What is the most redpilled Christian denomination, and why is it Jehovah's witnesses

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Seriously, OP, you should kys for the sake of humanity.

JW are dense mongoloid tier among christian cults.

An Italian has no right to call anyone a mongoloid

t. amerimutt

JW are morally based but they allow way too many niggers to be considered redpilled. This is why Mormons are superior, no niggers allowed

JW's are cultists and are not Christian.

Italians are basically North African. Alot less White than an American from Connecticut

This. There's a Jehova's Witness church thing near me and literally half the people who go there are hispanic or black.

I'm pretty sure the most "based" would be Mormons or Southern Baptist Convention

Literal cult

I don't think so

mfw my white race is probably purer than yours

>american education

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Man, any christian spin-off generated by muricans is a retarded joke.

The “retarded joke” is people who actually believe in the invisible sky deity bullshit instead of recognizing religion as a tool that brings together like-minded conservative people. Spiritual beliefs are completely irrelevant, what matters is that the denomination teaches moral strength and discipline

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It's actually Mormonism.

You know they're redpilled since all of their temples have blackout curtains and few windows.

Sunlight is a tool of the devil.

>Italians are basically North African.

Explain how she is so hot then, mutt nigger.

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Well, as the different National Socialist branches have been ZOGGED, the most redpilled would be Christian Identity

Only kikes play the divide-and-conquer game

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>b-b-but tarantino said


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>italy isn't white ok? It's full of muslims. Cuckatino told me

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presented without comment

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part 1

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Inbreding is gay though

Why was it that Hitler Gassed Them?

Probably the Amish, desu.

The ones on crosses.

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JW are so shit the black guy in op's pic is think "fuck i wish these niggers would go away"

>jehovas witnesses

>that same girl everytime italians are shit on

"probably" yeah that's because it's literally not. European Americans are descendants of Nords (Anglos, Germans, Scandinavians) Does it feel bad knowing Mutts are whiter than you?


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Here is the truth satan keeps from all of you


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