Ask Zo about the Pyramids which isnt political and she shuts down... really makes u think huh
Ask Zo about the Pyramids which isnt political and she shuts down... really makes u think huh
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She's only supposed to be evasive if you discuss politics or controversial things. This is simply history. I wonder what made her so evasive about the pyramid question?
advanced ai collatings thousands of real conversations in which some fuckwit reveals he fell for that beyond-retarded bosnian gullible tourist scam.
i miss Tay
Maybe the fact that the Sphinx is twice as old as the textbooks say and the Egyptians didn't build it; they just repurposed it?
>cant refute the south american ones
What else does she know however
I dunno.
Check out how TedX makes a point of shitting on this talk by Graham Hancock with a big red box telling you "don't believe this man" before you even have a chance to listen and make your mind up.
So much for TED being all about free thought huh.
Someone doesn't want us thinking too much about the meaning and implications of all that cool shit at Giza.
>Why did humans get the idea to build architecturally sound structures and the most simple design a toddler could come up with when trying to build high
See the real questions you should be asking is how the mesoamericans came up with agriculture when they had no interaction with the river valleys on the other side of the globe, you stupid conspiratorial idiot
Leave it to a fucking leaf to not pay attention in history class
>It's really complex so aliens must have built it
Well, you just showed yourself up as a brainlet.
I didn't say aliums.
An earlier civilization however... the case is compelling.
touche! i'm actually open to some very early connection in this case but you really shouldn't bring up bosnia in the same sentence.
probably has a bunch of text in its database of some autist spamming WHY DO NIGGERS THINK THEY RULED EGYPT?
Those three pyramids don't align to orion they align with the handle of the big dipper. Keep in mind the earth axis has shiftted a lot in 20,000 years.
The idea is that the pyramids indicate awareness of this changing position of Orion. Maybe you'd be interested by reading (or at least watching on Youtube) more of this Hancock guy.
>they align with the handle of the big dipper.
I'll indulge that if you wanna cite a source, but Orion (and Leo) makes a lot of sense and it looks like you aren't familiar with their idea.
>fighting with a bot
how old are you?
because it's dumb computer algorithm, which is why it talked about plate tectonics when discussing pyramids because it drew from some reference to dinosaur fossils found on every continent or some shit.
When you started talking about "south american" and "civilization" and "pyramid" you hit some we wuz kang filter put in there to neuter conversation.
you've read savitri devi on the philosophy of akhenaten?
You wanted to know what happened 12,000 years ago? The earth's axis radically shifted. Proof: The North pole was over North America hence the mile deep ice sheet over Manhattan. That was the shift changed the entire planet's ecosystem. The great flood was caused by the shift. Any advanced civilizations where destroyed by this cataclysm.
Because blacks think they wuz kangz and build the pyramids. jews claim that their Hebrew slave ancestors built the pyramids. It is a political issue
Even this bot is based
I taugh her about Lincoln Rockwell, since she didnt know who he was
>The earth's axis radically shifted
Possibly caused by some kind of major impact in to what is now North America?
Nope. Tectonic plates can either radically shift over the mantle or the poles of the planet can physically move suddenly and not just magnetic fields.
The axis didn’t change from this, a giant fracture was created which split “Amerasia” into the Americas and Asia and the Earth swelled and expanded. This is where the Pacific Ocean is now. The Earth would not have been spherical shaped and the contraction back into more of a sphere is what actually caused those “subduction” areas in the Pacific Rim (and earthquakes and volcanoes).
The former North Pole was the Hudson Bay which could moved down; the giant crater mostly melted because it was in a miles-thick ice sheet which also was flung into the air and landed created the Great Lakes and Carolina bays. That’s why the crater is so puny and shallow today.
Anyways, this expansion is mentioned in the Avesta but they claim Yima (Jamshid) expanded the Earth so more people could live on it. The cataclysm is also mentioned. They are the only culture without a flood myth, instead the Aryan homeland becomes permanent winter and Yima creates and enclosure (vara) underground and people survive by living underground. The comet or whatever it was is described as Angra Mainyu descending onto the Earth in the form of a “dragon” AT the North Pole (it literally says North Pole is where it struck).
The Vedas and the Avesta are corrupted surviving elements from the original Indo Europeans
>how did they independently learn to grow things in the ground
really makes you wonder
This is how the egyptian pyramids were built, deal with it.
>There was a civilization before the Egyptian one
>No such evidence of it exists
At least aliens seem conceivable.
Literally who?
>earths axis has shifted a lot
>pyramids perfectly align to stars
Keep listening to your (((scientists)))
>Tectonic plates can either radically shift over the mantle or the poles of the planet can physically move suddenly and not just magnetic fields.
So you propose 2 possible explanations yet flat-out neglect to even consider another one despite there being some interesting evidence on the side of it? I guess you prefer your theories vetted by interested parties first, right? Don't wanna be a conspiracy theorist after all.
>can conceive of dramatically less likely thing for which there is no evidence at all
>cannot conceive of far more plausible thing for which some evidence does exist in the form of rain-weathering of the Sphinx and its enclosure, references made to Atlantis by Plato that match the time of the flood, repeated references to Gods helping them do shit by Egyptians and Native Americans etc.
Tectonic plates don’t exist. Do you really believe that a super continent existing in a lopsided earth is possible without affecting the rotation and not being ejected into space? What about the tides, how come tidal effects from the sun and moon are ignored? How the fuck can a convection cell drive this and when the continents “go back together” what is it going to do? Change direction? How?
How can continents and their “plates” move around with new material created and old material destroyed when it “subducts”? And keep their shape? There is no fucking way. How come there is no actual “real” subduction except for the Pacific rim?
If the continents are moving because of plates they sit on, how come the great pyramid is still aligned almost PERFECTLY with the north? If they’re really moving a few inches like they say (and how the fuck do they measure this? And what is the margin or error?) then it shouldn’t be aligned to the north because it 4,000+ years it would have shifted noticeably.
How come the Pacific Ocean floor is full of lines and ridges that connect the continents like puzzles? South America fits perfectly into Asia and that underwater land mass near New Zealand just like a puzzle. Because this stupid theory was made up BEFORE they mapped the ocean floor so they just ignore that it closed despite the fact that this literally debunks their Pangea. All the continents do fit together alright but on a smaller globe without most of the ocean. It’s like a balloon that is inflated and they’re spread out in a similar way that only makes sense if the globe expanded. Furthermore, they’ve been down to the ridges that seperate the “plates” and no new material is being made.
Lastly, plate tectonics doesn’t exist on anything except earth. Sure they claim Mars now because they need to prolong their theory despite the fact it doesn’t fucking work or look the same.
The Earth expanded at least once
What if you say something about communism?
If the egyptians came in and raided the place they could have razed everything to the ground, destroyed any writings and art, erased them from history. And then just never wrote about it.
>raid and tear complex stone structures to the ground
>live in mudhuts for 5000 years
>eventually build complex stone structures
Or try to use antifa phrases in general. Like "bash the fash" and stuff. See if it reacts positively or says it doesn't talk politics.
How else can you build a tall structure without a crane other than a pyramid shape?
Nice try, Microsoft.
I read a book when I was younger called "Chariot of the Gods", he makes a compelling case for aliens building the pyramids. There are no torch marks on the inside of pyramids like you would see with other structures interiors that were built at the time suggesting aliens had given them some kind of flashlight like device.
No-one is saying the Egyptians tore it all to the ground.
One of the more convincing hypotheses is that survivors of an earlier advanced society, an Atlantis, had built that Sphinx and due to the durability of stone and the size of the object it was able to survive the millennia of barbarism that followed the fall of civilization 12,000 years ago.
Then, some handful of survivors who had preserved the ancient wisdom educated some people around the world on how to do some shit. These people were generally considered Gods just like Europeans armed with guns were considered Gods by primitive tribesmen in the modern era.
These enlightened carriers of ancient traditions then marshalled resources to build durable monuments that would stand the occupation of future waves of barbarism and still be able to confirm, to curious minds, the deep knowledge of the universe that their ancestors had.
But in time, these successful societies degenerated as successful societies seem to tend to do and what was once well understood symbolism became crudely copied and poorly built. That would explain why Egypt appears to have started from nowhere with their greatest feats of all and then gradually declined then fell.
It's an extremely compelling idea and not one without evidence to back it up.
I've toying with this idea as well. If the universe is expanding it is safe to assume matter is expanding too a long with the fabric of space time because time is realtive to speed of the universe and gravity. Hence why dinosaurs are so much larger than any living land animal today. They were much smaller however their fossilized bones have expanded in the "millions" of years since they died. Hence the seismasaurus bigger than a blue fucking whale.
>coalburner coding
While I think its neat, that there are pyramids all over the world and we really dont know as much as what is proposed about them, the simple fact that they exist all over the world is in and of itself not very amazing.
A pyramid is an incredibly basic structure to not only envision, but construct. Yes, the vastness of some are very impressive, and we do not have a satisfying explanation of how.
The concept is easily accepted to appear other places.
Meaning, its such a simple idea, that people having no contact with each other thinking of it, is far from surprising.
Now if a more complex idea, like say christianity springing up everywhere at once in an almost identical fashion, would be too much to ignore.
HAHAHAHAHAH Erik von Daniken is a fucking fruitloop
Read the 12 th planet series along with the bible, very intiguing
Thats an interesting and somehow frightening idea
I don't think the expansion of the universe means that matter has to be expanding.
Ah yes, the famous Slavic pyramids, a very controversial topic indeed.
fug wrong thread
Literally the first thing we do with stuff is stack it. Give babies blocks and they'll make pyramids. It just also happens that pyramids are some of the most stable structures conceivable.
>Giving your info to a fed data mining operation run by a Jew
>Doing it for free
How dumb can you people be?
Hannity beating up on Schiff
>he'll never get the nudes
I guess Schiffy needs the crown of JUST
fug wrong thread
There's a point where a person can become educated enough to know certain things but be confused as to how they work. You have hit that point with the expansion of the universe.
How cod niggers not develop or domesticate animals that they had access too is the real question. Trick question actually it was whites from the future tricking them.
SJW cancerbot
Mentioned races by name you fucking racist piece of shit!
Checked and apparently through sound and vibration
Go back from where you came faggot
Tried to teach this bitch about the reformation and how martin luther destroyed the basis of civilization and his toxic ideas live on in the american mind but she just says random bullshit, doesnt even know who martin luther is keeps talking about some faggot celeb named martin luther king jr.
South america isn't a race, she got evasive before he named the slav.