put into the bargain bin, which is entirely decided by the retailer.

Big news: the preowned section is not the bargain bin

Bigger news: I never said it was?

Why must the world keep tempting me with Anya figures I know I can't afford right now? I know I'm going to need one at some point.

The only male figure i have is Koto ArtFX, which was one of the first figures i bought back when i didnt even know about amiami.

It isnt even Sup Forums related.

i'm going to be getting this as for why? because he's cute and I swing both ways.

Then shut up, the retard is talking about preowned figures being cheaper than brand new ones.

Don't make up explanations for words and then get mad at people correcting you.

You are aware plenty of larger stores are not retailers per se but distributors right? they don't pay in advance for the items they distribute, they are official channels of the manufacturer, so plenty of times they are not the ones to decide if prices are lowered.

This handsome young man.

I've always just known binning as the average new selling price falling significantly below the original price. Is this wrong?

Elite Buyfag here!

I can confirm that "binning" refers to any figure which is being sold at a price well below it's intended MSRP, regardless of the price drop circumstance.
I hope this clears some things up.

Happy Buyfagging!

Its related to a surplus of the figures compared to the demand, in the case at hand its a figure by Amakuni, who makes figures to order and someone already paid full price for it even on second hand market, in this case the retard who sold it to amiami

i always thought binning was when it goes on sale. It's not like it matters what it is desu. Those little boys just like arguing so they can kiss and make up. Gay ass niggas.

Do you even know the meaning of the word distributor?

>Its related to a surplus of the figures compared to the demand
Isn't that just the reason behind ?

Yes, pretty much. You can find plenty of preowned figures or exclusives sold by middlemen for a reduced price, that is technically not binning, just a preowned figure.

Thanks, pal. I've been wondering for a while but I was too scared to ask. Good to see that the elites are welcoming.

Thank you elite-sama.

Yes, just remember exclusives sold at places like BiJ and NY are technically preowned figures

Can do, thanks.

I've got a Kaiji, because I like his silly face and he gives me the inspiration try when life seems hopeless.

Thanks elite buyfag

I was tempted to preorder Nendo or Alter scale of best boy, but Im not ready to cross the gender bridge yet. I like my girly pvc butts

victorian era style

Don't ever.

>tfw no one posted in my porkchop thread


I don't plan to, but I'm rather enjoying the view form the middle of the bridge

I have some male figmas/SHFs. They're toys, I play around with them. They're just figures of characters I like, same as most of my girl figs and mecha stuff is. I'm not buying this stuff as wank material.

I don't have any male scales, though.

Real thread right here, lads.

buying figmas/nendos of males doesn't seem that weird to me, like half of my figmas are male.

The only reason I don't have any actual figures of males is because there just isn't many good ones that I would actually want, or they're literally all just gay shit.

fuck off

I caved and got this classy motherfucker. The figure is well made, exudes an air of style and coolness and almost perfectly exemplifies the feel I'd like to bring to my collection. Plus, Leo is best boy. Save that last bit my reasoning is almost exactly the same as why I immediately preordered Alter Saber Alter.

He's probably going to be the only cock in the hen house for a while though, the list of male characters I'd even want is a short one and Yang and Reinhard both got messed up.

Sometimes I wonder where I went wrong



>any new* figure
pre-owned doesn't count as binned

That seems like a good way to cut off your arm.

This cunt only cause I think of these ARTFX J Poke figures as a "set" and I had to have them all.
Red's pretty cool too I guess.

What has Mikan been eating for her thighs to become like that.