Dragon Ball Super

Excited for 116?

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toppo btfo


why i loved her

>Caulishit already made her fusion job to kaioken Blue goke
Of course I'm hype to see them jobbing even more next week.

So is there anything that Kefla, Caulifla, or Kale HAVEN'T ripped off from another Saiyan in the show yet?

Think about it. They've stolen every major homage that I can think of at this point.

Goku went Ultra Instinct again. Keflafags BTFO next week.

Goku fucking did it again!!! SO HYPE! I'm so glad he's gonna kill Kefla next episode.

After Jiren defeats Goku is when THIS shit goes down thoug: youtube.com/watch?v=AmOzHNc2dBw

The only reason why Kekfla was a threat.

Oops, Goku
Funny how there isn't a SINGLE episode in this tournament that Trashifla fights without getting BTFO, she is now dragging down even the fusion. My sides.


I can't wait for Gohan vs El Grande Padre. Any episode now it's gonna happen bros!


>green shirt Shaggy

Has nothing on red shirt Shaggy

I'm really sick, doc.

Reminder that it is stated several times in the episode that Goku is not yet back ar 100%




Thanks doc.

I'm more excited for episode 117.

>Literally asspull the anime.

How do you tards find it appealing?

In-show its been like 15 minutes since he fought Jiren.. of course he isnt 100%.

how come namekians lose so many limbs?

So Super Saiyan Ultra next episode?

daily reminder sub is absolute fucking trash for dragonball


I want 17 knocked off already, just because I hate how smug he is all the time. 18 can stay.

>Jobber fusion only even stands a chance at getting in hits on Blueku because he can barely make use of kaioken in his state
>shoddily animated episode, worst one in a long time
>CHADhan and his actual father figure steal the scene with their superior animated two on two, meanwhile KEKfla gets nothing this week outside of getting elbowed into rocks
Guess what, it happened again. CHADhan prevails and reigns supreme.

You wouldn't watch this?

bye bye

So if Guldo actually trained he'd be as strong as hit?

Can someone post all the shots of Kefla's ass from today's episode?


>they actually expected base Gohan to be jobbing today because misleading preview
/ourguy/ more than keeping up with ushitx namekians without even needing to tap into his current full power.

I'm glad that mary sue Caulifla is getting btfo so hard! Fucking shitty mary sue bitch always jobs and isn't very strong or smart or good at anything, even clearly dragging down Kale who was doing better against Goku before the fusion!

>Kekfuck gets BTFO
>Freeza is still here
>This arc might be saved

Thanks, doc.

I need more dose than that, doc.



Gohan Gringo

Leave Kekfuck to Me

So we have confirmation from episode that Vegeta in base SSB is stronger than Toppo and we know Vegeta has more hidden power.

We also know that Kefla isn't the ulimate supreme being everyone was getting grumpy about because she got her ass kicked by SSB + Kaio Ken.. So she'd be about the same strength as mystic gohan or Hit.

The one good thing with the Kefla fight will be the ultra instinct again meaning goku will learn more about controlling it before he fights fucking AyyLmao again.

doc i'm REAL sick, i think i need one more.

I don't get how Ultra Instinct works, where does he get the power, wasn't he almost dry of ki?

Because it can result in the loss of two fighters at once?

only way for Toppo vs Vegeta to be exciting is to have Toppo win

Caulishit only has her own incompetence to blame. Took 10 episodes to recover enough to go into the outdated as fuck SS2 form, meanwhile Gohan's father could do that in ONE episode and recovered enough for everything below kaioken in something like four.
Waifufaggots utterly BTFO now that thei fodder waifu will be lucky if she is any stronger than Cabba of all people when this tournament ends (for their universe that is, since they sure as hell are not making it into the ending)

So, is it safe to say that the spoilers exaggerated things quite a bit? It was clear in this episode that SSJ Kefla was weaker than SSBKK Goku, and she only won because the latter was tired.

They are all robots, and couldn't use it anyways, except like Paparoni or w/e his name is



What the hell could Vegeta be hiding? SSB Mastery?

>So she'd be about the same strength as mystic gohan or Hit.
Haha, nope.

*offscreen fighting noises*

Somebody please explain this

Gohan being further pushed into irrelevancy

Does she have a good butt?

Why is this piece of shit so smug? What the fuck is he planning, and does he really think it will be enough to stop Goku/Jiren/Kekfla?

>no Cell Perfeccion

>meme girl jobs to "ass pull" the superform
The only way this could've possibly gone.

Why are they doing this?

I'm also getting tired of the constant
>punch someone til their out of the vision but they are still not knocked out.

Just have a few more of the jobbers drop out.

The average person has watch 44 hours of this garbage.

This is deeply concerning.

Nani the fuck?

>This guy gets an in-show appearance for singing the OP
>Not Hironobu Kageyama
I'm a bit perturbed.

>as strong as Hit
Waifuturds actually think anime Hit wouldn't keep up with exhausted kaioken Blue Goku

>doesn't get an obvious joke about how Caulifla is called a mary sue despite clearly not being one
Honestly I'm more interested in Kale losing, since she's been the one who is the real problem.

Get Gohan's dick out of your ass.

Did they retcon something while I was away?


Work of dykes ends here

Is it bad that I think this would have been a better look for Gohan?

Kefla was stronger than tired SSB and on the level of tired SSBKK. Goku was using x2 to deflect her blasts, and then powered up his kaioken even more, to an unknown level, before he punched her. And she only said that punch hurt, then proceeded to one shot him, while in SSBKK. Who knows what level she is, but she's strong enough to take a punch from UI and keep going at least, going from the previews.

Can you find any in the stage arena for me? Be sure to poin them out, I'm all for cute girl fighters. Maybe some of them could be worthy of enrolling into GODhan's harem.

You should keep clean then.


He is foreshadowing their megazord/gundam combination.

Whoa whoa, hang on.
I don't like Kefla, I genuinely want her knocked out and to fuck off.

I was pointing out that at fucking last they are showing a ceiling on the bitch and shes not as I read once:
>So powerful she kills zeno and Grand Priest
>So powerful she will jump off the screen and start writing the show herself

enjoy your b&

Hank Hill-tier ass.

Shit ass and character.

She's kind of flat, like a chink female.

Nice quads btw

^This is bugging me also

We already have 52 of the contestants knocked out so far, why are they not getting rid of a few more of the jobbers from U2/3 yet?

Reminder that when Beerus was about to erase Yamcha for revealing his plot to Goku about that nipple guy (I can't remember his name...) Vegeta was ready to die for his bro Yamcha. They're tight as fuck


Anyone knows the ratings of 113 and 114? I heard there was a spike at 112 (Cabba's episode)

Japs really wish they were white.

His last two fighters are underneath the stage destroying the foundation. His plan is to have everyone fall off once the stage collapses and have Damon and Gamisaras fly put while everyone else falls off.

It's somethink like 5.3, 5.1 and then 5.3 again.

How did my girl do tonight?

Honestly anytime someone other than Jiren fights Goku I root for them instead. Everyone else is so outclassed I can't help but want to see them pull out a surprise win and the only character I like less than Goku is Jiren. I hope 17 and 18 fuse though.

But what about Jiren? He can levitate.


ouchie! : (


5.3, 5.1, 5.3. Hit's episode was like 4.2. And Goku vs Jiren was 3.5. Japs have weird taste.

>only said that punch hurt

She was down for a while and quite butthurt about it too.

>no hips
We all know who to blame.

She got trashed, and then she got butthurt over being saved.
