Made In Abyss #43

Is maakun /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

Uhh what?

he always was!

Well, he did save Riko from being violently penetrated by a mob of tentacle monsters.


>almost get tentacle raped
>okay now that we're done with that let's just keep nonchalantly strolling this hellcity like nothing happened
He's really stretching the plausibility of character behavior here. It's one thing to witness something unsettling and be able to keep going and another to have your life directly attacked

There are some people that still think Riko is normal


I can't believe Nanachi is fucking dead.

you are legit stupid if you think she is

Is that the canon name for dickbutt guy?

As big daddy is the canon name of Reg giant robot cousin

abnormal people also react with fear and wariness when something like that happens to them


Riko called him that

We are talking about a girl that left his friends to go on a suicide mission

Wait, is 43 actually out or are you fucking with me?

The old jack and the wolf syndrome

Yes my friend, it's finally out

I can't believe nanachi is fucking dead

Jokes on you I'm not a furry.

I can't believe he's actually a boy

You're 43 hours late. user translation took an hour after that, and typeset-user finished cleaning earlier today but I don't think they're out.

I believe it's coming out tomorrow here on Sup Forums fully completed. It will probably be uploaded on batoto the next day

A few weeks ago someone suggested I make a music theme for Srajo before he/she is revealed.

Here it is:

I don't know what I'll make for next week, but it will probably be related to the more recent chapters. Maybe chapter 43 will give me ideas after I read it.



Is Meinya ok? How is it not in constant pain from what happened?

Yeah this is nothing compared to them just spending a night at Bondrewd's house.

He is a resilient little fucker.

It must hurt really bad to poop.

riko called him maasan but maakun sounds better tbqh

a lullaby for Nanachi and Mitty

bondrewd? more like bonlewd. amirite?

She kind of left the sense of absolute preservation once she descended the abyss though, nothing will be gained from weeping in the depths of hell.

>MiA has fanmusic now
Yes, this show is going places.

Reg and Nanachi have pointed out multiple times that Riko is the best of them at not letting things get to her and keeping their spirits up. She didn't break when Reg nearly killed her on the second layer. She didn't break when Ozen thrashed them. She didn't break when she got poisoned and was hemorrhaging blood and nearly got her arm cut off. She still didn't break when her new friend was killed and became her white whistle.

Riko's resilience keeps Reg and Nanachi sane, cause those two WILL break.

nice fap material

Any english translated versions yet besides that one thread?

So did the AnCappers just try to straight up rape Riko, or was it a misunderstanding?
How is Maa-san alive? Didn't he get flayed to nothing?
What was that dragon thing (I think Reg called it a "Ryuusazai")? Is Reg's left hand now fucked as well?
What did Big Daddy say?

Yeah that character trait is well known, what those anons are saying is that is not normal, especially for a 12 years old girl

She's a white whistle. All white whistles have embraced their madness and turned it to strength.

>Riko, the God-Empress

Well she's not just any 12 year old, she's an abyss zombie.

Honestly, that seems more like a theme for layer 7, which might as well be Srajo's theme, because a Lord of Eldritch is more than likely a call out ot Eldritch horrors.

And layer 7 is nothing but flesh, eyes and tentacles from what I can tell on the map.

Her resilience is probably a result of the attraction to the abyss engendered by being brought back to life by the box. No matter what happens to her she's going to rationalize her desire to reach the bottom. Like denying Marluk when he asked her to stay and raid a while, even when it wouldn't have delayed her that much and would've given her experience.

It doesn't feel any more unusual for Riko than telling Reg to cut her arm off below the elbow so she can keep adventuring. Sure it's insane, but Riko has always been obsessed with exploring the abyss. Even in the worst situations she bounces back quickly. And surely she's been getting more used to this sort of thing.

That map was probably only drawn that way from reports white whistles sent up from layer 6 (seeing it from above) and likely isn't accurate. Those aren't eyes, if you look closely they're spirals like cochlea. I think maelstrom might refer to the fact that the landscape changes and moves constantly- not necessarily made of flesh but behaving like it.

Riko just irresistible.
Maas-san stitched his body back, the skin is different from the earlier.
Basically a gigantic Tama-chan with body as tough as Reg's metal part and can spit sticky rocks.
The village and Faputa is evil and even Aubade can't stop them.

>telling Reg to cut her arm off below the elbow so she can keep adventuring.
I thought how this was analyzed was strange. If I had to have someone give me a makeshift amputation, I would want it to be as low as possible even if breaking at a joint would be easier.
Also, I've never broken a bone so this might be complete bullshit, but breaking a joint sounds more painful than breaking mid-bone for some reason to me.
Maybe I'm an idiot survivalist, you tell me.

I wonder how much of that is accurate and how much is the HERE THERE BE DRAGONS shit you would see on old maps.

>What did Big Daddy say?
The village is a closed cage
If you become trapped your value is shifted
The aspirations are fulfilled
In eternal peace
The adventure ends

Very Castlevania-esque, I like it.

Wow, what happened to the abyss guys?

That's the entire point that Nanachi makes, it would've been much easier to cut off her arm at the joint rather than straight through a broken bone, but Riko did it that way because she'd still get to use her upper arm that way.

So if you look up Made In Abyss on youtube there is someone who uploaded every episode subbed with a picture of Riko's bleeding face as the thumbnail.

Is this a troll or just autism?


I'm ashamed to admit I don't hate it.

scanlation where?


If you mean translation then “soon”

I fucking hate when ignorant faggots associate every musical piece with castlevania just because they have organs or harpsichord in it

That's actually hilarious to hear, I'll have to do it more often.

I think you read my post backwards. I'd want more arm, and I'm more afraid of breaking a joint than a bone.

Pretty sure user means scanlation because if he meant translation then "almost two days ago".

you cannot scanlate a webcomic

If you cut at the joint you wouldn't need to break or saw through the bone at all, you'd be able to go straight through and simply separate the under from the upper arm. If you check out how emergency amputations during wars and the like were performed it's 99% of the time like this. Doing it like Riko wanted Reg to do it simply takes way fucking longer and is a much bigger mess. You have to remember it doesn't simply end when it's threw and the arm isn't connected to your body anymore, after that you have to take care that the entire mess doesn't infect and ultimately heals in a way that doesn't hurt too much when you try and use it.

Every other step is the same but the scanning. And considering you still need to rip it because it's not presented as nice raw images in html, that step is replaced with something else. Would you like to call it "riplate"? Useless pedantic bullshit.

Learn what scanlation is

This is turning into dare you enter my magical realm: the manga.

I still miss Gunshow.

So maaaa-san is only with Riko in the event of her value inevitably changing, right?
If you become trapped your value is shifted, The aspirations are fulfilled

Riko's aspirations are to find her mother. She's obviously not here.

not Riko's aspirations, the rape-monsters'. Faputa is evil, AnCapistan is evil, so clearly once her value is changed they're going to turn on her.

It's just One Piece with Berserk elements.

>Maa-kun appears and saves Riko from tentacle rape like a god damned hero. Still can't say anything besides "maa" though.
>Reg gets rescued by Big Daddy who apparently can talk like a normal fella.
>Toilet Narehate is actually a thing, and not just a dumb Sup Forums meme produced from the wait between chapters It had a long, prehensile tongue. Riko, is your butt okay?
>Nanachi gets to sleep peacefully with her favorite blanket friend again

This was one interesting chapter.

this remembered me about the fact, that male otters tend to rape baby seals

From what i understand you become trapped if the village can fulfill your desire or haku, i think in the end Riko have to choose between her adventure or her friends, or cheat her way out as usual.

If that were the case I doubt he'd want to see meinya's butthole and start crying. He seems like a little kid. He only got into this mess because he couldn't help himself playing with meinya, and we saw that all his valuables were similar stuffed animals. He's back because he was worried. That doesn't mean he'll always be on her side, but I don't think he's scheming something.

>Toilet Narehate is actually a thing
The entire inn is one giant narehate that they were sleeping inside of
It was pretty obvious the toilet is a part of him

I'd be willing to bet the entire village is some huge Narehate.

Either that or these sages are doing some fuckery. I'm betting they're white whistles who couldn't make it to the bottom.

From what I understand, the village will offer something that is extremely valuable to you. If you accept it, then you are forever in insurmountable debt to the village that you can’t ever repay. Therefore, you are trapped there forever as the village own your physical and spiritual being as payment.

The entire village is some abyss creature. Before entering the village for the first time, the group commented that it looks like a tree “grown” on top of a giant creature “corpse” on the bottom. The obvious twist would be that the creature is not actually dead but is still alive and the tree village is just an extension of the creature

Srajo in Polish is "they're pooping"

>you are reading your favorite loli tentacle hentai and suddenly this faggot runs in and cockblocks you while saving the day

Wat do?

Who "they"? To whom you're referring in the plural form? I'm alone here, nahui.

What if Srajo has installed security camera throughout the entirety of the abyss so that he can watch Riko poop? Is he an author insert?

>Maa-kun was actually redeemed

please don't heal turn Maa-kun
please don't heal turn Maa-kun
please don't heal turn Maa-Kun

Anyone have a scan of that abyss map poster?

Yep, he is likable now. Maa-kun is going to die.

unsettling ghost boss in an early 2000's JRPG/10

>If that were the case I doubt he'd want to see meinya's butthole and start crying.
This. I felt little remorse for this fucker until he both helped Riko and demonstrated how much he fucked up and how bad he felt. It really confirmed how innocent he is.
This is a good interpretation. Your haku for your laifu.

Why does maa-kun's right arm look different? At first I thought it looked similar to riko's gauntlet / brace but it's not. I guess his hand thing is just sewn back together?

Have we gotten translations for the narehate language? Is it the same as the written language that riko knows? Would be cool to know what faputa was saying during ch 42.

>Stephen King's "It": the bad ending

Wew so original

There was a bit in the extras of volume 6.

>Runes from Beyond (2)
>Orth, Eastern District, Cave Raiding History Museum
>A conversation between two siblins
>"Hey, Shelmie. What does this mean?"
>"It's a pictogram consisting of 60 percent of 'it seems like a lie but it's real' and about 40 percent of 'deep emotion'". It's read 'indev'."
>"It seems like you could create those yourself if you know their meaning."
>"They say the grammar is different from the common language. You have to study them."
>"Hey, and ... what is is?"
>"It means something like 'ah' or 'oh'. It's pronounciation is 'hadimae'. It's also used as an exclamation point."
>"Shelmie, what about this, what about this?"
>"This one ... it seems like its meaning is complicated and not yet understood. It's read 'inburu'. It's type of glyph of which new ones are still being found with no end in sight. We separate them from the nether glyphs we use and call them 'glyphs from beyond'."
>"Hmmm ... maybe we'll be able to understand the meaning of 'inburu' when we've grown up."

>The narehate village is called "Ilblu"
Also RIP Shelmie/Shurumi

>I don't know what I'll make for next week
Either a Faputa one or a Big Daddy one

>The village is a closed cage
Wasn't it "cradle"?