Many want religious schools banned... but not all religions.
Many want religious schools banned... but not all religions.
just get over it and ban all religion
problem solved once and for all
The goal of the Jews was never to turn Europe into a caliphate. Tricking nationalists into thinking this was a great trick by them. The plan goes as follows:
1. Import millions of muslims
2. Use the multiculturalism as an argument for a new secular society free from both christianity and islam
3. Make people mix into grey masses without identity
4. Rule over the mutts
They want the muslims to adapt to western liberalism and become athiests.
NIKE is now selling Hijabs in Sweden, buy a NIKE hijab at your local Åhléns store
>Sup Forums was right again!
Based goyim
Of course jews are exempt.
>It's real
How do they do it, Sup Forums?