In Japan this is considered a 10/10

In Japan this is considered a 10/10

Other urls found in this thread:

In Ireland, it's considered a 0/10.

No way, they love cows.

>almost no ass
No wonder they are the capital of shit taste.

So, for once, the nips weren't faggots.

You dont?

Where is the dick?


>"Muh FLAT is justice"

>almost no ass
>being this retarded
You are the kind of person who thinks that Nicki Minaj has a great ass, aren't you?



How big does an ass really need to be to quality as "having an ass"?

>people think that ass is flat
Literally niggers

post her face and tits, a perfect ass is useless if the tits and face aren't perfect aswell. There needs to be balance.

>Nicki Minaj
>dragging 3dpd to this conversation
Consider hanging yourself.

monkey is literally perfect


You understood the point, you fucking nigger. The point being that it's a great, toned, firm and reasonably big ass and isn't flat in any way. The only people who think that it isn't are literally niggers.


there's a lot of ass muscle there.
actually it's a little goofy looking because I'm not even sure it's possible to have an ass that wouldn't smooth down if you dipped one knee below the other while laying on your side like that


has Araragi walked home every other gril in the show or just Crab?

Looks perfect to me.

Why is her ass blushing?

>no ass
ya kiddin right? This is literally perfect ass. Anything bigger is nigger baobab tier trash.

>how to spot an irish guy

Surprise surprise it's always Sup Forums

>everyone who doesn't like fat asses is hitler
you are worse than pol

Nice meme.

whatever lets you sleep at night

maybe her butt hurts

I don't think it's possible that he hasn't walked Monkey home, or at least to the train station.

Is almost as niggers are the biggest weebs

I want to make Monkey straight!

Compare and contrast.

Fucking retard.

>liking man ass
when are you faggots coming out of the closet?

Dude, apart of the appeal of ass, is that it looks great with the body shape/type. Her ass is perfect for her body, and anything bigger on her would look cartoonish. ass looks great on her because she is thicc, If it were bigger, then she'd look fat

Post pics of various ass sizes starting from smallest to biggest. Wait until the most people say "okay, now THAT'S an ass" and take note.

I've always wanted to do this with pics of chubby girls. Like, collect as many pics of chubby/overweight/fat girls and define for myself when a fat girl's body no longer appears sexy to me, and why.

Like, how do I even go about doing this?

>all of this damage control

I would walk her home so fucking rough.

Biggest seasonal shounenfags, maybe.

Lynch yourself nigger

What would you rate this?

The best butts are small and perky.
You CANNOT disprove this.

Goddamn; I'd love to fuck that ass.

What makes the bikibutt so notorious?

this is an ass

Crab has a nice ass.

tumblr butt

Monkey has forcibly walked Koyomi home at least once.


>no ass
Literally pick one

How did Araragi ever survive this series? I would have been mummified by the amount of fapping/easy fucking I would have been doing

Vampire regeneration.

Japan is right

snake ass lads

>Tfw could only think of elzi when i saw that pic
rip elzi ;-;


I can't tell if you're a pedo who wants boybutt or a nigger looking for tribal donk. That's a fine ass though.

please stop tempting me

the ireland ass meme was from Sup Forums or something similar

Monkey walked Koyomi home. In a no-option kind of way.

made for anallingus

impossibly athletic/10

>you will never make monkey your cum dump

That's man's ass though.

Show me a man with an ass like that.

wew lad, this is a blue board

Get rid of the tits, and it'll be a 10/10


I have fapped to much with this doujin/10


it's Sup Forums.

god i love monkey

>Batman forces his "side-kicks" to take estrogen
What a surprise.

>tfw you will never be a robin


>thread about kanbaru's butt
>most of the comments are shit
what happened to my comfy monkey/monogatari threads


I have driving lessons in a few hours and now I've got ass on my mind. Asses/hips truly are the premier trait of women.

>you will never have casual sex with Kanbaru to help her quench her thirst for dicks

Why even live.



Aside from those zits I'd say it's pretty good.

>we in the business call it the yaoi hole

Needs more muscle. Not a 10/10, but pretty close.

>character introduced as an athletic tomboy
>she's actually most erotic of all girls
what the fuck?

not to mention
>The two people she wants to fuck and love the most are dating eachother
Kinda feel sorry for her.


That's a tomboy for you. She ticks all the boxes of the archetype.