Why doess democracy suck?

why doess democracy suck?

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Because it was popularized by child-fucking Athenians.

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Communism is worse.

Because of being enslaved to the dumb majority.

AKA Boomers.

The Bible
Summa Theologica
Jerusalem Delivered
Paradise Lost
Human all too Human
The Divine Comedy (all of it!)
The Homeric Epics
The Anead
The Idylls of the King
On Liberty

All other things are either not as important or useless.

We don't live in democracy, england voted out in brexit and there they are.


It is necessary to read all of them, or just a few of them ?

I finally decided to read this after usually skipping it. I'm down to the middle of the second post and I see no mention of the fact that the media tells the incompetent masses what to believe. Democracy is corrupted by mass media.

I would recommend to read at least most of them. I have read most of these, and these books provide you with a good general education on political philosophy.

Also, democracy sucks.

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Too many cooks spoil the broth. Long live the Republic.

It's a facade for mob rule.

Democracy sucks indeed, even more when you're french and when your country is the ultimate archetype of Monarchy.

because you're a stinking, degenrate communist

It only works in racially (physically and psychologically like-minded) homogenous populations

Vive le Roi.

Because the people can't help themselves.