Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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What do they want? There are already anti discrimination laws. You can sue a company for all their worth if they mistreat you. A black man has become the fucking President. What the fuck do they actually want?
The only thing left to do is implement more laws that directly privilege niggers and that is not a solution.
Stop being a nigger
We're reaching level of clownism that shouldn't be possible: blacks born privileged are now complaining that are not privileged enough.
This. Spammed thread done.
Money and education can not supplement hard work and pursuit of a better life.
Black people have no drive, they'd rather blame others than continue to step up the ladder.
I love being white.
the eternal bell curve strikes again
low IQ
>if you're born into wealth that means you should be rich
So tired of the libtard delusions.
Main problem is, even if you take a nigger to the best school in the world their still niggers. Doesn’t matter if it’s America, Canada, Germany they will never be at the level of whites
The real answer is that they are statistically inferior on a genetic level. Those black individuals who stayed wealthy were likely the few who didn't regress to the mean.
they also commit more crime than the poorest white kids
The Negro race is perfect for the needs of the Jews in fomenting their mutiny. But before the blacks can do the Jews and Marxists any good, they must first be placed in position and conditioned.
In Africa (and in the rural South) the Blacks have neither the means, the spirit nor the tools to be of service to the Jewish schemers. They are so closely akin to unthinking animals, and they are so childishly satisfied and lethargic that there is no hope of making any successful mutiny with them. Voodoo, chicken-stealing, watermelon, razor-waving, dusky-sex, singing and dancing and other primitive pastimes keep the rural and forest Negro sufficiently satisfied (or at least unthinking about his lot) so that it is quite impossible to turn any significant number of such black men into a raging mob with any staying power for a revolution.
To make a revolutionary animal of the Negro, you must first force him into a situation where he loses his normal ability to enjoy his primitive releases and pleasures, teach him to know and enjoy the luxurious pleasures and vices of urban civilization, (such as heroin and White women) teach him that he has a right to those pleasures, force him into competition with White men for those pleasures, and then, when he fails, whisper to him that he is not really failing in that competition, but that "WHITE EXPLOITERS" ARE KEEPING HIM DOWN!
its called regression to the mean and it happens with nigger IQ too
>and that is not a solution
>implying this isn't your future
wew lad, people actually think our dystopian destiny is just memes.
Unless you are a COMPLETE brainlet retard then you should. You started with a head start being from a rich family.
Moving from working class to rich is near impossible, sure you can cherry pick some examples of people doing it.
What they're asking for, but they don't know they are asking for it yet, is SEGREGATION.
>all these people don't know why this is a thing
We've known about this shit forever
'Life*is* racist.
They want gibs.
So even when they are born rich, have every advantage rich whitey has AND affirmative action, they still fare worse.
I think this says the opposite of what lefties think it says. Niggers are fucking inferior. A few will rise to the top, but even their children need to be truly exception in order to fare as well.
prophetic understanding user