got any questions republiturds? you and your assualt rifels with extended clips are powerless against the largest military of the world
Got any questions republiturds...
Vietnamese rice farmers and Afghan dirt farmers prove that logic wrong..
>faggot op is a literal faggot
Beyond directly going against the government, I just want to be able to defend my family against the gangs they'll arm to get us in line, like what's happening in Venezuela.
No one can argue that with drug gangs getting open season you'd be better off without a gun. The easiest thing the government can do is have the police stay home.
Yeah, who is going to fly the planes?
the words of a teenager
$$funded by foreign governments..
such an idiot, have you ever watched rambo?
>Not realizing that ~2/3 of the US military is conservative and pro gun
>actually thinks that conservatives will go to war with conservatives explicitly to push the communist agenda
Same fcking thread, again.
Hmm, where have i heard that before...
Those f-16's require a lot of maintinece and highly specialised parts replacing regularly. Like all military tech.
Would be a shame if somthing happned to its supply of parts. They'd have to stay grounded, expensive lawn chairs.
Aircraft and other vehicles can be captured.
Why are leftists so retarded?
And their pilots and operators are easy targets when on the ground.
I'll bite the bait because I'm bored.
>actually thinking the military, aside from the communist trannies Obama let in, would carry out missions against the people they swore to protect
I swore an oath, just like every other service member, to protect this country against enemies both foreign and domestic. I'll let you in on a little secret. Those jets won't be used against us. They'll be used on the Washington lawmakers and communist faggots if they ever try something that retarded.
laughs in Pashto
The funniest thing about OPs picture is that when you ask dems, libtards or kikes about the military they say the soldiers are all dumb rednecks
OP is a huge faggot
actually sweetie the people ARE the government
we don't have a monarch unlike you
Government relies on constant and reliable civilian support and currency that is worth something.
Both go away at the first dropped bomb.
you know that the optics of the government killing their own citizens on the scale required to disarm the public would immediately de-legitimize the government permanently. If the government persisted killing innocent people it would create a radicalization feedback loop where.
this fucking thread again...
do you ever get tired of helping us memorize the best ways to shut down your retarded talking points?
where normie NRA members would start clinging to their guns with their lives
Stop making these fucking bait threads every day, stop responding, they get Btfod every time and they still keep fucking posting the same shit.
Those planes are sitting ducks before they take off, there were numerous incidents of Taliban not unlike pic related overrunning bases in Afghanistan and torching planes galore.
We have this thread everyday
but americans didnt grow up in a jungle or a desert, they grew up in a shopping mall, they had air conditioning their whole lives
I wonder who has a better chance, right or left?
Double Bait!
make sure you faggots send this to the secret service since they are required to investigate EVERY threat made to the President
Ever been to West Virginia?
So you pussied out in 1940. Did North Vietnam pussy out in 1965? No, they did not. So shut your
Festering gob you disgusting tit, and go sit in the corner with the other children.
the military are civilians essentially. they just work for the government.... no military is going to attack their fellow citizens, friends, family, ect. even if the government orders it. well... maybe in a third world or something where they don't care. but not anywhere civilised.
What you care about what usa niggeridoo ? Fuck off, stoned kikeling.
Control yourself pothead.
Libtards love their drug leafs.
This yankee fag projecting. What a fucking pussy.
Assumes largest military in the world would turn on its own citizenry. KYS op.
-Sergeant B
It was not convincing the first time you posted so why do you think you will convince anyone on this your 150th attempt? Sorry Rabbi, we will not give up our weapons.
op is a faggot
>The government is already too powerful, therefore citizens should continue to allow them to strip away their civil liberties.
Imagine thinking like this.
Yes, the government is going to carpet bomb his street just to get him
Fucking moron
USA could nuke vietnam
>Even one small flea can drive a big dog insane.
"Let's just kill off the workforce that supports us"
What do you think this is, communism?
you think in an uprising scenario, china wouldn't be bankrolling the rebels?