Sweden Yes
Sweden Choose Jewish Religion as State Religion
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And the citizens will do nothing.
This shit is comical. And I imagine that the formerly religious schools will be nationalized? At least they are realizing that Islam+equality don't really mix.
>islamic schools are banned from sweden
this will be overturned
This must be just like that whole
>we're all one race the human race
>but JEWS are a race, and super duper special!
It's almost like the media, the banks and the governments are controlled by Jews and not Muslims. Huh.
This is a huge red pill
>There are several other Jewish schools which do not fall into this category, as they do not have specific religious elements in their education plans, and exist to cater to an ethnic minority.
> and exist to cater to an ethnic minority.
Sweden is a weird place.
Large population is very redpilled but also intimidated.
They probably aren't even concerned about possible backlash an article like this would have. Like, who cares if the slaves know?
This is
they teach Christianity in modern Christian schools, and that Jews don't teach Talmudic shit in Jewish schools.
It's a blatant fucking lie and they know the goyim aren't going to do anything about it, so they don't care.
But Muslim is a race, not a religion.
race mixing is obligatory in Sweden.
Should have thought of that when choosing your country for stay, Ahmed
They probably have to allow Jewish schools in order to fortify them and give them protection from all the Muslims, nazis and leftist extremists. Being a jew in Sweden is no joke, they are hated by everyone. There is a deep rooted hatred of Jews in the Swedish left. Those leftists who don't hate them are busy making excuses for the Muslims who vandalize their spaces.
>and exist to cater to an ethnic minority.
so, under this line of thinking catering to irish, italian or german ethnicities would be fine
>Jewish schools will be exempt from the new ban, politicians said
No because goyim aren't super SUUUUUPER special like the Jews are!
exactly. haven't you learned anything?! I guess the jews need to remind you more often about why jewish protection is needed
Can someone fill me in on the history of Sweden becoming so cucked?
a) didn't join NATO
b) cucked
Ironically, the Swedish jews blame antisemitism rise on immigrating muslims into the country.
Oh, the irony.
Pic related..racism is alive and well in Israel, too
It happend when americucks became 56% mutt nigger jews
-Swedes are super exclusive and rude to any outsider
-Most swedes are pretty nazi. zero tolerance for shitskins. hate against non-swedes...
-in 70s progressives believe this is horrible.
-try to hijack swedish empathy towards undesirables
-Politician furthers this a lot
Today, Swedes are horrified about Swede violence against others. In a way they can't trust themselves. So they need to push the most ridiculous tolerance, just to be safe.
Over time this got so much momentum - today progressivism is like a religion to swedes.
from en.wikipedia.org
>Many commentators regard contemporary antisemitism in Sweden as largely a product of mass migration of Muslims who have brought anti-Jewish attitudes from their countries of origin to Sweden.[13][14] Sweden has the third highest rate of antisemitic incidents in Europe, following Germany and Austria, although the Netherlands came third in some years.[15]
Of course.
Sweden tacitly supported Hitler, so the Jews invaded in the 60s and took over all the media/academia and turned the country into picture related. 90% of the media in Sweden is owned by three Jewish families.
This struck me as odd, but I did some digging and here are the facts: There are 71 religious school in the public school system in Sweden, one is Jewish, that one falls into the criteria for the ban. The other Jewish schools are for kids of Jewish ethnicity and do not have a religious curriculum like the Jewish public school. Think of it like this: If your school has a religious curriculum based on teaching the Quran, then that falls into the ban. If your school is just a school for Arab kids, but doesn't have a religious curriculum, then that doesn't meet the criteria for the ban.
I knew this had to be horseshit and it was.
Fun fact:
Les Moonves (left) is the current CEO, President and Chairman of CBS. He is also the great nephew of the founder of the state of Israel and its first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion (right). We should all probably ignore that, too. Mere coincidence.
>the other Jewish schools are for kids of Jewish ethnicity
Can they make schools for German ethnicity? For Italians? Spaniards?
>Import millions of muslims
>Do things that would piss them off
How long until sweden gets allahu akbar'd to death?
You guys know this is fake news, right? First of all, our government doesn't have the majority of the votes and all other parties don't want to ban religious schools. Secondly, the ban, if it went through, would not exclude Jewish schools.
They can have schools that "cater to an ethnic minority", so I'd imagine that would include everyone who isn't a Swede.
>lets end segregation
>this race gets their own school
I don't think so.
The Jewish part is fake news. When it says "Sweden" it means the Social Democrats, as the other parties are against the ban of religious schools. And the Social Democrats only have 30%.
...and the (((public schools))).
...and the (((political organizations))).
...and the (((racial organizations))).
...and the (((sexist organizations))).
...and the (((industrial corporations of key strategic influence (pharma, chemical, agro...)))).
...and the (((major porn destinations))).
Everything with key influence is a target for tribal conquest. It's very easy once finance and media are owned. One CEO change makes the entire company converted to tribalist hiring.
We have Chinese schools, Japanese schools, Armenian schools, Bosnian schools, ect. Most developed countries have schools for ethnic minorities, there's an Armenian school in India and a Lebanese school in Brazil, for example.
>lunatic-(((communist))) psychos only have 30%
No, that's exactly what the headline says, even The Israel National news article says the same thing.
Well spotted user.
The daily fail strikes again. Journalistic accuracy/integrity is incredibly rare for them.
Economic, technological, religious, academic, social, industrial, and political subversion. All day, every day.
>daily mail
Pick one.
That would be the leftist party (V) they have about 6%. The Social Democrats used to be good and aren't crazy communists. The Sweden Democrats (SD) have a lot of similar political stances that The Social Democrats (S) used to have.
And telling you it's a fucking lie you retarded fuck. I've read the official proposal and it states nowhere that Jewish schools would be held to some exceptions. They want to close all religious schools. Not that it matters as they can't actually pass this law due to only having 30%.
How do you feel empathy towards someone who invites there own harm like this?
How is the Church of Sweden reacting to this, any sources from their insiders?
The """""""""church""""""""" of Sweden consists of a bunch of retarded progressive Marxists sjw that wouldn't give two shits if Islam was made the official religion in Sweden
>The Social Democrats used to be good and aren't crazy communists
Like hell they aren't. They are. You're probably too cucked to appreciate the way communism shapeshifts.
>Most developed countries have schools for ethnic minorities
>Only in West doing so good for foreigner
But Even private school must get diversity
Make sure no white only school , am i right nigger?
interesting report: EMN Annual Report
on Migration and Asylum 2016 Sweden
got a source on that proposal?
Calling something communism when clearly isn't communism only makes you look like a complete retard. I'm definitely for a national socialist society as a believe strengthens people's will to improve it, main reason I'm voting SD.
No, it doesn't. I used to think like you and scoff at the "older" types always calling this and that communism. It turns out 99% of the time they're right. It's (((communism))) cloaked in a a shiny sheep's clothing and the instant you let it into your gate the Overton Window falls away and it's too late to escape. Don't be fooled by words like "progressive", "social democrat", and the rest. They're marketing meme words.
that's right , Liberalism is Ultimate form of crony capitalism
Liberal's "diversity" make sure any ethnic group can't be majority
Citizenship and vote it self is meaninglessness as a result of devaluation of citizenship
only multinational companies take control of "multiculti society"
>West life standard keep decline and gdp per capita sustain status quo
>20 years ago, even white working class have better life than non-white worker
>Now Asian middle class life standard outperforming white middle class
Like every single post-WW2 Western politician are literally traitor
>The Social Democratic party, which currently leads a minority government, has pledged to ban all religious free schools to tackle segregation in the country.
>to tackle segregation
sweden's unaccompanied minor refugees' data
broken down by country of origin
That sounds like a shitty book I would never want to read. Why are people such faggots?
are there pagan schools? Asatru is a religion, is it not?
Hmm but what if jews are trying to crank up antisemitism in a backwards falseflag attempt so they can start a mini world war to take middle eastern land for israel? Get america to do all the dirty work while simultaneously flooding europe with rapefugees thereby weakening their ability to stop israeli expansion, all while looking "just".
Now you know who runs Sweden and who opened the borders for immigration. What more do people need to be convinced?
better known as the Yinon plan.
>invites there own harm like this?
Dude, this shit is happening in Australia. Is the man in the street "inviting his own doom" or is it his ruling class who ride roughshod over his concerns and safety?