We did it Sup Forums

We did it Sup Forums
We made the nips mad as fuck

Too bad the translator cherrypicked the comment and ignore some of the more neutral/useful comment.

Other urls found in this thread:


That translator is really going out of his way to help the mangaka. How sweet of him

please give him money

>implying these gaijins were potential customers in the first place

No way will anyone buy this. Not a lot of people buy stuff unless it's popular

What the fuck is he saying in the end?

why are you posting some literally who site, who gives a shit what they think about the situation.

>Makes cute little series
>Living on pennies
Jesus christ I thought the author/artist was doing fine.

this thread again?

The other thread was pretty good but it looks like this will be the shitposting thread. Enjoy

Usually, these translations in a small community are how unknown series get a fan base in the first place, right? I get the authors feelings, but trying to prevent publicity to people who would otherwise not read it seems a bit shortsighted. And his suggestion for collaboration relies on a high amount of goodwill from the translator. I honestly don't know how I would react here, but my suggestion would be to focus on the Japanese market first and maybe allow for donations somewhere, since that is a model which seems to work better in the west.

>If you want to see so much, study Japanese and buy it
You know he's right.

I don't give a fuck.

Is the Author mad too?

Do they realize the problem?
(RAW's being fucking useless without typesetting.)

So, Translator, how did things went? Did he even replied back?


>starving artist
Work part-time you fucktard.

Support yourself first and foremost.

Having trouble finding it in the archive. It's "Dakini", right? Or is it spelled differently? I found the latest chapter, but I just wanna read the two free ones in english. My skills at reading Japanese still suck.

You know that he should just get over it and typeset a chapter to try it.

Some might even buy it. Scanlator even talked about doing TL+TS for free for the Author to sell it then, in the last thread. (He said he'll talk to the Author about it.)

I feel bad but I'm flat broke.

>getting mad over a site that cherry-picks and mistranslates comments

Manufactured outrage.


Maybe if the author tried making a manga that doesn't suck people would buy it and he wouldn't be so fucking poor and salty.

>these anons angry and being edgy at an artist that urges them to buy the manga and hates illegal distribution of it
How self-centered are you guys?

fake and gay

if not fake still gay

be sure to post the link when you find it

Still making the email. Writing in keigo is hard.

>present day,present time
>not being self-centered
Tell me,user: what is better to put the center of your life than yourself?

Keep us informed, will you. Need to know how this soap opera will end.

>"While this is attributed to the author of Hana no Kishi Dakini, I just couldn't find the original text. Is this legit?"


>make your own website/wordpess to post chapters
>post regularly
>make funny reaction images/blips from your manga
>shill it all over MAL, Sup Forums, any other autistic forum which can generate some sort of niche fanbase
>make a patreon
>offer "EARLY ACCESS TO CHAPTERS AND STORYBOARDS AND PROJECT FILES" for 2 bucks a month or something

this is how it works folks

It's funny that they don't possess the necessary English skills to grok what has happened.

Previous thread they refer too:
Without linking to it, I think.

>dat comment section
Nips really are dumb as fuck about the webcomic business and how pirating drives sales in the long run.
Imagine if Sup Forums didn't pirate "It's not my fault I'm not popular". There would be no way it would get an anime or still be running.

If the author really want a future oficial English contract, he should man up an embrace the sharing.

It really annoys me when people who have the opportunity to make tons of cash don't just because they have absolutely 0 business sense or knowledge.

Found chapter 1 translated, and I gotta say; everything is obvious. I didn't need translations to understand what is going on. Not to bash either side, but this series is pretty easy to understand based on what you see.

Also, video related to the whole piracy thing; youtube.com/watch?v=0Qkyt1wXNlI . It's already been explained here, but this video explains it very well.

>Someone translated the first half of the last thread to Japanese

oh shit

I think patreon is not really popular in Japan. (can some user confirm this?)
That's why it never crossed their minds.

post it you tease

Most of the comments are saying how the gaijin are entitled assholes and don't even admit they are wrong after being caught doing a crime.

It's on the fucking archive, you lard.

But really, it pisses me off how he thinks it's a nip doing the translation.

For all their advances Japan has made in engineering, convenience technology, etc. they sure are awfully ignorant when it comes to business innovation. They still use fax machines and outdated email clients like barbarians.
I think it's true. But even so, it's really surprising that some japanese entrepreneur hasn't set up a proprietary japanese version of patreon even.
Some Japanese people are infamous for throwing excessive amounts of money at extra merch and it's weird someone hasn't capitalised on this.

At least the mangaka worded it so that he doesn't imply that the translations had to stop. People who do want them shut down is a legitimate dumbass who doesn't know the impact of those translations (shitty as they can be sometimes) in releases, especially those who don't even have fans at the tens of thousands.

>Honestly, what I'd want most is an official release...
Christ though, this guy is totally unaware of what happens to series when it doesn't sell as much. Hell, Shakugan no Shana is still licensed under Viz with a grand total of TWO FUCKING VOLUMES released.

Are japanese legally retarded?

Which crime? I've not read a single page of his stuff.

But offering a RAW+Translation is still counter-intuitive.

Why? It just speaks of the TL's Japanese skills.

>This thread again, but more shitposty

Dakini isn't even listed on MAL

says the entitled asshole

Why do people care about this?

I'm just bored and jump on any mental stimuli I can get.

>Hell, Shakugan no Shana is still licensed under Viz with a grand total of TWO FUCKING VOLUMES released.
You don't know the contract terms.

Also: Selling abysmally is a reason to avoid picking it up a second time.

I take this as a yes.

I love me some drama and i also wanna see how nips react to the fact that people translate their comics for free.

It's related to both Sup Forums and /biz/, but /biz/ is just Crypto currency general now,, so we discuss it here.

theres an easier way to make Sup Forums mad you know


I get why it's not more popular as a web series.
The protagonist is clearly the author self insert.

The drawing is cute though, if a bit simplistic.
I could see myself donating to his hypothetical Patreon out of afinity for his helplessness moe



>meme animal that liked meme show dies
why did anyone care in the first place

I assume that the contract had terms that basically didn't put pressure to the licenseholder (i.e. "if you can't sell this shit in its entirety, then you probably don't deserve holding this license).

>Also: Selling abysmally is a reason to avoid picking it up a second time.
Define "selling abysmally". "Abysmally" could be anything from 100 copies to 10,000 copies depending on their sales expectations.

>the first thread drew more attention to dakini among anons
>the translated version will draw even more attention to dakini among nips
>mfw our own whining and entitlement is actually helping the author
a-all according to keikaku, guys

Eiden might show aspects of Sho, but Eiden is his own character the same way Zipher was his own character in Pandemonium. Zipher's absolute fear of death came from Sho's when he experienced that horrible tsunami that decimated Japan a couple years back.

I still don't get what the issue is. Does OP think I'll stop pirating because of some sob story?

>bleeding hearts
Pick one. Fucktons of penguins die without a waifu every day, it's so sad.

>won't even admit there crime
Someone remind them of Nanking.

My face is flushed just thinking about Sho finding out about this.
does not help.

Why would you admit to something that didn't even happen?

He already know, the translator is being talking with him

>depending on their sales expectations

We should found Good Old Manga's or something and wrest out lost licenses.

Maybe even license and publish old manga.

>Anonymous's comment ...
>The Gaijins Bullshit is something else huh. I can't even believe we are part of the same mankind. Looks like there's no such a thing as "copy rights" overseas. And if you say anything about the rights, they'll dismiss you as "naive".

>it's another japanese war crimes denial thread

Only normalfags cared.

I am willing to throw a bit of cash his way.

UNLESS he lashes out against us. But he probably is wise enough to avoid that and will remain polite.

Are they implying that rampant piracy doesn't sustain Western interest in anime and manga?

I hope it works out.

Wasn't there a scanlation group that works with a H-mangaka directly?

so whats going on here
do they just cherry pick posts to make us look bad

Might require some polishing , but could work as a pasta.

>Anonymous's comment ...
>What the author is saying is true
>but the creator of the victim is blamed or is it badly?
>Coco foreigners are as good as Chinese people

Should have learnt English to understand what we are actually talking about.

Am assuming Lost in Translation situation.

Translating the whole thread (and circumstances and situations and culture) seems ludicrous work.

>the nips view us the same way we view chinks

I'd probably still shell out the money even if he lashes out against us. Keep in mind his response would be based on the cherrypicked posts which were translated on that blog.

>Coco foreigners are as good as Chinese people
I guess that is not a compliment?


Guys go call them faggots on that page. That's what in doing

Look at what there saying about us

> I heard that foreigners are reading comics Laughable


>another nip
>I might not have common sence, or a good reading comprehension, but it looks like they are just trying to justify their illegal acts.
>they shouldn't critisize the author for not selling a TL version, they should make a petition to the editor or publisher and organize the matter with them.

How can someone be so obtuse?

He won't say anything unreasonable and hurtful.

Him offering to publish the TL with the RAW shows that he is at least a bit interested. But what we want is actually a typeset version.

If he can offer that, for money, I can see a bit of profit on his side. (Should probably include a link to the English Point-of-sale in the TS-chapter (and the RAW maybe)).

Goddammit I fucking hate you guys.

>the nips view us the same way we view chinks
Chinks actually steal and resell IP though, the translated pages are made available without payment.

Follow the prime directive.

What is he even trying to convey with that?

>I wish Sup Forums would talk about Dakini

>> I heard that foreigners are reading comics Laughable
To be fair, it is laughable.

Don't. They don't speak English at an adequate level.

Funnily that's what we are trying to do in a way.

but the guy whos doing the translation understands the general situation right

hes willingly making us look like retards while a lot of people wanted to help the author


That's why it's even better

Fucking this. I just wanted to talk about the cute fox.

>anonymous nip
>It reads as Burglary 101

Wtf, I hate nips now.


Nah. I bet he picks some posts at random and translates those.

No way he is following all topics in the thread.

Could we get a translation what he is saying? maybe annotated with post numbers?

>Coco foreigners are as good as Chinese people
I actually feel insulted