>calls out crapitalist culture
>calls out degenerate youtubers and rappers
>literally quotes Hitler, just paraphrased it a bit
>calls out crapitalist culture
>calls out degenerate youtubers and rappers
>literally quotes Hitler, just paraphrased it a bit
Fuck off pubedpie
kek he called that spic youtuber an ugly mole rat
for a second I thought he said mutt
p-pewdiepie s-stop!
fuggin BASED
is he truly /ourgoy/???
>>literally quotes Hitler, just paraphrased it a bit
kikes maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
He who controls the memes, controls ideas. Ideas shape reality, he who controls the memes, controls the universe
wait a second. show flag
timestamp please
It's from fucking Dune, he read that book last month and reviewed it.
Literally fucking based.
>redpills millions of children
>only uncucked swede
Anyone who thinks he's not based is a kike
isn't this just a parody of a quote from Dune?
"He who controls the spice controls the Universe"
Love the Dune reference . that retard must have no clue
But also this
he read it you mong
i mean you're an idiot for wasting people's time with this dude's tweet, but that dude is an even bigger idiot for not having a basic understanding of aphorisms, or the fact that they repeat and are recreated over and over again across every century. know thyself faggot
the absolute madlad
Im proud. He's literally the fuhrer of Jewtube.
try harder autist
itt: TRS tries to create a new Alt-Right leader but it's too late.
i meant the guy in the comment in the pic , not PewDiePie, i know he read the book
Kek. I love how he's never afraid to call out anyone.
>itt: TRS tries to create a new Alt-Right leader but it's too late.
The (((Alt-Right))) is such cancer. They're all fucking Jews and they still pretend like they aren't even though everyone knows they are.
Stop being mean to me
so he created an alibi month ago so he can use this quote which is clearly Hitler reference considering the context of the video
literal genius mastermind
Lol. I actually hope he stays away from the natsoc dog whistling though, it's really just a liability. The greatest damage he could possibly do to the globalist agenda is to give kids actual values to live by. That alone would be a tremendous blow to the kike agenda.
pewdienig i know you're lurking this thread.
make a trump joke in the next video and ill give a big succ.
Why is only the right capable of 4D chess?
10:02 "feels like Im watching a bunch of neanderthals in front of a shiny object"
there were some threads about neanderthals looking like jews right?
i think pdp is just lonely at the top and stopped giving a fuck. the dude said nigger on video and is stronger than ever, it dont matter.
jews ARE NOT neanderthals, neanderthals are real europeans they had autism (Source: Varg)
that guy is a jew, jews =rats => pewdiepie =redpilled
He drops hints frequently about being nationalist AF
Idk if I'd say natsoc though
All people have neanderthal DNA except Africans I believe, I don't think your jewspiracies apply to this one
The figurines are doing the roman salute in this video.
right wingers have high iq
Hitler ruined anything he touched, logic, reason even brushing teeth. Quit brushing your teeth you Nazis.
The figures in the latest video are doing the Sieg Heil
How long until YouTube (((accidentally))) deletes Pewdiepie’s channel or subscribers and blames it on a technical oopsie or a rogue/incompetent employee?
This opinion is going too mainstream too fast
Felix, give us a sign. I can feel your presence.
what germany said
Kill a nigger on stream, pewds.
or extremely low iq, there is no middle ground
Can we just admit that he loves us?
>Dune and Hitler reference in one
This Swede is memeing in 4D right now
>guys look at this e-celeb who plays videogames all day and acts like a literal nigger on stream!
>he's supporting our cause isn't that great?!
clean version for the German autist who usually spams these threads
Thing is the Marxists believe the same thing, the result of which, just take a look at any 'education' centre.
itt pewdiepie openly admits he supports the gassing of jew thus ending his $$$$$ flow
Why Pewds not move back to Sweden?
>literally quotes Hitler, just paraphrased it a bit
You can find a Nelson Mandela quote like that as well.
You know how I know you don't watch his content? Cause you're fucking wrong bruv
"Literally quotes Hitler, just paraphrased it a bit"
This sentence is completely retarded, and shows how fucking stupid you are.
>Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation
You see it ?
It means nothing.
Because the taxes would never stop fucking him in the ass.
He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing, and he who controls the Spice controls the Universe.
He's quoting Dune.
It's unironically true.
Santa Claus owns all the children. Get ‘em young as hell. White Power.
Reminder he is a disney shill
You should compile a list.
If we could convince the left that it's "Alt-Right hate speech", watch while they completely chimp out about it, then drop the truth bomb and watch the mental gymnastics as they start to agree with it, should provide entertainment for a while..
>x Says Axiom
>y said Axiom
or he heard this song, it samples that.
Hypocrisy doesn't matter to them. There is no honor in their warfare.
Oh I know, I've seen then contradict themselves in the same sentence.
I'm thinking just for the entertainment value.
Though I suppose it might redpill a few normies watching them chimp out.
He definetly red pills the audience
>Both of the mech toys doing roman salutes
Pewdiepie, if you are lurking I'm curious if that was really your benis posted on Sup Forums the other day or if your head was shooped on someone else's body?
Kike Die Pew Pew Pew
Wtf I literally told him that 2 days ago kek
>muh e-celebs
i wish alt-kikes would leave
Pewdiepie was here yesterday
that was your post wasnt it?
fucking subhuman furry lover
fuck off
What an ultimate gigafaggot.
Lets post some redpilled comment and mass vote it
Pewdie audience is easier to redpill that skeptic circle jerk fags
Pewds is a known /biz/nessman, he tweeted out a video made by a /biz/nessman
I remember seeing a screencap of someone talking to, allegedly, pewds, and telling him to put doki doki memes in his video. And wouldn't you know it, he put a doki doki meme in his LIWAY. I think it's time to start a pewdiepie general.
Jesus, i was really shocked when i learned that I am taller than him, iam just 180 and have felt like manlet all my life.
No user, a Yorkish LARPer was here yesterday.
If Pewdiepie is here then use the word genocide in one of your next 3 videos
If this Pewdiepie guy is so great then why did he come of as completely unaware of Garupans, the thinking Sup Forumsmans anime?
You are still a manlet
Tech bubble part deux. Somebody zucced themselves.
Because as a Swede you have to put Finland in it's place.
Found out about this guy from my 10 year old daughter.