"Youre too white goyim"
White girl is kicked out of school in cucksville england for having natural red hair.
School expels redhead for offensive hair color
Other urls found in this thread:
Jealous swarthy semites and ugly shitskins want an endangered beautiful species to go extinct.
big if true
Any other source to verify?
So it's not dyed at all?
I hope she bombs the school.
"You wanna see IRISH .... I'll show you FUCKIN IRISH!!!!"
Nothing surprises me anymore at this point
Why do Jews hate Redheads so much?
They are the rarest and least protected group of whites, different shades of blonds will be next.
Ffs, I was on a nofap and now I have a boner and Im in love. OP is always a fucking FAG.
what is up with the constant british hate threads, been about three an hour for days now.
Can we get some actual source, and not "Namethejew.com"? You fuckers cry about fake news all the time yet trust a source called namethejew. The article seems to be written by a Sup Forumstard to less.
The whitest of white people.
>taking news from a site called "namethejew.com"
how about you all go outside and stop listening to every fucking thing you hear on the internet
Pic related is extra dyed despite the natural red user.
Emily Reay. Jewgle.
>henna tattoo
Wasn't fucking st. Patrick's day Saturday?
Goddamnit I hate fucking jews.
Beautiful combo
> white skin+blue eyes+ red head.
Personally speaking they look better than blondes.
>hate towards redhead people is main reason of Irish terrorism
so in other words, the fucking white males of white males?
fucking idiot you man
such a great source
>Look at her hand and necklaces
I bet she is 100% liberal.
Is an incredible repository of highly factual and engaging content. They have some if the best journalists working for them. Calling the so-called"fake news" tells me everything I need to know about (((you))).
based on that non-white tat on her hands, I don't care about her misfortune.
Non-whites attacking other non-whites is not my problem.
probably something to do with gilgamesh, who had red hair and blue eyes iirc, and was an ancestor of Abraham
Also related
>Emily Reay
Thank you based Swedenbro.
Nobody likes you Norway
Might be my perfect woman.
Even if she is, won't be for long after this.
It's not even her natural hair color.
>Seventeen-year-old, Emily Reavy, has been expelled from her school in Cuckton, England,
I very much doubt this is real news
Virgin detected
Sounds like a reputable site
Obviously it is
Rose is my gunmodelfu
>Cuckton, England
You're gonna have to share
>Emily Reay, 17, who has natural auburn hair but colours it so it is brighter
And? Youthful naivete doesnt mean much. I know of a girl who was just like that a few years ago, now she has done a full 180 and is more "redpilled" than many who post here about it.
She burns coal you know, right?
demoralisation tactics to make us feel alone and helpless in the face of current adversity.
>Cuckton, England
You think everyone burns coal.
fake news
sharing is for communist
But we are alone and helpless. There has never been any unity between most of us, and that certainly will not change now.
and is Jewish
Jealous blonde roasties.
Woulda been fine if it were purple
Then I guess you need to die
She wants a guy with black hair and pale skin to make love to her.
Red haired person + black haired person = natural attraction
gingers have no soul the jews could harvest.
checked the site for fun, its a data harvester. Whats interesting is where the data goes?
Actually, we're not alone. Because we're united in the fact that we all feel that we're alone and that it'll never change.
Red hair is the last stand of implicit white identity.
That's not even rose
Read this in Irish accent
I was adding it on
>You think everyone burns coal
>and is Jewish
>natural red hair
That's not natural retard.
She's wearing a choker.
Definitely not the only reason why she got kicked out.
Clickbait title and article, i hope you guys are using a VPN.
You guys are really responding to a bait thread now?
>name the jew dot com
>2 posts by this ID
Looks like a high flow month.
I got it and kek'd.
less than 1% are beautiful
>t. ginger bollocked male
Procrastinating and bored. I am ashamed of myself. But not enough to get off teh internets.
>blocks your path
>implying this isn't a thinly veild redhead thread
>and bombs it
In the article she said that she dyes her hair and that her school has a policy where they can't dye their hair. You can also see her roots.
but the rest of the top 39% are wife material
>t. red-bearded anglo
top kek
>tfw don't have a gunfu yet
wow im a sad excuse for an american. coincidentally my new gunfu is also my 3rd of 4th choice foxnewsfu
Still extremely rare, user. Especially where I live. Go outside - nigger, poo, poo, chink, nigger, raghead, nigger, ragheaded nigger, la creatura, oh look (((a fellow white))).
They are exotic to me at this point. And I think the ones in the OP pic and in the thread are pretty.
That obviously isn't her natural colour though is it? She clearly dyes it, you can even see her roots ffs.
Total non story, and probably a shill thread for manufactured outrage
wow bulletproof sauce OP
Red hair is african, her ass ain't white
I read the telegraph article and it is very clear that her hair is dyed and that is what the school requested her to change. You can see that she has dyed ends in all the pictures.
So your source is shit and fake news.
>You will never penetrate that pink pussy
>You will never see the vaginal fluids as they soak her red pubic hairs
>You will never fuck a 9/10 redhead
Why even live pol?
And here we have Varg, taking the usual Sup Forums stupidity ala
>everyone is jewish
and cranks it up to eleven:
>everyone is african
Savages think gingers are powerful witches. That's how Dian Fosse kept the poachers in check in Uganda & Rwanda. They were terrified of her. Until they killed her in her sleep.
Her hair is clearly dyed you virgins.
Hey guys, I have proof Hitler was a good guy, I have a concrete source here!
I guess no one noticed the Indian Mehndi tattoos on her hand....
Vargposters truly are a cancer.
Holy shit, a school aged girl got a henna tattoo? What are we going to do about these damn kikes?