NIGGER wants to abolish SWISS ARMY

>Youniss Mussa new leader of the Group for a Switzerland Without an Army (GSwA) wants to abolish the Swiss Army

>Is 21 years old
>His father is a goat fucker from Libya
>Studying in the university
>Complaining that his non-existant taxes finance the army
>Has never been in the military
>War in Libya made him realize firearms and armies are bad
>Pretends having legitimacy to abolish the Army


We need to send these niggers back to Africa. They are even more dangerous when they get passports because they literally destroy our countries from the inside.

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Look at this fucking faggot

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Lucky for you WW3 will change the global opinion of even leftists to hate diversity. We in the /worldwartimeline/ has started

This cocks sucker isn't only a leftist. He is also a fucking sandnigger.

The world has gone fucking mad anons, time to arm up while we can. South Africa is just the tip.

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lmao why? the Swiss wrote the best guerilla fighter resistance manual in the history of humanity.

why is he even in your country, zeit zum ausschaffen.

Like I said, WW3 is seriously about to start so expect it all to change soon

I unironically know this guy in person.

Never talked politic with him though.

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Why does the Swiss need an Army?
You guys are the breadbasket of all the evil forces in the entire world. At no point will you ever be invaded. You might be colonized by independent billionaires but you won't need an Army