Was Genghis Khan that bad?

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Bad for who

Actually he was one of the best generals in the history of the world. I dont know what could possibly have been bad about him.

Yes, but it doesn't matter because he wasn't Hitler

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No he is the definition of what all Mongoloid men should aspire to be.

Came up with the radical idea of promoting people who knew what they were doing.

He wasn't any worse than literally anyone else at that time, just much more efficient at it.

Supposedly he was really good for the environment. There's a significant CO2 dip around his time period and the theory goes that his conquests caused it through depopulation and reforestation.

He was like really chill if you surrendered when he asked. Just don't expect anything less than genocide if you resist

No. He dindu nuffin. His is demonized by the H*n Chinese in their massive butthurt

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Was Salazar that bad?

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one of the greatest men to walk the earth

"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

His wrath was righteous but he was also a studious man who sought advice from Christians and the like. Just not Muslims.

Fuck the Chinese.


Also this.

Sort of this. In the sense that he could be as brutal as any other warlord.

But I think Khan was an admirable figure in some respects. This dude must've had incredible willpower, and he had several very honorable traits. He shat on the aristocracy, cared about what people were actually capable of rather than their position or heritage.

this. just don't kill the messengers

He didn't fuck over or inconvenience any major Jewish populations in his rampage across eurasia so nobody really says anything bad about him despite him being a worse warmonger than like half of the people on our bad goy list.

When you fuck up half the world so hard that every man in Asia to Europe fears you. He literally turned shitty nomadic tribes into a superpower. Also for some reason Finnish people LARP as his descendants

Idk never read about him give me a tldr on the gook

He was a fantastic general. Probably achieved more than any other single man on the battlefield in history.

Plus he likely has the world record for rapes. Guy must've been crawling with STD's. Over 16 million people today are his direct descendants

He was great.

Yeah he was a fucking horrible cunt. Fuck you Sup Forums and your stupidity.


If Finland are the happiest, why are they so consistently vicious?

Which makes it funny that LARPers really want to be his descendants.


Have you not seen Bill and Ted? Get your life sorted out pal.

What is this, some kind of Finnish snow village? There needs to be an immediate Finn cull.

Us that have Tukic or Mongol ancestry have a good chance of being such.

Finns are overpopulating. They aren't happy at all.

>Was Genghis Khan that bad?

He killed 40,000,000 people.

Good luck with your high school term paper.

No he wasn't. he was chilled and highly intelligent.
his bad reputation are made up by the chinese.

Genghis Khan explicitly called Muslims and Jews "slaves", and demanded that they follow the Mongol method of eating rather than the halal method. Circumcision was also forbidden.

He's a pretty chill guy for Sup Forums DESU.

he nearly put mudshits out of existence because they refused the trade route. Huge respect to him for that

You have to go back, Ching Lao

he created fingolians, take that as you will

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>single handedly BTFO the degenerate multicultural silk road kingdoms
>conquered China
>his sons raped the entire Muslim civilization
>his great great grandsons raped and conquered India and fucked up Eastern Europe a bit

>blessed by tengri
>Thought horses were the shit
>had the badest bitches
>made the bogdanoffs suck his dick

he soiled a lot of viking blood so yeah he was

Nope, pretty based.
Saved the world inadvertently, killed off roughly 11 % percent of the worlds population reducing carbon dioxide by around 700 million tonnes from the atmosphere (according to estimates I guess) as forest regrew in previously settled areas.
And imagine the worlds (asias) population today hadn't he culled that many.
We need wars and massacres to sustain ourselves, Khan probably didn't know that though.
>nukes were a mistake
>made the bogdanoffs suck his dick

Why you care Pajeet?

Worse... He was asian.

t. le creatura

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