What the Chinese think of Europeans

Pic related is what Chinese think of Europeans based on internet search results.
Apparently they're redpilled as fuck on Sweden

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>small yet strong
if only

Fucking kek, I didn't notice that

Well they're not wrong

why is it called belarus?

Truly the cultural capital of the world. Paris, City of Light.

Well tbqhwyf it should be called White Russia.

>imports trash
mega kek

What pol thinks of europeans.

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why tho

russia is pretty white in the west

It means white Russia in slavic languages. Traditionally white color was associated with the north.

>imports trash
What did they mean by this?

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Not about that, it's just been historically referred to as White Russia, and I think it translates to that but I'm not sure.


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>The name Belarus is closely related with the term Belaya Rus', i.e., White Rus'. There are several claims to the origin of the name White Rus'.[25] An ethno-religious theory suggests that the name used to describe the part of old Ruthenian lands within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania that had been populated mostly by early Christianized Slavs, as opposed to Black Ruthenia, which was predominantly inhabited by pagan Balts.[26]

>so weak
spaghettinigs BTFO

holy shit


>why doesn't it annex Portugal
top kek

Can't argue with tall, and yeah wtf is a belarus?


White rus.

>so many black people

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am american. cannot into world history. pls save us.

thank u for info

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>not in world cup

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Belarus is short for "Belorussia" which means "White Russia"

>So many black people


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It's ok, we still like you

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Chinks have built in inferiority complex towards westerners. They get taught in school how they were raped hard by foreign powers, especially britain. And they carry this burden all their lives. They will often talk shit about China stronk west weak, because now that they are strong, they want to show those evil western devils. Deep down, they still respect Britain as one would a foe that inflicted disasterous defeats on them time and time again.
They pobably respect Britain more than bongs themselves do. Very few of them know whats up in Yurop


>kenya - run fast
>cannibalism - CAR
> gabon - eats roast monkeys
kek, sometimes you gotta love chinese people

>why is its university in the U.S.?
my fucking sides

Belarus means White Ruthenia literally. Ruthenians were Slavs living in modern Belarus/Ukraine while Russians were Novogrodians, Muscovites and shieet


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They seem alright

Sweden YES

>Choose one neighbourhood of Paris and pretends all Paris is like that
>I'm myself living in a >95% white area of Paris

Listen you fucking Nigel I've been to London which is two times worse than Paris. You literally have a Paki mayor you obese toothless roastbeef

Pierre bringing the bantz

>Hates China

WTF?! Why do they think we hate them? We love them!

Belarus is short for White Rus'
Faggot bydlo and retards, I mean you repeat garbage you faggots would probably vote for Medvedev if told to.

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lel calm down Pierre. I know we are just as bad, if not worse, but we are completely aware of how shit our nation is.
From what I've seen, you are not.

>I'm myself living in a >95% white area of Paris

your boss allows you to sleep in the office?


>so many black people
kek not entirely wrong. had a layover in paris and made the mistake of going into the city. will never be back again.

From what I see on the net I'd say the complete opposite...

As for China I guess it's because liek Japan they sell the town as beign romantic and shit with carefuly chosen images when it's basically the least French town.

Denmark really needs to stop killing wales

meh. they are basically insect. But I can respect them for just wanting their country to be strong and rich. Unlike some people who also want other countries destroyed on top of that

>Imports Trash
>Milk-induced longevity
leave the bantz to China.

Holy shit I'm dying

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>who does it belong to?

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>I'd say the complete opposite...
That is interesting. Perhaps this is because French people tend to be more insular, compared to other Western Yuros.
For example, French people tend to have significantly worse English than Germans or Dutch etc. Perhaps due to less interaction in English, problems in your own country stand out more.
Idk though desu, just a thought

Yes, they have very strong national spirit/identity.

We once had that too, then the Jews came and ruined everything


yea they do. But europeans had it too some time back. Maybe when chinks become global empire and get too comfy, they will suffer similar fate as former colonian powers

No you're most likely right, it's a matter of communicating less on an international level.
Also why there is more normies in general. They're in their fucking bubble and it's infuriating...

Idk desu. They are far more collectivist than Yuros. Nihilism was what killed our people's spirit, and I think Chinese might be almost entirely impervious to this.
If communism couldn't kill their identity I don't know what could.

Sweden literally imports trash to burn in incinerators to generate electricity

and also somalis

>wanting revenge is an inferiority complex

Do not group us together with roaches


>why doesn't Spain Annex Portugal
Because Portugal would win.

but u r the roach

I'm sure it is. The more international communication a nation has, the less likely they are to be able to identify the issues faced by those other nations.
However, at the same time, American cultural homogeny does seem to have whittled away at Yuro culture.

>why doesn´t it annex portugal?

>Good English
I can agree with that.

Based Chinks.

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>nothing about Romania
Good. Stay away from here.

Chinks are the jews of Asia. Gas them.

t. cant buy a house

Of all the memes on Sup Forums that suck shit, this is the one that sucks it the hardest, and I suspect you are the one on the other end of the straw.

Never got raped by the mongols so they stayed pure and white there
Lots of fortress cities in White Russia


>Hates China
>All these bants about western cucks

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i dont think its any better for u

this is some 56% tier education

Ahah nah it’s just what my mate Alexi tells me I always shit stir him that his country isn’t even real same with the Belarus language

>beautiful women
Such bait

Why are Poles so dishonest or is it your education/propaganda? You are just using Western names. Ruthenia is an alternative Latin name for Rus', the other is Russia... And "Rossiya" is a Greek name of Rus'.
>During its existence, Kievan Rus' was known as the "land of the Rus'" (Old East Slavic: Pѹ́cьcкaѧ зeмлѧ, from the ethnonym Pѹ́cь; Greek: Ῥῶς; Arabic: الروس al-Rūs), in Greek as Ῥωσία, in Old French as Russie, Rossie, in Latin as Russia (with local German spelling variants Ruscia and Ruzzia), and from the 12th century also Ruthenia.

And Russians weren't "Muscovites", "Novgorodians", people always called themselves "Russkiy" and so did Ukrainians/Belarusians just with one "s" or alternatively "Rusyn".

>imports trash
>so many black people
>so weak
my sides have passed the Karman line

Kind of odd since those two countries have been intertwined in each other's destiny for 1000 years

>Little (manlet) Russians getting butthurt what's new

youre a gook mate and they all look the same

Sweden turns their trash into renewable energy. They do this so efficiently that they actually import garbage from other countries because they have more capacity than they do trash.

it is in german

>Why called Belarus
For blyad sake, my sides!

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>Sup Forums thinks finns are russian and russians are americans and irish are brits and swedes are norwegians and italians are polish

Yea no you retarded mutt

we also import trains and trains full of trash from italy. we have extra capacity in our power plants, they pay us for taking it. win-win. italiens can't into garbage because of corruption and mafia.

das rite

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No one wants to live with gypsies anyway.

Chinks are ok as long as they come only to invest and not bring their own workers or as rich tourists.

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