Well Sup Forums, what are you waiting for? How are you going to fight the race war without any fuckin training?
>Get paid to fuckin workout
>Get paid to fuckin shoot guns
>Kill fuckin Muslims, fuckin communists, or who knows fuck your own mother if the op calls for it!
>Why struggle through college as a virgin poorfag when you can come back as a ripped Chad with free tuition and flashbacks!
>In the fuckin Marines, we've got all you can eat fuckin crayons, slow fuckin promotions, and cool fuckin uniforms
>You don't get a lot of formal fuckin training to prepare you for a lot of fuckin jobs in the civilian world, but one thing the fuckin Marines does do is prepare the fuck outta you to be homeless as shit. But hey, at least you'll still be a fuckin Marine. Semper Fi, faggot
Why don't you join the fuckin Marines?
Other urls found in this thread:
add SPACE in front of marines, offer fitted battle armor and i'd be the first in line
>Try and join the US Marines
>I'm sorry sir your IQ is above 40
Would re enlist for Space Marines (Book not movie)
hello recruiter shill.
I can tell you're being sarcastic, but I'm not sure if you actually want people to join. Either way, I'd rather not risk my life in meaningless overseas conflicts. Same goes for any sort of civilian contractor work in a hot spot.
>becoming a zogbot
no thanks
>browses Sup Forums
>thinks he isn't in some dissident database and can just join
ur on a list m8
Because my dad was a marine and he told me how shitty it was. There are other branches of the military you can join.
I dont like the taste of crayons
muscles are required, intelligence nor essential
My ass rides in navy equipment
>The government cares I don't like niggers
Nobody does, as long as you're not a muslim or a (((white surpremicist))) they literally don't give a fuck
>Be a Marine
>Spend all day doing pointless busy work
>Forced to live the barracks life because pay is so bad
>being this desperate for recruits
neck yourself ZOG faggot
>Why don't you join the fuckin Marines?
because im not a stupid faggot
There's a business model in that concept.
Make armor the debt of the soldier so they must stay in battles to pay it off.
It's a debt I would proudly carry into war
>Be a Marine
>Get double the paycheck and live in town because you're smart enough to get a contract marriage
>Make 500-1500 a day doing the exact same shit for a private security company after you get out
Why is literally every Ukranian woman a prostitute, like even the ones who come over to study in our university's? I'm genuinely curious
>Smallest military branch that can barely afford functional weapons has enough money to pay recruiters to spend hours shilling on a mongolian basket weaving fourm where even if they found someone willing to join up odds are they would be in an entirely different part of the country and therefore of no use to the recruiter
>Forced to live the barracks life because pay is so bad
I know this is a shitty slide thread, and I won't bump it. But, I bought my first house as an e-3. It is nicer than the one I live in now, and provides me with rental income. I say nicer if you equate that with larger, I'm in a more practical home now on acreage with livestock thanks to the VA bill. Regardless of branch, just don't be a shit bag representing our country.
GI bill, my bad
so where are you getting your combat training then?
COD doesn't count
this, marines are the dumbest, most easily conforming mutts this country has to offer.
But didn't they used to also have the highest rejection rates for potential recruits? If you admitted to smiking pot once you would have to get a waiver at one point. Still not bumping the thread
>there is a shortage of Bowe Bergdahl's in the Marines
Been there and done that, faggot. The marines are so soy now you might as well join the girl scouts.
This, just join the airforce instead.
All branches are cucked
Sorry recruiter, but I prefer the smell of a nice leather seat cushion to Elmer's glue and Krylon.
I want to fight for america not israel and the jews.
meme marines ain't got dick on Army Infantry.
That's not a thing you faggot
They are both great, agreed army doesn't get enough love tho
Both are the pitbulls of the military
I leave for basic in 8 days. How is it?
What do you do when you get the order to go to the Middle East and risk your life fighting a war for Israel?
>get paid to die for Israel
Yeah no thanks
I tried to but I broke my wrist 3 years ago and I'm no longer qualified to join.
Funny because I actually know a lot of guys who went Marines to army infantry, none said flattering things
My mother was a Marine Veteran. My biological Father was a Marine Veteran. The man I eventually came to know as dad was a Marine Veteran. My godfather, you guessed it, USMC Veteran.
You know what they all told me growing up?
>Son now you know I love my Corp more than anything in the world and would never dream of having done something different
>But don't you go joining the Marines, pay attention in school and if you want to join the Military join the Air Force where they will hold your hand reading the entire manual for you like a storybook. In the Marines they will just shove the book in your hands and tell you to figure it out and get it done before 1400
That said the Airforce is too faggy for me, the Army too generic, and well let's not even talk about the Navy yeah? As far as I'm concerned my blood has been payed for for awhile. I want to spend my life actually earning money and leaving behind a perpetual estate.
I actually fucked a female marine one time.
Easiest lay of my life.
Ask me anything
I did army infantry. it mostly sucked but it was worth it. misery builds character.
>Getting free healthcare, college, and pick of the litter for job applications by 21 or ability to retire and start second career at 37-38 wouldn't set you up to earn money. Neither would interest free home loans for your estate
Military is what you make of it, faggot
You and everybody else in the barracks, there is a reason we call them Walking Matresses
Because the military is basically adult kindergarten for retards who can't get real jobs
>Destroyed ankles
>Trouble readjusting to civilian life
No thanks. I've seen what it does first hand. God bless those that do it but unless a real war breaks out, I'm good.
Im well aware.
I just hope I never get charged with treason sor inadvertantly giving her entire platoon syphalus.
The most you cubicle drones could ever hope to accomplish is making a shitty, forgotten in 2 week video game, or some cubicle work for YOUR jew masters.
Why did you do it? WM's are the lowest hanging fruit my friend.
US military needs service members like boomers need new social security contributors.
>all volunteer armed forces
they improved the GI Bill, dropped don't ask dont tell, allowed women in combat roles, and now trans faggots to do what, strengthen the military?
there are quotas that need to be met. if the numbers ever drop too low you can bet there will be a full on draft of military age men and women. the same that pay for the military's budget every year with Vapor Money set the quotas. why shouldn't they? they paid for it!
>go die for Israel, goyim!
Domestic terrorism
Alright how do I sign up?
College is gay and I want to do something badass.
To be fair, that was all under Kang nigger and Emperor Trump is doing his best to reverse all of that
>welfare queen memes
top lmao
it's not his military to command any more than it was the presidents' before him. The 'president' is a corporate position (VP, Treasury Secretary) in an office run by private owners and decision makers. Trump wont be emperor forever.
Thats not the armour in the book don't trigger my autism.
>Be US Marine officer from 2006-2016
>Be Jewish
>Come on Sup Forums and see people wanting to join so they can "kill the Jews" in their great "race war."
You do realize the Marines are integrated and that you will undoubtedly fight beside and rely on Blacks, Hispanics, and yes.... even Jews.
This board was so much more intelligent in 2011. What happened?
Enjoy your kike war in whatever country the Jews decide you need to die in!
>Get paid to die in kike wars for money and oil instead of blood and soil.
There is nothing honorable in doing this.
Just to learn skills, not to fight non sense war's, usually against other whites.
I wouldn't join the marines because my IQ is higher than my shoe size.
Start "neighbourhood / community watch" schemes with locals. Network with other like-minded men who don't trust the police to protect communities. Forge a strong bond with these men. Network outwards to other grassroots community watch programs. Spreading the word beforehand to start new branches elsewhere first of course.
This will instill a sense of brotherhood within the most proud and respectable members of society who will ultimately be supported by the rest of their communities for sacrificing their time, energy, and safety for the sake of the community.
Take it seriously, get to the gym, work out from home, get fit, take up MMA. Learn squad tactics. Train yourselves similarly to how the police train themselves.
Then you have the beginnings of a standing army, and we go from there.
>i knew a bunch of lame asses who actually thought the grass was greener on the other side
The big green dick spares no one.
Achilles Tendinitis and back spasms, insomnia
Link to best depictions of the book armor?
Yeah but he gave us Mad Dog Mattis as Sex Def
Yah, die for Israel, goym. That's so cool!
>>Kill fuckin Muslims
My friend is a part of the Marines, and you guys have drills all the time in UAE. If anything, you suck the dicks of Muslims, especially the GCC ones. Get real, faggot.
>you will undoubtedly fight beside and rely on Blacks, Hispanics, and yes.... even Jews.
And Sunni Muslims. The USA is on the side of Saudi Arabia (9/11 perpetrators), United Arab Emirates, and other Gulf Cooperation Council members. The idea that USA is at "War with Islam" is retarded... though it would be cool if it were true.
>Training locals in an area of the world to kill your enemies makes you a dick sucker to the people you are training them to kill
>Become a soldier
>want to defend your country and its own borders
>get sent to middle east to die for israel and saudi oil
Fuck off I already did.
First of all, everybody knows that the infantry is nearly entirely white as niggers are the laziest people in the military and almost always flock to the non combat arms jobs. Secondly if you join the Marines to be anything except for infantry you're basically navy and should kill yourself.
user, you are allies with Muslims. In fact, your allies, House of Saud, were the perpetrators of 9/11. You are not at war with Islam.
Fuck up your legs/knees for life or die for Israel. Sounds good sign me up.
You just hate communists because they run the Army.
Re-enlist faggot
ITT: what is sarcasm? what is reading the whole post before jizzing my retard comment?
Everyone is a slave to the system. At least after the service you’ll be able to kill effortlessly when shit hits the fan.
i hear they treat you like shit. theres probably a huge suicide rate that are written off as KIA. stories of dudes just fuckin ending it because of the atmosphere and pecking order and rape cases.
tbqh all of the guys I knew who ate guns after the service were fucking alcoholic losers who probably would have committed suicide for some other reason
Because I don't like the taste of crayons so I joined the Navy instead (also I like traps)
Checks out
Basic is going to suck because basic is meant to suck. Just keep calm when they're screaming at you, pay attention, do whatever you're told, and then it's over before you know it.
Basically, don't be a spaz or a fuck-up and you'll be fine.
I'll join the military as soon as we start fighting for our own interests an not for isreal's
No you won't faggot, that's just a convenient excuse for you to be a pussy. Also jews have run the world since like Pope Urban, quit acting like this is something new
Everybody I know that was In the Marines became a serious Kool-aid drinker.
Learning small squad tactics would be nice but I don't need rock scrubbing in my life.
because you sent people to die who you don't like within your own ranks
gl getting shot at for yidsrael
State military is a glorified work for welfare program, 90% of jobs are redundant and the other 10% are overstaffed. Go private sector and get paid a hell of a lot better to actually get shit done or don't even bother.
And don't think your latrine digging experience will help you get a job as a contractor, the only non-graduates they hire on the basis of military experience are legitimate operators, which you're not going to be. Get a degree in Security or CT instead.
Because I don't want to die fighting some crooked politicians war.
You idiots really need some new talking points, and fyi literally nobody believes that cowardly excuse, not even you I think. Also:
>Israel has literally never fought alongside us in a war
>The Iraq war was pro Iran (Shiite) and nothing could have pissed off the yids more
I will not serve a state that is controlled by kikes
POGs are the welfare queens. If you are willing to take a bullet then you deserve tricare prime. Stop being a faggot and use the benefits to your advantage.
There's not any good evidence that he actually said that. It's most likely a bogus quote.
>They won't hire you unless you were an operator
I was just a grunt and I literally just got a job offer for $700/day with CCC, ex SF dudes make closer to 1500/day
>getting paid to run into a meat grinder for Israel
Cowardly Leaf will not go into battle without scifi armor from the distant future.
>military fags
>welfare queens
worse than gibs recipients cause you are actually doing israels bidding