Could sex be used to counter the declined birth rates?
Could sex be used to counter the declined birth rates?
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nope because of the dst
No. It's not like sex makes babies or anything. What are you stupid?
not with american divorce courts
Restoration of the principals surrounding marriage in-conjunction with sex could.
You might be onto something user. Maybe putting my pee pee in her boipucci can make babies?
>Could sex be used to counter the declined birth rates?
How are you going to outbreed all the other races flooding into White countries?
What a radical idea. Needs research.
Maybe if they all looked like her
We have to solve the Jewish Question (JQ) first before we do anything.
Is this your first time on Sup Forums or something?
>Could sex be used to counter the declined birth rates?
No way, that's impossible.
at least post the proper Emily pics
Sex is kike degeneracy
Somehow this always makes me chuckle
Jews made you all only think that sex is kike degeneracy with their Jewish bible.
>Could sex be used to counter the declined birth rates?
Somebody skipped the wrong day in 10th grade health class.
>Could sex be used to counter the declined birth rates?
Gone are the great minds of the Ancient Romans.
WW3 will lower the world population by a good 1/4th of what it is now. Expect it all to change within the next 4 years
Birth control and abortion have entirely decoupled sex from human reproductive.
These idiots claim "just have more children lol" when the topic of White genocide is brought up but they don't fucking understand that all the other mud races are having children too.
Whites can't possibly outbreed every other race combined.
What's needed is an all-White Ethnostate where Whites don't have to worry about competing with muds and fighting off the Jews at every turn.
Most idiots on Sup Forums these days don't fucking get it.
She has a brown vagina
Richer whites would solve it, the main reason so many whites couples postpone and even cancels their plans of children (especially multiple children) is because they don't think they can give their child a good enough quality of life.
Non-whites don't care that much if their offspring never sees piano lessons or has to live in shitty apartment going to shitty school, they have far less doubts in getting pregnant and giving birth.
I think you’re mistaking “sex” with “immigration”
What's also needed is the holocaust of niggers, chinks and Indians.
I don't see how that could work
I wanna see some stink pickle!!!
>attractive but generic young woman tajes her shirt off
>can sex be used to make babies?
>we need more people
Poop truck just arrived!
>What's also needed is the holocaust of niggers, chinks and Indians.
Or we simply take a section of the country for ourselves and give them an ultimatum. Leave or else.
This whole "WE GOTZ TO KEEL EM AWL!" meme really needs to die.
It's not like Sup Forums will even stop shitposting let alone start a turner diaries take over of the planet.
Over-sexualization won't bring more babies.
Healthy relationships, more chastity (or simply avoiding many sexual partners) and a mature view of sexuality will.
At the moment we are under (((mad sex meme)))
>yes, goyim, fuck like a beast, that's your only goal in your life
>yes, good girl, suck any dick you can, fuck many boy, especially black guys
Every time you fall to this meme you are killing white race.
Please be aware I'm not against sex In itself, I'm against this "poor quality" sex, poor quality relationships.
Is that your sister, Mario? Ask her is she wants some of the Big Canadian Cock for me, will ya? You can mention my terroni heritage if that helps seal the deal (I know she's into that)
Interesting theory. I'll fuck my trap girlfriends ass more often and test if I knock her up.
No, they do need to die. Resources are running dry and we need them for the white race. The way things are going, the Indian and Chinese populations aren't growing that fast, but the African nigger population is.
You know Schlomo is thinking the exact fucking same thing... What are the odds.
>No, they do need to die.
What do you care more about? Saving the White race or exterminating all the non-Whites?
>Resources are running dry
Says who?
> and we need them for the white race.
So how many resources will you expend to destroy every last non-White on the planet?
Are you going to personally assist by killing children?
>The way things are going, the Indian and Chinese populations aren't growing that fast, but the African nigger population is.
And so therefore instead of focusing on saving the White race you'd rather focus on killing everyone else even though Whites don't have the power or the numbers to accomplish such a feat?
You're a LARPer.
Impossible. It would never work.
Need More white womanz
>we need them for the white race
yes, take their shit. its for the race mothafucka
fucking damn it
You think a woman puts that much effort into her body only to ruin it by having a baby?
>when you look at the gif a little too long
I'm sorry user
Some people think that adhering to a cults rules are more important than sex.
Violently murder these cult member and birthrates go up.
If they overpopulate then they will thin themselves out over time, same as deer.
All we Whites have to do secure our borders and recreate 1933-1939 Nazi Germany somewhere in America, which all that really means is just restoring the Constitution to its original state. 1790.
>Says who?
Are you an idiot?
For the world to function in the future some major changes have to happen and I don't see how killing people is bad in that respect. The only thing needed are some atomic bombs. The point is not to have a white planet, the goal is a sustainable planet.
"civilized" women are hooked on the pill.
The pill relieves symptoms of periods, so they take it all the time. The problem with this, other than making conception impossible, is that the pill has other side effects.
The pill erodes the manners, logic, and reason center in the brain. It also has been identified as a contributing factor in cancer in women. Women are willing to literally die and kill their species just so they can be reckless and not have uncomfortable periods.
Pretty sure that's not how it works.
>All we Whites have to do secure our borders and recreate 1933-1939 Nazi Germany somewhere in America, which all that really means is just restoring the Constitution to its original state. 1790.
Some Whites are way ahead of you...
No. Casual sex is paired with contraception because the goal is pleasure, not reproduction.
Family is the antidote to low birthrates.
I'm funny, creative and original.
You're just stupid.
Learn the difference. It could save your life.
No. They're not retarded like animals. India and China have huge economies and even African economies are growing.
Fuck you my mom is on a plane now
>Are you an idiot?
That's not an answer to my question.
>For the world to function in the future some major changes have to happen
Again, says who?
> and I don't see how killing people is bad in that respect.
So how are you going to get the pro-White movement that is outnumbered and has no power to exterminate every non-White on the planet?
>The only thing needed are some atomic bombs.
So how are pro-Whites going to get them? And how are you going to kill every non-White with nukes and not have massive retaliation?
>The point is not to have a white planet, the goal is a sustainable planet.
And you're LARPing. You haven't even remotely thought this through.
The pill has also been studied to have the effect of eliminating a female's pairing bond with her mate.
Women are naturally drawn to differing genetics, part of the DNA's desire to change. What happens with the pill is that it fucks her biology up to the point where she's now attracted to her same genetic markers. She loses interest in her partner / spouse and seeks out someone more like her.
Think I'm fucking kidding? Look it up. The pill is responsible for destroying the american family.
harry could have had almost any girl in the world and he fucking chooses la 56% abominación with already leaked nudes?
what the hell is his problem?
You said what Whites need to do. I posted a group with a plan to make it happen.
Unless you weren't really serious about this whole "save the White race" thing, are you?
Then I guess China, India and Africa will all need National Socialist revolutions as well then...
Yeah I called you an idiot because this is common knowledge. You think you can use the world up until it's dead and then think YOU can somehow live on?
>betraying every single ideal to win a word game
>wonders why I'd side with with niggers to kill him
think it over franz
really activates your almonds, doesnt it.
my take is that he's a pawn in presenting the globalist agenda to force integration with mudshits.
faka u
>Yeah I called you an idiot because this is common knowledge.
According to who?
>You think you can use the world up until it's dead and then think YOU can somehow live on?
Said the person that thinks nuking all the non-Whites into extinction is a reasonable and executable plan.
How are you going to side with niggers against Whites when during the race war your race is will be your uniform?
Not an argument.
I'm also still waiting for your plan on how you will exactly nuke all the non-Whites into extinction.
from another bread
holy shit i didn't even notice.
Don't you mean hippy-state divorce courts? Only 8 out of 52 states have the divorce laws you're thinking off. Just because one of them has Hollywood in it doesn't mean US=California.
>intuwesting tew me mowe opee
>Only 8 out of 52 states have the divorce laws you're thinking off
Yeah, the 8 states with almost all of the population.
T. That faggot Paul that wrote a bunch of shit in the bible Jesus never said
what is this degeneracy
Interesting theory but I have no idea how this could be put into practice on a personal level.
How can sex be real if we're not real?
>all white ethnostate is needed
>whites are suiciding themselves by letting shits in
I think the white race has some internal issues
Not while birth control is easily available. Most women of breeding age are sterile.
I would help counter the declining birth rate with her, if you know what I mean
OH! I think the italian fag is onto something here.
sauce could be used to decrease the birth rate further ...
Sims 5 looks like shit
>I think the white race has some internal issues
Something like 50% wanting to self-genocide? Yeah that sounds like a problem.
It's much simpler than that; he's just a pussy faggot loser.
>>whites are suiciding themselves by letting shits in
Whites don't let non-Whites in. That's the Jews.
It's possible, but I'm not sure.
warnung: don't reply to these cunts
it kinda makes sense
not tonight